FlyPhoenix Journal


Active Member
Wow, that's really awesome man. I think, after all these (emotionally) debilitating relapses I've experience over the past 12 months, I need to go even further and ask myself where my program can be improved, even before the relapse happens.

Even if I am working an intensive program, I believe that something could always be tweaked to improve effectiveness, not just to heal from porn addiction, but to also to grow spiritually.

Sitting in a meeting last night I heard the most powerful message about the "The Often Underestimated Power of Consistency". While the speaker spoke about consistency in doing the things that lead to success in various areas of our lives, I think it goes deeper again.

I think it's about being consistent in how we respond to our feelings and to upsetting events, about being consistent in our thoughts and consistent in how we treat ourselves and others.

It has been a hard lesson for me to learn, but I do my best to stay humble enough to listen when people point out my inconsistencies.

Have a great week!


Active Member
Making some progress in my various relationship, have a bit of resentment towards the woman who sits next to me, our new divisional head; she eats at her desk, things like boiled eggs, but she's been recently told about it. Also, she tends to touch me, which I don't mind, but it seems inauthentic and manipulative.

I think this is something to do a step 4 on and I'll pray for her, lol!

Another resentment is a strange one, when people write an email and copy me in, I always check where my name is and if it's first I get big ego boost, but if it's last I feel inadequate, insecure and resentful. I suppose it's the fear of seeming insignificant.


lol, I think a lot of people check the name order in the cc list.  Yeah, it sucks to be last!  But I think we read into it too much and sometimes when I'm the sender I just mix it up to make it seem more random.  I wish there was a way to alphabetize the name order automatically. 

But eating hard boilded eggs in the office is definitely gross.  Reminds me of that episode of the Office where Dwight eats hard boiled eggs to make pregnant Pam sick and then turns into everyone getting violently ill...

But prayer is a good start.  Then sneak a filipino balut style egg in there, she'll never be the same again.


Active Member
Eeeeeeeew! I even googled that, not cool bud, hahaha! I might just consider that, lol!

I've been dealing with some anxiety, doing presentations and big event with clients. I need to find a better way to respond to these situations, watching my thoughts closely today..

Also, getting closer to Ruby, she's great, a loving soul and very thoughtful, understands my problem and contributing in her own way. But I must do the rights things in my mind, work, recovery and life.

I need to take initiative and lead with courage, I feel good about life.

Yeah, sending emails can get quite touchy, but I hear you man. Trying to keep positive thoughts about everything.



Active Member
The worst thing about euphoric recall is that we only remember the pleasurable parts of our addiction and how effective it was in numbing us from all the madness.

I was driving and a song came on that I remember playing while I was driving with one particular prostitute I used to frequent and I started to feel arousal.

I struggled to remember the hell I'd been living at the time plus the pain afterwards, the great loneliness.

Later I remember the sex inventory and the selfishness I'd exhibited in the acting out. I now think of the all the other things I should have done instead and starting to be healed as I realise I am doing those things and am able to be more able to carry on a more healthy relationship.

I'm grateful for my family, my girl, my health, my career, my recovery, sobriety, God, my friends in and out of recovery, my car, a roof over my head, food to eat, a bit of money to buy stuff I want, a mind to enjoy all of life and all my emotions, the goods ones and the less comfortable ones.


"Euphoric recall." I hadn't heard that until now. I'm going to remember that the next time I start imagining that it'll be just like old times, when the truth is that the old times were not good.

Thanks FlyPhoenix.


Active Member
Thanks for sharing your gratitude FlyPheonix. It's reminded me of what I have to be grateful for. Keep coming back.


Active Member
Thanks guys, I spent time with my girl today. At times I felt some fear but her loving spirit is so soothing and uplifting, she is a thoughtful and tender person, bubbly and courageous.

e are still in the beginning phase of our relationship so we are still quite giddy about each other, grinning like a couple of school kids. But we are really happy to have found each other.

We've agreed to take it reeeeeeeeeally slow, one day at a time, but it feels like the emotions are rushing at light speed.

I sometimes fear about whether I'll be able to take care of her, but I force myself to snap out of it and remember to surrender the future, my own future and the future of this relationship, to hand it over to God.

Although I've got strong feelings for I strive to look at this through what I feel God would want for me and her, and it seems to be working so far.


Active Member
I've had some difficulty at work in terms presenting to clients, speaking up in meetings and taking instructions/orders from superiors, especially from women.

But it's getting better as I do the fear prayer and I remember to have a spirit of service, what can I do to be helpful. I suppose it's my ego that is driving all this and I just need to be conscious of the selfishness in me and lay it in the hands of my higher power..


Active Member
Great article from 10 Keys to Breaking Pornography Addiction

Key 08: No Religion Has a Monopoly on Recovery

If your faith is the One True Faith, don?t you think your God still loves me as much as he loves you, and that he wants to help me recover as much as he wants you to recover?

This is not to criticize anyone?s devotion to their faith. I am extremely committed to my own faith traditions. However, I have seen that people of other faiths actually do get sober from this drug. And they do it practicing their own faith traditions. I have seen agnostics and atheists live soberly too.

Which faith traditions they practice doesn?t necessarily seem to make the difference. However, their personal values, whether religious or humanistic, can make a difference in their resolve and commitment to recovery.

I once heard an evangelical minister who for more than twenty years has been a leader in the fight against the pornography industry say that the faith group that had been the most devoted and engaged in warning its people against pornography were the Mormons. Evangelicals and Mormons are not known as the most compatible groups as I understand it.

But he went on and on about what a remarkable job the Mormons were doing in this regard. I would add that I think the evangelical Christians and many other faiths have also been committed in this regard. I have also known Muslim imams who have been equally committed to helping people live free of pornography.

You see, once one commits to engage God in their recovery process (or as the 12 Step groups say, a ?Higher Power,?), something happens. He begins to feel a sense of worth and confidence that transcends his guilt and misery, and raises him out of despair. He becomes humble enough to seek for help outside himself, and he learns to rely on others, and to serve others, and to concentrate every day a little bit more on recovery.

For agnostics and atheists, identifying that Higher Power can be a bit more challenging ? I once had a 12-step sponsor tell me that for a while his chair was his higher power because the chair was being useful, and was therefore better and more powerful than him. But many friends who do not believe in a divine being find their higher power in the potential of man to rise above his own selfishness and look to ethical law and human idealism for guidance.

I would like to share a story that is extremely personal, and reflective of my own faith as a Christian. Forgive me if you are uncomfortable with that, but I hope the story?s point can be instructive to you.

When I was in my early twenties (before the Internet came along), I discovered a new form of pornography that was so exciting to me and such a rush that I immediately tumbled into a pit of acting out. Every other day I would act out in this way. It was a horrible time for me. I was living in a beautiful, northern part of the United States, but all I could sense was the darkness and despair of my behaviour. One day I took a short drive and hiked up a mountain overlooking a waterfall. I sat alone on a rock, trying to sort out my life. I may have been praying, but I don?t remember actually praying. What I do remember, however, is that as I sat there a very clear impression came into my head as if a voice was whispering to me, and it said, ?Just remember, even Christ had help carrying his cross.?

I was stunned by that thought. I remembered the story of Jesus who I considered the Saviour of the World as he was marched to Calvary carrying his heavy cross. Apparently, it looked like he might not make it. So the Roman soldiers compelled a Cyrenian named Simon to carry Christ?s cross for him.
Those words in my head continued to echo. ?Just remember, even Christ had help carrying his cross.? I suddenly realized that I was involved in something so serious and so powerful that I couldn?t do it alone. I couldn?t just will myself into sobriety. This was more than a bad habit, it was an addiction, and for the time being my choices were limited. I needed help, and until I got help I was not going to recover.

So, whatever your faith tradition might be, find your source of strength. My goal is not to convert people to my faith tradition. However, I believe that my God is everybody?s God, and that he wants all of his children to recover and find the happiness that comes from living without pornography, regardless of what their personal religious beliefs might be.



I'm not religious, but I appreciate the image that even Jesus needed a hand to make his ultimate sacrifice. The ideal martyr has always seemed to me like someone who carries the whole load, all alone. But, if even the man who was supposed to take on it all himself needed help, it changes that image, and makes asking for help a little easier for someone like me. I like that. Thanks for the post today.


Active Member
Afb7 said:
I'm not religious, but I appreciate the image that even Jesus needed a hand to make his ultimate sacrifice. The ideal martyr has always seemed to me like someone who carries the whole load, all alone. But, if even the man who was supposed to take on it all himself needed help, it changes that image, and makes asking for help a little easier for someone like me. I like that. Thanks for the post today.

That's a beautiful insight man. I have recently rediscovered Christianity in my life, but unlike my previous self-righteousness religiosity my walk is now founded on spirituality, on the premise that I am flawed and will never be perfect, hence I need to continue to seek assistance from others.

The bottom line is that the best human beings are those who can ask for help and help others, religious or not.


Active Member
This hit my mailbox today

April 23

A God of our own understanding

?Many of us understand God to be simply whatever force keeps us clean.?

Basic Text, p. 25


Some of us enter recovery with a working understanding of a Higher Power.  For a lot of us, however, ?God? is a troublesome word.  We may doubt the existence of any sort of Power greater than ourselves.  Or we may remember uncomfortable experiences with religion and shy away from ?the God stuff.?

Starting over in recovery means we can start over in our spiritual life, too.  If we?re not comfortable with what we learned when we were growing up, we can try a different approach to our spirituality.  We don?t have to understand everything all at once or find the answers to all our questions right away.  Sometimes it?s enough just to know that other members believe and that their belief helps keep them clean.


Just for today: All I have to know right now about my Higher Power is that it is the Power that helps keep me clean.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing that. I have found that believing in some power greater than myself helps me. Whether there is one or not is irrelevant as far as that goes. Same way with prayer. For me, prayer works whether there is a higher power or not.
Also, Johnny Cash recorded a song called A Power Much Higher than I. Well worth the time it takes to look it up and listen.



Great to see you here.

I have created a Facebook self help group for people fighting pmo addiction like us.

the BIGGEST BENEFIT is - through fb we can have constant supply of motivation. Just like Alcohol annonymous group where people keep on posting 24X7 and they keep motivated.

Won't it be wondeful that every time we check our phone and we see a new tip or suggestion on our cell or laptop!!!
FB group will be 24X7 with us.

BIGGEST FLAW about FORUM is we keep forgetting to come back again.

Am not saying you leave this form. But let's have another weapon in our arsenal.

so if you like this proposal please join the group and share your posts with your friends here.

here is the link for FB group:

P.S 1 - it's a secret group. so no privacy is harmed. Still you want to be discreet you can log in with a fake id.

P.S 2 - I created this group today only. So don't think there are no members. Slowly we can build it up. So help me in that also.


Active Member
I have been hesitant to share this current situation on here because I think most guys here are looking to reboot so they can go out and enjoy sex as fast as they can.

Also, it seems very few guys on here share my faith in God, but I remind myself that this is my journal and while most will be turned off, there will be one who might find value in this.

As I have been gaining more "clean" time from PMO I find my libido is returning and my arousal is no longer for deviant material such as porn. Mainly I get aroused when thinking of my girl, when I think of a touch we shared several days ago and her voice, her love for me and the thought of making love to her.

This is a great blessing and every day I say thanks to God for bringing such a wonderful woman into my life.

But this is also quite scary because we have agreed not to engage in sex until we are married. we are both devoted to our walk with God and attend the same place of worship.

This is putting me in a difficult position because I want to make love to her but I don't want to break my faith vow. Also, it's scary because I feel like this will create a pressure that could lead me to acting out sexually using porn, masturbation and even prostitutes, and ultimately the drugs, as is my history.

I just pray that I will have the strength to resist the urge, to continue to strengthen my recovery. I don't even think I have any business trying to have sex anytime soon. I must continue to seek counsel from our leaders in church, my sponsor, our families, reading relevant articles and books, but most of all praying to God that we do not fall into a trap.

As I continue to grow my connection to God, I know I will be uplifted and shown the way to walk and strengthened in ways I would not have thought. We, men, tend to allow our sexual drive to become "master" over us and our life decision, but if we learn to gain control over this most vital and fundamental life energy I believe we can harness our power in more creative and effective ways.

Anyways, that's the situation for today, and I'll provide updates if I relapse, succeed or change my mind. The only thing I can commit to now is to put this whole situation in God's hands.


Well-Known Member
Hey FlyPhoenix, just wanted to say what a good problem/situation you have. So much better than what we get in to with sex, drugs, and alcohol. But I know that it is anything but easy.
  Everything in your post seems to show you know where you stand and where you can fall so I think you're going great. And please do keep us posted :) Good luck