Day 36 of my better life
I´m trying to focus more on healthy extra´s in my life, to fill in the voids that were created when stopping pmo.
Yesterdad I did some yoga/stretching techniques. They remove tension from the body.
This morning I took a good, long cold shower. My body is getting used to them and I can feel my body heat up when I start the shower. After some minutes, I start to feel the symptoms of my body getting colder and then I stop. It helps with stress.
I meditate now and am grateful for my progress, how my pied is getting destroyed, how I focus on building a future. As I listened to motivational videos, I noticed that they were right about how many people let life decide for them what will happen. Something happens and then you are forced to make a decision. Maybe it is better for us to meditate more about our future, to think about the possibilities that lie in the future so that you can create a path in the direction you want. And for those who are unsure which way to go, ...also reboot, meditate and think deeply about what will make you a happier, healthier person. Only after months of reboot cycles and slowly healing, I was reminded that before I was exposed to pmo, I was a very active, happy child. Pmo numbed me so much, that I started believing I was a different person. People would see me as ´the guy with no backbone´, ´the guy with no ambition´,... It hurted me but I would run back to pmo for comfort. The hate I now have towards pmo, the lies of fake comfort they promised, fuels me to restore my older self, my inner child that was still social, active, happy.
I can also start to see other men around me who make awkward reactions and I can feel how it is caused by p addiction. I feel pity for them. Even with family and friends, I now see social situations and think "c´mon man, you´re disrespectful to women, you should really stop pmo because I can see how it causes you to do or say these weird, unnatural things".
Enough for today, haha. Have a great reboot, everyone.