Rock Bottom

Lost Druid

Fuck you darkness. Fuck you despair. Fuck you weakness. I have control over me not fucking you. Somewhere along the line you turned off my heart. Well guess fucking what I have turned it back on and I be damned if I'm gonna let you anywhere near it.

Lost Druid

The woman I loved and betrayed and I are trying something new. I have taken my Forum name as my true name. And we are treating each other as friends just getting to know each other. I plan to make this change legally when I have the funds too... I asked my friend last night what she sees when she looks at me. Her response quited my demons and restored my revolve. I'm feeling a little selifish right now and want to keep these words to myself. I'm sorry I have shared everything so far but this is mine. I am strong. I am fierce.

It's time to exercise these demons, these mother fuckers doing Jumping Jacks now

Lost Druid

Long day at work full of mixed emotions... Everything is too loud, too bright, and too real... I'm not use to this. This is the world I live in however and I will endure.

Lost Druid

I am free.
I don't need that fix.
I am free.
I control my mind.
I am free.
I reject your comfort.
I am free.
I decide what is good.
I am free.
I for the first time in a long time feel.
I am free.
I cherish my freedom.

Lost Druid

I'm still alive. I'm still clean. I'm stronger than the urge to go numb. Feelings are a good... Painful but good. I hope one day she can look at me and not see Josh... only Leahm remains and I know that's gonna take time. I'm taking another step in about 2 hours. I'm calling my ex wife " the first wife " to come clean about the things we never talked about. I'm going to apologize and hope that she can forgive me, it might make it a little easier to forgive myself.

Bango Skank

Active Member
Funny I feel similar after 5 days, dull and detached. No cravings, no arousal, nothing. I expected to be bouncing off the walls about now, not flatlining.

Anyway, hope your phone call is a productive one...

Lost Druid

Thanks Bango. Actually went really well at least in my eyes. She let go of the past a long time ago so I can now too. I don't pretend that is gonna fix my problems but I feel a certain level of peace.

Lost Druid

My support group is growing by small degrees yet despite who hard I try the one person I really want standing with me lis having a hard time seeing me as Leahm. I know its new, and a huge change... and Josh hurt her baddly... I barely know her but I feel a closeness with her that has nothing to do with wanting to be with her. All I know is I want to count this woman as a friend. I talk to the Goddess every night now I think healing for Raven will one of the things I ask her for. Before I started my recovery I only thought about myself, continuing that during my recovery would be counter productive. After I ask for strength I think I'm gonna ask for light and blessing for those who are supporting me with this. I didn't have planned out what I was gonna say when I started writing its sort of just poring out of me. Well its late and I need some sleep before I face work tomorrow. Wish me luck brother/sisters.

Lost Druid

Just wrote a letter to the person I use to be. I don't have the energy left to post it now. Tomorrow I'll do it. I need sleep. It felt good.

Lost Druid

Time to name my blessings.

Brandon - my oldest friend, my brother if not in blood then in deed. Anyone who will sit on the phone with you while you ball your eyes out at 3:30 am is worthy of a title better than friend.

Momo - You barely know me but you took time to listen without judging me. You offered me advice and support and showed me kindness that was not required. Thank you.

Amanda - I didn't expect much from you when I called you to talk about some of the things we never talked about. You surprised me by opening your heart. Telling me you let go of the past and were willing to be my friend. Thank you.

Raven - You as much as anyone on this list deserve my thanks. You woke me up to my problem. You gave me everything and I pushed it till it broke. I see now that I had it all and I was careless to let it fall... I am very sorry for your hurt. Yet still you are there for me, I can only imagine how hard it is for you but you stick with it. You have been more than I ever could have hoped for. Thank you.

Lost Druid

Been lots of us and downs. Haven't slept in days. Still haven't broken and don't plan to. Promise to get back to regular posts asap

Bango Skank

Active Member
With you all the way dude. Shows a lot of strength to open up to those you care about. I ain't told nobody yet. Although my Mrs knows something is different about me.
Strength and courage like that will get you through, I have no doubt.

Lost Druid

Yeah man I didn't know what I was losing until I lost something huge. I wish I could take it all back I wish I could make the pain I caused go away... but I can't. I caused this. Yes porn is the problem but my choices are the cause. I spent last night with my kids that live with my first wife. As I said before I am still in shock that she is being supportive with this but very greatful that she is. I'm sure it's gonna cause all kinds of rumors and bullshit."he sayed with his ex wife..." But fuck um. I know the truth of the matter and so dose she. At one time she was my best and closest friend. We are far from those days now but as we talked and jokes I could almost feel that bond again. As with all the people I've hurt or pushed away I know its gonna take time to build up the trust again. I will not fail in this.

Lost Druid

Been a down day today. Been focusing to much on what I've lost and not enough of what I might gain. My support group allbhave their own lives to live and I can expect them to be there for me 24/7. Just feeling really lonely. Nothing to be done for it but to keep going.

Lost Druid

Got some things left unsaid, said. Moving forward not trusted but with open eyes upon me. As Richard Blane once said "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

Casablanca 1942

Lost Druid

I find myself thinking about what I've lost and where I am. I hate myself for what I lost, for the pain I've caused, for the woman I broke. But those choices are in my past, where they will remain. I can call the one I hurt most asside from myself of courses, a friend. If nothing else I am truly blessed to be able to do that. Even if nothing grows from our friendship I still intend to spend my life showing her, the others I've hurt, and myself that I am a better man then they have seen so far. For that to truely happen I must first forgive myself.

Lost Druid,

      I understand that everyone makes bad choices, you have made many. You have cost yourself, the future you had planned, and the woman you loved. You have pushed away friends and family, and missed out on being able to share g both joy and grief with others. You put yourself in a numb state and gave up on everything. Dispite all of that, I forgive you. Because you have chosen to stop your destructive behavior both to yourself and those around you, you have taken the first steps to becoming a real man. Someone who may one day even be trusted, someone who one day may even be loved. I forgive you because you are human, and we all make porlor choices. Move forward with your own pleasing. Be strong and take care of those you have neglected.