38 - Virgin - Depressed - PIED? PLEASE HELP ME!


Active Member
Simple as it may sound, I believe the answer to a lot of our problems here is to get as much distance from P and PMO as possible, in some case a complete abstinence from M is needed, no other short cuts. I read a meme that said "If we don't sacrifice for what we want, what we want will be the sacrifice."


Active Member

Yes, I haven't seen porn since June and Augustlast year - so that's only 2 PMO relapses since I began this journey at the start of 2017.

Unfortunately, I relapsed to MO straight after I completed my first ever hardmode following my 2nd relapse in August. This relapse set my progress further as there is less blood flow now and shrunk penis.

it seems that the problem is orgasming. In which case, what on earth will I do if I meet a woman??


Well-Known Member
DepressedAndOut said:

Yes, I haven't seen porn since June and Augustlast year - so that's only 2 PMO relapses since I began this journey at the start of 2017.

Unfortunately, I relapsed to MO straight after I completed my first ever hardmode following my 2nd relapse in August. This relapse set my progress further as there is less blood flow now and shrunk penis.

it seems that the problem is orgasming. In which case, what on earth will I do if I meet a woman??

Are you trying to say an orgasm put you into a flatline? Because that?s how I got my flatline.


Active Member
DepressedAndOut said:

Yes, I haven't seen porn since June and Augustlast year - so that's only 2 PMO relapses since I began this journey at the start of 2017.

Unfortunately, I relapsed to MO straight after I completed my first ever hardmode following my 2nd relapse in August. This relapse set my progress further as there is less blood flow now and shrunk penis.

it seems that the problem is orgasming. In which case, what on earth will I do if I meet a woman??

Hi DAO, first of all I wanna congratulate you for all those months without porn. It's really great news :)

Second I think one of your problems is your mental frame, in terms of what women and sex mean to you.

Addcits like myself tipically substitute personal relationships with a sick relationship with sex. And PM is a sick substitute of that too.

Look, you've been struggling for many years and I don't think that thinking about sex with women will help you right now: it sounds like it's something that causes you ansiety. And guess what ansiety does: it feeds the addiction, both to P and M.

I've taken much of these ideas from Patrick Carnes books. Have you read them?

If not, maybe you wanna get them from Amazon, they trully helped me to understand what was and is happening to me.

They're called: "Out of the Shadows" and "In the shadows of the net". Te first one is more generallistic and the second more specific.

Rome wasn't built in one day.

You're doing well.

Look at yourself in comparison of 6 months ago, 1 year or 2 years ago. It sounds that you're better, right?

Even if not, you've got the oportunity to improve yourself today, study the theory and apply the practice.

Come on man, if you want to, you can do it!

One day at a time, man :)


Active Member
Hey man,

I remember a couple of members mentioned a possible solution that has actually come up for recently - core identity.

Now, I have no way of knowing what the core identity you hold about yourself is, so you can take what I say here with a pinch of salt.

Recently, I a section in a book by Tony Robbins (Awaken the Giant Within) that talks about the concept of core identity and how it affects everything we think, say and do. For instance, a person whose identity is that of one who cares for others, when that identity is revealed to them explicitly (i.e. through discussion and probing), they might realise that they have not been acting in accordance with that in certain areas and radically change their lives.

Like, when a very overweight person who considers themselves a "healthy person" is made to realise that their eating and exercise habits are at odds with the identity they hold dear, they will not want to go against their core identity, and suddenly change their behaviour for good. It can also work in reverse; a person who suddenly starts seeing themselves as a "failure" due to one incident, regardless of a consistent track record of success in the past, will start to make unnecessary mistakes, stop taking care of themselves etc.. The end result will be failure.

For a long time, my identity of myself has been of "an addict" or "an alcoholic" or "a drug addict" or "sex addict". Only recently have I come to realise that, while this served me in my early recovery from substances, it might not serve me now. Now, while I will introduce myself as "an addict" or similar, in a 12 step meeting, internally I will reaffirm more strongly that I am "a leader", "a warrior", "a conqueror", "a teacher", "a father", "a provider" etc.. Just different positive affirmations I want to live up to.

The reason I go into such depth is that I realise now that words can radically change how we engage with the world and, in the long term, the results we experience in life. For instance, I might have $10, with a very strong, positive self-concept, that money will enrich my life much more than if I have $100 with a negative self-concept. In fact, with a negative self-concept that $100 could actually lead to my destruction, which it has in the past.

So, my suggestion is this:

1. Change your screen name.  The name "DepressedAndOut" almost guarantees that you will fail in this journey. It immediately puts you in a negative mind-set even before you start posting, and I'm sure it rarely lifts you up afterwards either.
2. Start a new journal with your new name, something more empowering and positive.
3. Post links to your new journal on this, your current journal, so the guys on here can follow your journey and be encouraging.
4. On your new journal, focus less on the negative impacts (eg ED, "penis size" etc..) and more on the positive steps you are taking and the positive results you are experiencing as a result, most importantly with a note of gratitude each time for this progress.

Now, of course you have a number of challenges, which aren't insignificant by any means. Of course, mention them, but only in passing for the benefit of someone who is new to your most recent post. There will be days when we should go ahead and rant, but we should quickly return to the laser-like focus on our success, the goal of being healthy and happy, whatever that might look like.

The point is not to gloss over our challenges as sex/porn addicts, but to encourage ourselves and each other and to share strategies, tools and plans of action for the victory over these. 



Active Member
So this morning  I relapsed to MO. However, this time I?m not sure about the effects of this orgasm For a number of reasons:

1. I didn?t touch my penis. I actually orgasmed while ?having sex with my duvet?! - rubbing my cock to it while being on top and grabbing both ends of the duvet and putting them in my mouth (to mimick the breasts). Basically I kept fucking the rolled up duvet and talking dirty to it. My brain was still half as sleep as this relapse happenend during those moment of weakness upon waking up and feeling like you need to orgasm.(still didn?t feel horney though!) unfortunately what happens happened.

2. When I ejaculated, I didn?t actually feel the pleasure. It was more enjoyable fucking the duvet pretending it to be a woman and talking dirty to it. Last night I went to a casino (I don?t gamble, just to see half naked girls really) to get used being around women, even though I didn?t speak to them.

Anyway, I?m really anxious whether this was a relapse or not. I?m considering it as a relapse as this is the worst case scenario, which means that I?m back to square one. I can?t seem to get a run of more than three months before relapsing to MO.

It just feels so hopeless.  :'( :'( :'(


Active Member
Also, my point for reason one above is that you can ?fool? your brain about the physical requirement of sex/relationships (ie cuddling). I mean by that, I once, upon waking up, felt really depressed and started crying. Few seconds later, I grabbed the spare pillow next to me and hugged it while still in bed, I almost instantly felt better! For the whole day I felt Fine getting on with my business.

This accidental ?discovery? reminded me about something that I came across during my psychology studies, which is the research by Harry Harlow in which he proved that, monkeys at least, primary source of comfort is the physical properties.(ie, hugging their mother). I believe this is why I felt better once I grabbed the pillow and hugged it. It basically ?fooled? my primitive brain.

I don?t remember if  Harlow?s work was necessarily applicable to humans, but it felt that way for me.

All I need now is a real person in my personal life!


Active Member
scorpion1386 said:
Are you physically able to be aroused by visual stimuli?


Before last night, no. But last night, while watching a beautiful dancer, I did get about 4 out of 10 erection strength.

However, I don?t remember if I was fantasying during my time looking at her or not. But I think most of the time I wasn?t.


Active Member
Something that?s happened right now has unsettled me greatly.

I logged in and saw a news story about Cambridge students having their short film banned as it?s resembled 50 shades of Grey. I looked at the image and unfortunately I felt a tremble that lasted 10-20 seconds (even when closing the news story straight away).

I?m now feeling sick that this might have the effects of a relapse in which, in my case, will reduce the blood flow even further. (Which would mean my erections will be reduced even weaker from 4/10 to under.)

Has anyone experienced this before??


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a trigger to me. That is, something that's not porn in itself but still triggers the same dopamine release as porn itself. If I'm absolutely honest, reading about that made some part of my brain think "ooh I should go and check that out" but then I've checked myself and I'm not going to do that.

Are you taking medication for your depression / anxiety? (If so - what and how much?)


Active Member

No, I?ve never been on medication as its side effects like weight gain would destroy my confidence even further.

My head is still feeling hot after that trigger and it feels like I?m entering a flat line again!! :'(

There seems like no way out of this. I?m feeling so sick and distraught right now.


Active Member
I honestly feel like killing myself now. I just can?t take a set back after a set back. It seems like I might never recover as triggers are all around us.

I just feel like I?ve had enough of this life and suffering. :'( :'( :'(


Well-Known Member
Hey, please don't do that. You have a bright future ahead of you. I think it would be worth talking to a GP about your situation - they might be able to suggest alternatives to medication e.g. counselling, CBT. Also it might be worth calling The Samaritans if you are feeling these feelings about yourself.

Finally - if you are interested in seeing whether faith can help you recover, then I can recommend some good local churches around the Cambridge area (are you based around there?) ... feel free to DM me.

You can do this - you've made so much progress. And there is so much more to you than whether you can get a strong erection or not. Don't let anyone (including yourself) convince you otherwise.


Active Member
Thanks for your help, but me and religion are done for good. It?s one of the reasons why I never experienced any girls.

I?ve already seen GP and psychotherapist for depression.


Well-Known Member
Do you think it might be worth going back to the GP? Having another crack at it?

And I'm going to say this, not because I want to push faith at you or anything, but because I think it's something I've noticed of a lot of people on here: you're in danger of making women your god. These unapproachable beings who are your sole source of life and energy.

I say this as someone who is a chat room addict in recovery. I am recovering from the addiction of being validated by women, the addiction of them telling me I'm good looking, the addiction of making them come, the addiction of being wanted. This in spite of being a married man. The thrill is great, but the thrill doesn't last. There has to be something more than that.

Of course, it's possible to have great joy in a relationship, but it's not the only source of joy in this world. Else you're making women your god, you're making women the object of your religion and worship, and that's both unfair on women and a deception to yourself.

I really do hope you find happiness and joy in life.



Active Member
Unfortunately I just don?t have time to see a GP . Need to work plus the GP practice is in the village next to mine and I rely on public transport. Therefore not that accessible.

Also, when you?ve never been with a woman and is in thier 30s, it?s not easy dismissing beautiful women just like that. (Not that I would ever be able to attract beautiful women.)


Active Member
Well the implication of yesterday?s relapse/trigger was a pornographic dream last night!
I have no idea if this has hampered my progress or not as I have no will to test my penis.

I?m simply so unbelievably frustrated and scared right now.