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  1. persian29

    this is the hardest thing ive done

    i just want everyone to know that this is the hardest thing ive ever done.
  2. persian29


    is having sex with your spouse considered a relapse? could someone explain me why or why not also please. thanks
  3. persian29


    have huge big time social anxiety, performance anxiety, and stage fright, excessive sweating and a whole bunch of other anxiety related issues like worrying too much, always tense and nervous. body shakes, cant pee in public around anyone.... most of the time im a wreck on the inside. i know...
  4. persian29

    the urge

    hey all. i just want to know how you all feel when the urge is pulling you to porn and what makes it so strong that alot of us give in. for me i can definitely feel a warm/somewhat tingly sensation in the front of my brain (maybe pfc) and i also just feel like a magnetic force pulls me to my...
  5. persian29


    ive been watching alot of tv lately since im not doing pmo. i watched all 5 breaking bad seasons on netflix in like 2 weeks. great show. but the reason why im posting this is because it kept my mind off going to my computer and doing something i wouldnt want to do. maybe ill try to find another...
  6. persian29


    hey all you guys out there. recently i have come across something that may be of some help to all of us that are trying to fight the urges of pmo. inositol. check it out. its a good relief for people with anxiety/depression also. only kicker is that you need to take alot of it for it to work...
  7. persian29

    not a bad read check out this article. little motivation for us all
  8. persian29


    i relapsed yesterday. woot...trying not to feel guilty about it. think positive :)
  9. persian29

    game to stop porn

    i found this cool private game thats alot of fun. i met a few girls on there too and they are really into me and i think tis nice to connect with a girl online instead of in real cause then i dont get focused on their bodies, really fun game tho. try it out with us
  10. persian29

    social anxiety

    have huge big time social anxiety, performance anxiety, and stage fright, excessive sweating and a whole bunch of other anxiety related issues like worrying too much, always tense and nervous. most of the time im a wreck on the inside. anyone have any material that related no pmo and any of the...
  11. persian29

    one thing that helps me

    hey all i saw a post on fb talking about the benefits of apple cider vineger and how it can help rebalance alot of things internally and i was a little skeptical about it at first but ive been just taking a shot of it in the morning and i feel like it has been helping control my urges...
  12. persian29

    motivation for nofap

    for all of you that decide you want to fap....remember that these are the men that women want you to be and fapping wont get you there!!! heres a little nostalgia...enjoy
  13. persian29

    nofap and gym gains

    anyone getting bigger at the gym when doin no fap. like do ur genes mutate and all of a sudden ur packin on pounds like the hulk??? :)
  14. persian29

    consuming semen

    anyone else here consume their own semen when they masterbate? ive heard its really health for u and doesnt really taste that why not? edit: save trees
  15. persian29


    ive noticed that when i masterbate that my mind tends to not think as much or as hard about anything anymore and is alot lazier. i tend to zone out all the time and just dont give a s!@# about contributing to any conversations or just cant really be witty or think on my feet. anyone else feel...
  16. persian29

    alcohol and nofap

    Recently, ive taken on the NoFap challenge and ive noticed since doing it ive become considerably irritable. For example, some of my friends that i normally joke around with have actually started getting on my nerves more than ever and instead of responding back with a witty joke to comeback at...
  17. persian29

    facial hair

    did any of u notice any increase in facial hair when you started nofap?
  18. persian29


    with the force of a supervolcano.. 3 times in a row i fail im such a failure
  19. persian29

    stage fright

    hello fellow rebooters, Some side effects I feel i have encountered as a result of fapping include: Stage fright performance anxiety fear of speaking in front of anyone or putting myself out there(first two pretty much cover it) excessive sweating in the above mentioned situations...
  20. persian29

    cant seem to make it past 20 days

    hey everyone i just joined this website because i feel like porn has been a big problem in my life. ive been using it since around 13-14 and yesterday i just hit my 25th birthday. I have pretty bad social anxiety. if i am talking in front of people or am put on the spot to perform in anyway even...