Where do I start?
A lot has changed since I last posted, primarily dropping out of college (3rd time) and letting the ADD diagnosis sink in. Since I made the decision to stop struggling academically I've felt lighter, like a proverbial weight has been lifted off my shoulders. That academic burden no longer cripples me, and I've worked through a lot of emotions to cement that fact. Emotions such as pride and shame but also grief made it difficult to stay away from PMO, and while I've known meditation techniques can replace the emotional coping it's been tough as shit to employ those. I'm in cognitive behavioral therapy since a month ago, which has helped further expose my vulnerabilities such as a lack of planning (and consequently a lack of structure) that contribute to stress. In combination with methylphenidate medication and a lack of academic pressure it's been far easier to commit to and enjoy daily activities. I've experienced a lack of urges but found myself engaging in PMO regardless, further cementing the idea that it's a coping mechanism that no longer serves me. Surely, being unemployed and job hunting brings distress, but I no longer feel as hopeless and unmotivated as I did a year ago. Despite being 24 and having no (future) degree or marketable skills, I feel far more capable to the point I could get myself to sit down to type this out. Accepting my inability to study academically at this stage has given me relief and a measure of catharsis. Accepting my inherent disadvantage to addictive substances and behaviors has also given me hope.
That aside, I heard about "urge surfing" instead of resisting urges. Apparently, resisting urges increases the intensity of the urges, which will always leave you worse off. Exercising patience and taking time to observe the when & why will naturallly make the urges decrease. It may sound like positively reframing resistance, but it certainly didn't feel that way when I tried it.
In addition, a lack of purpose or meaningfulness in life contributes most to PMO. I'm doing poorly in that department, especially since my future plans (which hinged on academic success) have disappeared. I imagine that the more applications I run through, the clearer my future will be. I already receive great satisfaction from two hobbies I commit to, which motivate me to reflect and act to prevent interference.
I just really want to train my conscientiousness enough to always keep the risk of PMO in sight. I've slipped enough to feel its adverse effects on my sleep hygene, attention span, being social... and I worry about my sexual abilities, preferences, and sensitivity for the future.
If you're interested about where I heard about 'urge surfing' and 'lack of purpose' send me a PM.
As always, I hope to post more.
Day one gang