My Journey


Well-Known Member
I salute your bravery, newday. Being proactive about this must have taken real guts. I hope that you're benefiting from that today, and you can continue to make progress.... inch by inch if necessary.


Huge thanks to you who have responded here.

Gracie...the podcast was a God-send. I downloaded the book...and told my wife about it this morning.
She and I are going to go through it together. I totally agree with what was communicated in the podcast. It is exactly what we need right now. Thank you.

one day at a time...still moving ahead.
Thank you.

aka NGU


Staff member
New day,

Glad it helped.  I thought it was outstanding.  We were very moved when we listened to it.  It helped me understand him in a way I had not.  It helped him see that the why and how for me (not boobs etc.)  was important to me.  We are more connected!


Hello world.

Feels like a brand new start.

This past October, my father passed away. Losing a father has a way of stripping away everything on the surface...getting down to the bare parts.

I started attending a local SAA group....face to face wtih real people. It was one of the best things I have done.

I am 37 days free from any kind of p or m or anything that would draw me back.
My wife is still with me.
I have clarity.
I just re-read some of my past posts....and was reminded of the sickening state of things.

I only recently told my wife about this site....and decided to revisit.
I am thankful for this site and the men here who are making the choice to walk toward health.

I'll be back again soon.



Active Member
Hey newday, Great to hear that you feel brand new! Great to hear that SAA helps you a lot. I'm walking with you.



i've been considering joining SAA, but have been hesitant.  how many members there are willing too admit that porn & masturbation is a problem.  i've always envisioned that if i open with that, people there will belittle my problem & mock my shortcomings.  just curious, since PMO addiction is not in the mainstream thought process.

thoughts?  i'm 26 by the way, & stopping by. 

thank you for your input!


Hi Newday....those who are in an SAA group are there because they recognize they have a problem, that their life has become unmanageable, and that they need to stop. So, you will be in the right place among the right people.

I thought of a million excuses for not going for quite a while before I finally looked up the location and times of meetings near me. But, I finally went, and I am so glad I did.

What the SA or SAA group brings you is real people....real faces of real people who are getting honest and who are finding ways to connect with other real people. They are finding out how to leave the fantasy, make-believe behind.

I hope you will take and step and go. It will be a huge help.




I'm still on the journey, and still in the fight.

Today, however, I am 1 day free from p/m.

I hope to be here more frequently again.



Checking in I am 30 days completely free of p&m.

I have been attending SAA, and recently committed myself to staying "out of my head" - meaning, I used to keep this running monologue in my head...and always staying right there. It was "safer" for me to just keep it all inside my head....hiding out, basically.

In the past 30 days, I have stopped censoring all my thoughts...and I just say it now. I can't believe how much happier I have been. It's been risky as times, but what I have found is that more often than not, other people have had the same thoughts, and have been relieved to find out that they were not alone. In the process, I also found out that I wasn't alone in what I was thinking.

It's been a way better way for me to live.

For what it's worth, I have been reading Joseph Nicolosi's "Healing of Homosexuality." It's an incredibly good book. I'm so thankful I found it.

until next time.



Respected Member
I am so impressed with your thought process. I believe that it is easy to get caught up In ?your head?. That was what was happening to me. I worried about the number of days, if I fantasized about this or that, spent so much time trying not to think about women sexual that they we constantly in my thoughts.

Now I try to think about my life and who I want to become.

Whoever that is, I?m better without porn. The fantasy?s were intense but they come at a great price. A price not worth the reward. I used pmo as an escape. Now I am staying busy trying to be me.
