

Active Member
56 days clean now. I feel pretty good today, no temptation to look at porn. I am just relaxing today, watching "Dexter" on Netflix. I know now that it is possible to be cured from an addiction to porn. I prayed a lot about it, became desperate enough to the point where I reallly wanted to quit and found this site. My heart has been changed, I care more about people now and want to do what I can to help others.


Active Member
MosesY said:
56 days clean now. I feel pretty good today, no temptation to look at porn. I am just relaxing today, watching "Dexter" on Netflix. I know now that it is possible to be cured from an addiction to porn. I prayed a lot about it, became desperate enough to the point where I reallly wanted to quit and found this site. My heart has been changed, I care more about people now and want to do what I can to help others.


You are doing great, keep up the great work!  As you progress it's going to get easier!

From my experience, a word of caution about the cable TV programs like Dexter, Sopranos, etc., they have nudity and very strong sexual themes in some of the episodes.  It's easy when watching these to rationalize that you'll cover your eyes during those parts or not pay attention however this stuff does enter into the subconscious and can lead to a fall to PMO.  In the past when I would be on a reboot these programs and movies would sow the seeds for a fall for me.  When I finally went clean for good last fall, I stopped watching these type of shows and movies and have been more careful with what I watch on TV and the Cable TV networks, it's kept me out of trouble and clean.

Keep up the great work!


Active Member
Rex, I totally understand what you are talking about and feel the same way. I am thinking about cancelling my Netflix account and going with PureFlix.


Active Member
57 days clean now, almost 60 days. I have no desire to look at porn now. I think if I continue realizing what it does to me and how much better I am without it then I will never again struggle with it. Part of that is to continue checking in here and posting in my journal, a frequent reminder of where I was and how far I have come. I am struggling with some psychosis right now, it seems to be more prevalent with the DeltaFosB wearing off and I am going to see my doctor today to see if I can't change my medication.


Active Member
62 days clean now. I canceled my Netflix account and signed up for Pure Flix. Plenty of good stuff on there to watch. I had a very good day today, found a nice lantern. I have no urge to look at porn. I have a lantern to work on next weekend now that will keep me busy over the 3 day weekend, no time to snoop around the internet.


Well done. Enjoy doing the lantern. I have a kerosene Coleman and love it. Beautiful light.


Well-Known Member
Congrats, MosesY! You had to fight so hard in the early days, but things seem to be coming together for you now.
I guess the "just a little peak" thing is a common form of cognitive distortion that our automatic/chimp brain pitches in, as a way of getting its easy fix again.... justification (you've earned it by doing so well) and minimisation (it's not actually going to do any harm). Well done for recognising that for what it is!


Active Member
My journal was locked with no explanation so I am beginning another one. I am free from porn for 70 days now, getting close to my 90 day goal. I am noticing changes in my body now, I am more sensitive to women. Socially I am doing better also, I called and talked to a couple friends today and I sat and smoked a cigar out in the garage with my roommate. I am working on rebuilding a lantern this weekend and plan on using some of my Coleman stoves and oven tomorrow to cook a steak. Overall a great weekend and feeling great.


Active Member
72 days free from porn. I had a great weekend. I found my birth certificate, I had been looking for it a while, it was in an envelope with a different label. Thrilled to have found that. I am only 18 days away from my 90 day goal, a little over 2 weeks yet. WHen I reach that goal I am going to have a major celebration.


Active Member
I am close to 73 days free from porn now. I was reading some about the link between porn and mental health. Watching porn reduces the mount of pleasure I have in other areas of life thus causing things such as depression, anxiety, and social anxiety. Really amazing how much it affects me. Suicide is so frequent that it is the tenth leading cause of death in the US. Every year almost 45,000 people choose to end there life. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in people under the age of 34. I wonder how much suicide would be eliminated if we eliminated porn?


Active Member
74 days clean now, 71 with no alcohol. I have no urge to look at porn this morning, none. I am picking up two lanterns after work today and will work on them this weekend. One of them doesn't need anything it is ike new but the other will need a complete tear down probably.

Here is a before & after of a lantern I refurbished last weekend.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on continuing to make great progress. Lantern looks good! So important to have interests in the real world to keep ourselves present and focused. Have a great weekend!


Active Member
75 days clean now, only 15 to go. No urge to look at porn this morning. Today I am working on a couple lanterns and making a few more videos for my channel. I have some videos on the famous site but my first videos are very amateur. I am slowly getting better. Yesterday I put an app on my phone to edit video, maybe these will be better.


Active Member
76 days clean now, 2 weeks to go. I am making a few videos today with my Coleman appliances.


Active Member
I am 81 days porn free now. This weekend I have to work Saturday morning, plan on working on a lantern in the afternoon and writing a letter to a pen pal.


Active Member
83 days clean now. I have a strong urge to look at porn this morning but I will resist. I am writing a letter to a pen pal. Later on today I will light some of my lanterns, smoke a cigar, and drink nonalcoholic beer.


Active Member
Well done Moses. Stay strong and enjoy the good, wholesome things in life. A letter, lanterns, cigars and beer seem good to me.


Active Member
I am 85 days free from porn now. Sunday will be 90 days. Hard to believe, that went very fast. I used to get drunk every night and look at chat rooms and isolating myself. I could not have done it without God's help. Some things that also helped are my journal here and the counter on my phone. I plan on celebrating Sunday. I feel very good about myself right now.