24yo Journal


Well-Known Member
rob24 said:
squid said:
Doing great Rob, great observations!  I just placed a hold on that book and am going to check it out!

See you at the top,


Good to hear it squid! Really highly recommend this one!

Just had another sort of breakthrough today. Partly from reading Emotional Intelligence. I realized that in my social life, because I was a bit outcasted in middle school (who wasn't, to be fair, haha), but I think I removed myself a bit too much and developed this little sense of superiority about myself while feeling inferior to others, I haven't been completely honest with myself while making friends, and I often defaulted to making friends I thought were lesser/weaker people since I didn't really feel like I deserved good friends. It was pretty self-reinforcing, but it eventually led me to choose the wrong girlfriends, and ultimately was self-defeating since I eventually kept outgrowing my friend groups, and feeling like people in them were holding me back somehow. This is pretty broad strokes and a foolish notion, but there's a kernel of truth in it: you need to confidently choose friends who challenge you, lest you stay trapped in a weak self-image.

Now that I'm out of school and I've been working a few years, I feel like many of the social dynamics are cast aside, and now the main thing left is just how social you are and how good you are at reaching out to people. At least, that's the situation I'm in right now. Sort of a social hormesis. I need to keep making myself a little bit uncomfortable and putting myself out in the open if I want to break out of my shell and start living the social life I feel like I deserve. One that would make me happy and probably be healthy for me.

This is very relatable and I feel like I've had similar experiences.  The thing is though, it doesn't feel good to hold back, I just want to actually do my best and be expressive and be myself without letting fear control me in social situations.  Everyone is at least a little bit relatable and if choice I make can help me connect to people and feel less alone,  I want to make those choices.


Active Member
14 Days - 2 weeks!  :eek:  8)

Thanks to some posts I've read by you guys, I'm starting to realize how harmful fantasizing in general has been, and it might need to be completely cut out for a full mental recovery. I set up a bunch of new tickers related to fantasizing. I really wish that Rewire companion could accommodate multiple tickers in a spreadsheet-like system, though I can always make one. That app has been incredibly useful anyway. Not so much of a complaint as a suggestion.

Past 24 hours were okay. I imagine that recovery takes place in a few phases:

[list type=decimal]
[*]Initial benefits - set in within 5-7 days - extreme benefits noticed
[*]Withdrawal phase - benefits seem to slacken, temptations rise
[*]Plateau - The "beginner gains" are less felt, but you are far more recovered than you were when you started
[*]Near freedom - around day 60-120 (guessing here) when porn is just a memory, but one with strong associations
[*]As free as you'll ever be - ? Days - You involuntarily don't ever even think about porn or pornographic things anymore

I just made up these phases, though I think I've experienced up to somewhere between phases 2 and 4 before. I hope I can just give up the random sexual thoughts that come out of nowhere. I feel like that's greatly influenced by pornography.

A few days ago I developed a set of priorities for life. Maybe I could break these down a bit more to better understand the way to greater fulfillment and happiness:

  • Developing a larger, stronger network of friends and family and spending more time with the people I care about
    • Growing your social sphere of influence. Includes things like meeting new people and reconnecting with people you want to get back in touch with.
    • Strengthening your social sphere. Includes things like being genuinely good to others, and helping others, asking nothing in return.
    • (If I had my own family, I would probably include that in this portion)
  • Exercising, eating right, and meeting my personal fitness goals
    • Strength, speed, body image-related goals (includes tugging, etc.)
    • Physical health and longevity
  • Working on my personality, emotional intelligence, charisma, etc.
    • Improving your own personality to the point where you're the person you would like to be - outgoing, upbeat, etc.
    • Managing emotions in yourself and in others (includes basic social skills, like being a better listener)
    • (If I were more religious/spiritual, I might include that in this section. Still something I'm personally a bit conflicted on, though I want to make space for it)
  • Making a living doing something/things that is/are: (1) Sustainable (2) Lucrative (3) Helpful (4) Important/Notable (5) Enjoyable
    • I think I already broke this one down with the above 5 points
  • Learning and researching things that are important to me
    • General learning
    • Researching specific topics of personal interest
  • Developing my talents/arts/passions
    • Music, art, writing, performance, creativity
    • Inventive creativity - things like software development, etc.
  • Saving money
    • Not spending/being frugal
    • Putting away money and investing it in the best options for your time frame
  • ...Moreso, I want to develop sustainable, balanced loops where I can pursue each one of these things pretty consistently. What good is a year socializing if you don't have a job and are anxious about it? What good is being obsessed with making money going to do you if you never see your family and friends anymore? See what I mean?
    • Do your daily routines give leave you with more than enough energy and inspiration to continuously do them day after day? Month after month? Year after year? If not, then they're not sustainable. Find ways to make them so.

I'll keep asking myself about these questions when I review the day over and over again at night during my bedtime rituals. It helped me fall asleep last night, and I wasn't up with insomnia fantasizing. I guess you could add a big section on rest and relaxation, though I feel like if you spent your time on these things in true fulfillment, you'd be living the dream. Now I can work on how my daily routines actually link directly up to this list of priorities.

Other stuff: Mood has leveled off. I'm very routine-oriented, and I don't believe I'll relapse anytime soon. I'm keeping my guard way up, and I will come back here and post as needed, though my greater concern is how I will react emotionally if my upcoming job contract next week makes me unhappy. It lasts for three weeks, and I'm really excited, nervous, and up to a million. I think I need to use this time to demonstrate greater emotional intelligence. It's only a little trial run, and if something goes wrong, there is very little downside. Maybe I can work on assessing the appropriateness of the intensity of my emotions.


Active Member
Man, only 2 weeks out and I feel like success has been redefined to me. It came with a phone call the other day that a close friend just bought a house and was renting it out to help him generate passive income. It kinda sparked this little mini revolution in my mind of what is possible and what matters. I'd been living in this struggle caught up between my job, where I felt fenced in, and this notion of becoming a streamer on Twitch/YouTuber, in which I had some level of success, having given up the idea of being frugal to wait for financial success. I even forgot about how financial success is not just safe, but also a dream in the making if you approach it with a growth mindset. I look around at all the crap that I've acquired over the last 10 years or so - books, tech equipment, etc. And I realize it's done little for my happiness. I honestly don't think I need as much as I thought to live a happy life. But it took all that experience to get me to realize this. Financial responsibility is a far more secure, exciting idea now that I've really brainstormed it. I've decided to liquidate a lot in my life now, and I'm going to start selling all these luxury items I've acquired and invest them in stocks instead. I just did a big stock buying spree today. It's made me think much more in the long term. I realize now how impatient PMO, a tough job situation, and inability to regulate my cognition and emotions and impulses have all made me. If I really had to guess, I'd say that I've thrown away tens of thousands of dollars - maybe as much as 30k or 40k, if not more, since I was earning money in my teens, up until now. I'm guessing I can probably make back up about 20 grand if I sell everything on an online store. I'm debating on this, as the whole thing hurts, and I'll be left with few possessions in the end, but I honestly feel like my whole life has changed in the last two weeks. Ultimately, this would all be for the good of me 10 years or so down the road. Freeing up 20 grand and investing it, then having that earn compound interest, would be way better than having all this useless stuff collect dust for the next ten years. To boot, I'll have a whole set of high online ratings and much more of an advantage if I ever want to try this again. What risk is involved? Losing things that I might change my mind about later? I can be selective. Spending money on packaging supplies? That seems pretty negligible if you start small. And I'm not in any major rush...My main priority, after all, was to get all this stuff out of my life, and not so much the earning of money anyway...I think I'll start with the items least dear to me and work from there. Who knows? Maybe this will be the start of a great adventure? There's little downside anyway!


Active Member
Edit: Huge post rant with a lot of personal information and feelings locked away really deep inside of me. May contain triggers or things that upset you. I felt the need to post since it largely strikes at the root of the demons I've been fighting. You have been warned before you read.

Experiencing urges right now. A lot due to anger and anxiety. Those are two emotions I have a lot of trouble managing. I spend hours on end every single day off glued to a chair or lying in bed literally stretching the skin on my dick as part of my foreskin restoration. I do it for the appearance and the added sensitivity. It takes hundreds, if not thousands of hours out of my life, it's incredibly uncomfortable, and ultimately it sometimes feels like I'm trying to regrow an arm that I lost or something. There's whole communities on the internet dedicated to this issue, and the whole issue is so incredibly divisive that no one ever talks about it. Deep down, I don't think that my parents ever had any intention of hurting me, but I feel immensely angry and incredibly frustrated with cultural mores and it makes me think that things like mass delusion in the medical profession exist. I got absolutely infuriated really deep down today when my father offered to give me a cologne he didn't need. What an unusual trigger, right? I felt absolutely baffled and enraged because I often feel like my parents were completely oblivious to the fact that they cut off a huge piece of my dick when I was born. It makes me really upset sometimes when I think of all the stupid wasted energy and heat that we are pumping into the atmosphere mindlessly chasing our passions and brief interests. I guess my purchasing is a similar way of having created so much entropy. But I can't help but get enraged when I consider how a 20 minute operation that I had as an infant cost me literal years of my life sitting in a chair tied up to a goddamn clamp that's supposed to violently stretch the shaft skin of my dick until I have enough stretch marks and scar tissue to remake the environment that my penis is naturally supposed to be in. I get even more fucking mad when I think about all the vain things that my family and other people purchase - clothes, cars, vacations, fancy dinners out at restaurants, when they are too goddamn stupid to not think twice before they start cutting off pieces of baby's dicks who have no say in the matter! And I get even angrier and more indignant when I read articles from a culture I feel is overly-sensitized to body issues when it couldn't even defend my own goddamn genital integrity. Goddamn, it makes me even angrier at myself when I realize that I get so upset by this that I have become the very thing I so oppose just for saying this. It's a goddamn positive feedback loop of frustration and rage that's been going on inside me for 4 goddamn years! I think I first experienced it by viewing overly eroticized pornography of uncut men, and I started doing research and wondering. To be completely honest, the whole thing makes me angry at everyone except for other circumcised men like myself. It makes me pissed at uncut men because they got to experience what I was denied, and it makes me pissed at women since there is so much understanding nowadays for feminism, when nobody needs to defend women's goddamn genital integrity in our country. I get angry when men complain about their cut/uncut dicks and women express their preferences about them. Would they argue about whether they preferred baby boys with out without their arms?! Some will say it's not the same thing, and to a certain extent, that's true, but a great part of my mind is stuck on the half of it.

Where am I left with all this? I know I'm wrong and not selfless enough for thinking all this, but it's something I need to overcome if I really want to be a free man - unfettered by storms of emotion. I told my parents this whole thing last year and the way I felt about everything and I did it completely wrong, but it was also cathartic, and it's something I'm convinced that no complete resolution can be reached in. Continued dialouge makes me even angrier, so I need to distract myself until the anger subsides. It gets really bad when I start to get angry about it. For practical purposes of living together and me not getting triggered, it's a very good thing I'll be working when my parents are off and vice versa.

For me, when these feelings subside, what remains are the following:

  • Hatred for stupid cultural mores that go so far as to overlook people's bodily integrity
  • Hatred at myself for being so goddamn sensitive about my own "privileged male pleasure"
  • Desensitization - I care less about everything since I just think "to hell with it all" about a society I feel so powerless to change, and where I feel like an asshole for not speaking up more. The truth is that I feel emasculated in a way and I'm too shy to speak up about it, nor do I see many avenues for productive dialogue.
  • This weird sense of myself as an object. I questioned myself for awhile as to whether this obsession with my dick made me gay, and I even developed new fetishes for uncut dicks - call it uncut dick envy - because of my being so set on this, but ultimately I'm just not interested in dating men or having a relationship with a man.
  • A sense that I would like to make myself great in some way at the expense of others.

I shudder to think how I'd feel if some other injustice came my way - dismemberment of any kind. The whole thing freaks me out.

What am I then? My whole identity (as well as many people's, and you could really say they're inseparable) is wrapped up in my sexuality. I envision where I would like to be, and my only consolation is the idea of restoring my foreskin remnant so that I never have to see the scarred skin on my dick, and I can literally hide my shame under the appearance of a natural penis. I even want it to be bigger than an average dick. I want it to be huge and I want it to make a statement. This idea comforts me. I've also had this growing fantasy of myself as this sort of whore-man - a man who exists only to please women. Male strippers come to mind. If I can just lose my ego in the notion of pleasing women the way that women seem to give themselves over to men's pleasure in pornography, I imagine that I'll experience some kind of ecstasy and release from losing myself by becoming some sort of sexual/athletic superhuman. Or a great artist, where you get so good that nothing matters anymore, and people practically worship you. It's the reason I set these absolutely herculean physical goals for myself. I feel like I remember hearing about that the reason Bruce Jenner (before he became Caitlyn Jenner) became a decathlete was because he needed to accomplish some incredible goal. Was this similar reasoning? Was it to escape from his man's body in some way? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it was a desire to overcome physical limitations, similar to the way trans- people have their own physical limitations to overcome.

My mom and my sister kicked me out of the living room when they were watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey. I read into little moments like this. It leads to me going ballistic in response to little things, a sign of no emotional intelligence. It makes me even angrier because then I feel physically rejected when I look at my dick and rejected as a person because I just wanted to sit down with them, and absolutely wrong for even getting mad. Then I go to my room and start writing this post because it's my only way of onanistically spilling out my anger and energy into something which will hopefully be productive. Feminism, stupid reality TV that objectifies men (to be fair, it goes both ways), my own virginity and feeling like my girlfriend was babysitting me years ago while I begged for sex, not even understanding that porn and circumcision and vigorous masturbation and my own goddamn selfishness partially ruined opportunities at a healthy sexual relationship, and just generally being a little bit down on my luck, all the while I feel like it gets tied up into this circumcision issue in my brain - it all adds up and it's the perfect pot for me to be relapsing in. To be fair, there are other issues of a similar nature, I'm sure. But it takes all of my emotions and my energy and any love out of me and makes me into this angry, enraged ball full of hate.

But I'm not doing relapsing. I need to confront these demons.

There is the "evil" voice in me that says everything I said above...

But in one part of my mind, there is a logical voice that talks. It says something like this:

"Your parents never meant to hurt you. And the hurt is more than you make it out to be since you are so fixated on it. There are other issues at play here too. Yes, society may allow this issue to go on unabated, but it really doesn't make a major difference in anyone's sexual life, and all issues of the way your penis looks are largely personal preference. If you're really wrapped up in this, a restoration will give you back at least 50% of what you lost, and you can even go further if you like. Maybe someday there will be better restoration methods, too. And don't worry about finding relationships. When you fight this demon and grow mature and can act like it, you'll find the right partner. After that, all of these body image and self image issues will largely subside. Everything else pales in comparison once you find a reason to live, or someone to live with."

I feel like, in one part of my mind, this and all body image issues would be non-issues, and I would focus more on helping other people. That's like the zen that I can't bring myself to live for. Maybe that's the red pill, so to speak.

But I'm weak in this way, and I like so much of what lies on the other road, and I feel like I need to promote myself in some way. It's the reason I exercise for performance, and not recreation, similarly.

In this way, I get my own little secret revenge on the world by proclaiming my own superiority for having suffered through all this. I do it by making myself physically stronger, more attractive, richer, and better in any way. It's kind of the mindset I sort of subconsciously live in right now - well - combined with a more altruistic one, and I think the only reason I do it is so that I can be able to make others feel the pain of rejection that I myself felt through all the things I've spoken about above. Maybe I'll love someone through it all, or reach some kind of selfless enlightenment through whatever hard work I need to do to make myself that important/desirable (though people tend to separate by age, and such a revenge might be hollow and unsatisfying). For me (in this mindset), that's the only reason to keep living. To become great, and reject others who do not work as hard as I do. I get a rush from turning people down in any way, and I (deep down beneath it all) laugh inside when I make them feel good, but I know that my rage and hate are stronger and deeper and more justified than theirs. It's somewhat masochistic. I care less and less about my social acceptance and things I used to be embarrassed about, like my virginity, and I care more about real, measurable statistics, like running pace, penis size, how attractive I am, how much money I have, etc. Maybe it's the reason I have this image of myself as a male stripper or some other type of plaything. I subconsciously ask myself: wouldn't it be amazing revenge to make women feel the way I felt - marginalized - by how they feel around me?

This image always comes back to me of when I was in seventh grade when this really attractive girl in our class sat on my seat when I was working in art class. I was really intent on my project and seated at the edge of my chair and didn't even know she was there. Then a couple of boys in our class came over and followed suit. I don't know why, but this always bothered me and kind of embodied my nerd rage at the world, particularly directed at women, and a self image which rested on my (probably overweighting in some ways, to be fair) events like this made me grow up as a teenager underconfident about friends and thinking that I couldn't meet the standards of girls I was interested in going out with. I'm not trying to play the victim, but I'm just trying to get a better understanding of where all of this frustration comes from, and how I feel about it.

Ultimately, this way of thinking might lead me to some sort of short term rewards, but only if I worked hard enough to make people sexually desirous of me - and I'm only decent looking. Still, I have this hope that I can make myself irresistible in some way. It scares me when I talk like this because it sounds tyrannical, but at the same time, all of this frustration and anger are not often pointed at anyone in particular. I've felt the brunt of it myself, and my parents have felt some of it. And in the long term, it will probably make me utterly miserable. But I feel so strongly about this and the anger and rage has fomented in my head for so long that I think that's all that I'm living for. What am I to do? I still enjoy things like exercise, social interaction, and so on, but I can't help but feel like there is this specter hovering over me, whose reasoning I actually agree with in many ways, that adds this tinge of hate and vengefulness to every encounter. I'm building myself up to ultimately tear myself down as a statement for how angry I am, since I don't feel like I have the voice to express myself, nor do I want to in words. I almost feel like I've grown so hard that I'll become a statue dedicated to anger. I'm practically doing that right now. For much of the day, it makes me very productive too, to be completely honest. I've channeled the vengefulness into enough constructive outlets. Almost all is made constructive now through exercise and self-improvement, except these wounds of hate which occasionally open up, the body image issues, the loss of my sense of purpose at times (and complete, disastrous pivots at others), certain bouts of social awkwardness or feeling like my tongue is tied for all the American Psycho-ish hatred and insufficiency I feel, a sense of loss of productivity in a few areas, and a few other things, but those things have subsided more over the years in some ways as I busy myself.

As I write all of this, I realize that it's horrible in some ways, but I also like much of it and agree with it as an individual. Call it having a huge chip on your shoulder, but I think that just about expresses every single thing that I feel really deeply inside of me. Obviously, I would never mean to hurt anyone, and I hope no one got offended by this post, but realize that this is a complete thought I've consolidated in my head that I merely brush aside every morning when I wake up. It sometimes feel like there's a whole dimension of experience and emotion I suppress just by going about a normal day without thinking about these things.

I guess that the reason I write this, beyond preventing myself from relapsing in rage, is because I want to move on in some way. After I expressed much of this to my father last year very clearly, he asked me "Do you want to move on?" by which he meant, as someone completely on my side in the moment when he asked...What is it that I want...It's a weird feeling to get completely caught up and lost in your rage, and I think that the rest of my life, as I move on trying to be more constructive from here will tell, I'll answer the question louder through actions.

Words that come to mind for what I want: "acceptance" "revenge" "loving and to be loved" "wisdom" "experience" "stability" "understanding" "constructive behavior"

It all pretty much aligns with those life priorities I outlined a few days ago. And ultimately, I feel like my experience starts to just fade to nothing when I consider how broad and massive the bounds of our lives are. I'll go on and keep working at being more constructive. I'll keep moving at my best guess  until I find North on my compass.

Edit: Reading through this whole community's stories - people of all different ages and backgrounds searching constantly to overcome this great weight that holds them down - you all inspire me to be better - to have more firsthand experiences - to try to make myself better and more altruistic - to be more honest and helpful where I can. Thank you so much.


Here are the three reasons why you are going to prevail in this life:

1.  You have good parents and family support
2.  You have strong aptitude in logic and critical thinking, accompanied by a superior ability in written presentation.
3.  You have already articulated the answer to your quest, as noted below: 

"Your parents never meant to hurt you. And the hurt is more than you make it out to be since you are so fixated on it. There are other issues at play here too. Yes, society may allow this issue to go on unabated, but it really doesn't make a major difference in anyone's sexual life, and all issues of the way your penis looks are largely personal preference. If you're really wrapped up in this, a restoration will give you back at least 50% of what you lost, and you can even go further if you like. Maybe someday there will be better restoration methods, too. And don't worry about finding relationships. When you fight this demon and grow mature and can act like it, you'll find the right partner. After that, all of these body image and self image issues will largely subside. Everything else pales in comparison once you find a reason to live, or someone to live with."

I feel like, in one part of my mind, this and all body image issues would be non-issues, and I would focus more on helping other people. That's like the zen that I can't bring myself to live for. Maybe that's the red pill, so to speak.

Take a deep breath and slow down a bit; maybe think about the concept of pace.  There is a reason why the story of the Tortoise and the Hare has existed for so long.

Take care, and let's hope Joe doesn't get deported.



Active Member
Thanks Lero, thanks jixu. Appreciate your guys' support and encouragement. It means a lot to have partners in accountability and people around you with similar goals, who support you for common ground that you share. I'll try to do my best to return the kindness ^_^

15 days - I've weakened and been less pure largely because of mood swings from my last post above. I've looked at subs, but haven't done anything that resembles full blown relapse, and I feel good for that. I got the rank of "swordsman" for 15 days in Rewire Companion this morning. It's got a nice ring to it, almost like I'm on my way to becoming some kind of NoFap super saiyan. I'm grateful you guys brought up the notion of "pace" as that's largely what keeps me full of hope that there's a way out of these feelings. Helping others and having more face to face real world experiences will be really good for me in the next few weeks, I'm convinced. I'm going back to my high school to teach the incoming freshmen, and I'll be greeted with my own previous teachers now as colleagues. I'm really excited and nervous, though I just realized this morning that all my anxiety has been blocking out my true sense of excitement. Deep inside, I was first inspired to teach by a guy who I had as a freshman teacher. I'm full of fear that I won't live up to that, and it feels downright silly that I'm letting that fear get in the way of the fact that I'm almost literally living the dream of what I wanted to be about 8 years ago. It's amazing when your fear turns into excitement right before your eyes. I'm sure this will be energizing and scary and awesome and hopefully not what I expect. Good teaching transforms the teacher too, after all.

I woke up 4 hours late and feeling just generally awful, then I ran and felt awful, but I still did it, and now I know enough people that I'm making friends in the local area where I run. I didn't even see two girls say hi to me that I'd approached the other day, and then I saw a girl I really admire whose an incredibly fast runner and broke the ice out of nowhere. Good for me! And I'd honestly feel pretty good about myself if I were her with some random stranger knowing about how good/famed an athlete I was.

Bleh, so often I get comfort from watching Naruto and I feel like that whole narrative arc has answers that I need to find for myself in life. I feel like all of these activities - the running, the learning, the harnessing my emotions for the mixed up purposes I described in the post above - has parallels to the young Naruto, who wants to become the hokage to show everyone in the village that he's strong - he wants everyone to look up to him in awe. Then Naruto Shippuden gets a lot more philosophical and starts to question the purpose and value of his motives, where Naruto flirts with harnessing the extreme power of the nine-tailed fox inside him which is literally eating away at his body and soul, but which he ultimately befriends, and he unites forces with the beast. While the first half of the show makes his hidden power and rage to be the thing that makes him stand out from the others, it's ultimately a much simpler gift for loving other people that ultimately makes Naruto grow into the character of a truly good hokage, where the title follows him rather than him chasing after the title. This is in contrast to all the other antagonistic characters, who want power for their own self-aggrandizement, or even to project their own ego all over the world. Ultimately, the obtainment of power wasn't in vain since it was always useful as a tool, but Naruto slowly discovers that he was misguided in his purposes for gaining power. Ultimately, he uses his power for the good of others.

That's enough for now. It makes life fun to imagine you're a ninja/superhero sometimes.


Active Member
Do or Die stay strong man - I'll find it even more inspiring and indicative of good willpower if you don't follow the chaser from this point forward.

Just made this realization right now. I'm feeling progressively more anxious as the day I need to work again approaches. This off time has been so incredibly rejuvenating and I stress just thinking about how soon I'll need to back up and find my life's purpose and work that goes alongside it. Keep a slow, steady pace, and be patient with myself.

I'm also feeling my addictive pathways hungering for porn or some sort of fix. Even posting so much on here, I suspect, has become something of a fix for my brain. It's largely innocuous, though, and it helps me look deeper, so that much is okay, and the writing is therapeutic and it strengthens my accountability for staying off porn, but someday soon after I'm patient with myself, I hope to be free to be responsible and live a life with more face to face interactions and real world experiences rather than staring at a small, glowing rectangle all day.

Either way, my brain isn't functioning at top shape yet, and it's a huge reason I waited for off time to ease my way into rewiring from PMO. I realize that those "fixes" I got from gaming, music, pornography, orgasm, etc. were the way I used to complete really efficient relaxation. Stressed out? Just watch porn and jerk off and you'll feel better. Unable to concentrate since work is tedious? Play some music alongside it and you'll make the experience more bearable. It's hard to get myself to even just work on basic lessons for work. I have enough to be prepared, but not enough to feel like I'm doing my best yet. I set some pretty high goals before and it's hard to make myself do more than the minimum.

To that end, I know that I'm not a lazy person, but just incredibly reluctant to do certain tasks, so I'm going to start to try to devise Pavlovian tricks to make myself do my work.

For example, right at this moment, I'm incredibly hungry. I made a big meal and I'm staring at it. I will allow myself to eat parts of it only when I complete certain amounts of work. 5 slides = 1 egg, 1 slide = 1 bite of cereal, etc. Not sure if this takes the concept too far, but I've got to train my brain to eat the big frogs first. Procrastination, though often rational, is a terrible way to live your life and it undermines your integrity. I can change that now. It will help me to make a list of things that my brain craves - besides the things I've already given up, like porn and gaming and music playlist switching.

  • Posting on here
  • Checking social media
  • Eating (instead of working)
  • Cleaning to avoid working
  • Organizing to avoid working
  • Just sitting in a chair and thinking. It's almost like my body physically refuses to do work at times, despite the fact that I can be incredibly productive at activities that I want to do, like exercise. There has to be a set of psychological tricks to help this.

I'll report back soon when I really have a good set of parameters. Stay strong!


Active Member
Just recording this here so I have a record of it. I'm setting up a new set of goals: (1) Beat procrastination to more directly face my challenges and opportunities in life (2) Limit screen time to one hour a day (currently I'm over two hours a day on average) by following my checklist more closely and getting it off my phone. I hope that this will help me have more real life interactions and face to face experiences.

That's all for now! In the end, hopefully it will make me more task-oriented than thing-oriented or computer oriented.


Well-Known Member
rob24 said:
Just recording this here so I have a record of it. I'm setting up a new set of goals: (1) Beat procrastination to more directly face my challenges and opportunities in life (2) Limit screen time to one hour a day (currently I'm over two hours a day on average) by following my checklist more closely and getting it off my phone. I hope that this will help me have more real life interactions and face to face experiences.

That's all for now! In the end, hopefully it will make me more task-oriented than thing-oriented or computer oriented.

This is great stuff Rob and really relatable.  In my experience having the routine of work actually helped me stay focused on personal stuff too.

My brain likes reading and posting on this forum as well but it's not something I want to limit during my 90 day reboot because it has been so supportive and helpful to not feel alone in making positive changes to life.  When I was one the trail, I hiked with a group of four and that support made a huge difference in my resilience.

I'd say see if you can make your goals proactive positives instead of not doing stuff.  For example, my goal is to post my daily update and do cardio in the evening after work instead of overwatch.

Do or die

Respected Member
rob24 said:
Do or Die stay strong man - I'll find it even more inspiring and indicative of good willpower if you don't follow the chaser from this point forward.

Just made this realization right now. I'm feeling progressively more anxious as the day I need to work again approaches. This off time has been so incredibly rejuvenating and I stress just thinking about how soon I'll need to back up and find my life's purpose and work that goes alongside it. Keep a slow, steady pace, and be patient with myself.

I'm also feeling my addictive pathways hungering for porn or some sort of fix. Even posting so much on here, I suspect, has become something of a fix for my brain. It's largely innocuous, though, and it helps me look deeper, so that much is okay, and the writing is therapeutic and it strengthens my accountability for staying off porn, but someday soon after I'm patient with myself, I hope to be free to be responsible and live a life with more face to face interactions and real world experiences rather than staring at a small, glowing rectangle all day.

Either way, my brain isn't functioning at top shape yet, and it's a huge reason I waited for off time to ease my way into rewiring from PMO. I realize that those "fixes" I got from gaming, music, pornography, orgasm, etc. were the way I used to complete really efficient relaxation. Stressed out? Just watch porn and jerk off and you'll feel better. Unable to concentrate since work is tedious? Play some music alongside it and you'll make the experience more bearable. It's hard to get myself to even just work on basic lessons for work. I have enough to be prepared, but not enough to feel like I'm doing my best yet. I set some pretty high goals before and it's hard to make myself do more than the minimum.

To that end, I know that I'm not a lazy person, but just incredibly reluctant to do certain tasks, so I'm going to start to try to devise Pavlovian tricks to make myself do my work.

For example, right at this moment, I'm incredibly hungry. I made a big meal and I'm staring at it. I will allow myself to eat parts of it only when I complete certain amounts of work. 5 slides = 1 egg, 1 slide = 1 bite of cereal, etc. Not sure if this takes the concept too far, but I've got to train my brain to eat the big frogs first. Procrastination, though often rational, is a terrible way to live your life and it undermines your integrity. I can change that now. It will help me to make a list of things that my brain craves - besides the things I've already given up, like porn and gaming and music playlist switching.

  • Posting on here
  • Checking social media
  • Eating (instead of working)
  • Cleaning to avoid working
  • Organizing to avoid working
  • Just sitting in a chair and thinking. It's almost like my body physically refuses to do work at times, despite the fact that I can be incredibly productive at activities that I want to do, like exercise. There has to be a set of psychological tricks to help this.

I'll report back soon when I really have a good set of parameters. Stay strong!


Active Member
  • squid said:
    rob24 said:
    Just recording this here so I have a record of it. I'm setting up a new set of goals: (1) Beat procrastination to more directly face my challenges and opportunities in life (2) Limit screen time to one hour a day (currently I'm over two hours a day on average) by following my checklist more closely and getting it off my phone. I hope that this will help me have more real life interactions and face to face experiences.

    That's all for now! In the end, hopefully it will make me more task-oriented than thing-oriented or computer oriented.

    This is great stuff Rob and really relatable.  In my experience having the routine of work actually helped me stay focused on personal stuff too.

    My brain likes reading and posting on this forum as well but it's not something I want to limit during my 90 day reboot because it has been so supportive and helpful to not feel alone in making positive changes to life.  When I was one the trail, I hiked with a group of four and that support made a huge difference in my resilience.

    I'd say see if you can make your goals proactive positives instead of not doing stuff.  For example, my goal is to post my daily update and do cardio in the evening after work instead of overwatch.

    Definitely a fair point. The community here is incredible and honestly energizes me with so many new ideas and so much encouragement each day. Likewise, I love to post to your guys' journals with encouragement and to talk shop and new ideas. Though I've started tracking my screen time with an app and I was horrified that on my phone alone, I spend two hours a day active. I'm guessing the computer time is another 4-6, which means I'm spending half or over half my waking hours staring at a screen. I still love the idea of posting daily, and always having this as a tool in case relapse urges rear their head, but I want to make high effort posts as much as possible too. Quite a conundrum to be honest. It's difficult to accustom your brain to un-behaving a whole set of behaviors rather than just a single medium, like pornography.

    Still, at the same time, I don't want to become time-obsessed, as it sometimes harms decision making and you become fixated on time itself as a resource and ignore things that are important even though they may sometimes seem to use up a lot of time.

    I still, almost involuntarily, have fantasies at night, and I used to entertain them since I thought since no actions were associated with them, they were harmless, but I'm starting to see the extreme power our thoughts have over our emotions, triggers, etc., and how thought can regulate mood to a great extent. Likewise, I've got songs stuck in my head like crazy now that I've given up music - I think it's a sort of withdrawal symptom in my brain.

    16 Days!

    The benefits are leveling off, though I feel like a different person entirely from day 1. Let's break it down into benefits, plateaus, and unexplored areas:

    • Not feeling like crap because I'm a person who jerks off to porn every day
    • Social awkwardness dropped more than I expected. Much greater confidence and willingness to take risks (say hi and strike up a conversation) both in real life and through social media. I'm somewhat surprised at my own lack of inhibitions. They're healthy though! I just need to make sure I'm approaching other people with a sense of generosity. I think more about that every day.
    • New motivation to target other areas of my life, such as my "click" addiction and music habits I never would have realized without having started this
    • Improved health and fitness - diet, running, swimming, exercise
    • I'm becoming progressively more altruistic each day in little ways I think of people. Hard to pinpoint any actions yet - more just thought related.
    • Increased EQ and more positive inner dialogue
    • Started selling things on eBay to get rid of my luxury items I don't need
    • I felt like crap last week since I realized I care so much more about people and relationships than I realized, and I looked around my room at all the kid stuff I still have around, and questionable purchases I've made. This week I'm growing in self-acceptance by defining myself more by my decisions than by my possessions, and I'm selling things
    • I'm grateful I'll be able to look at my future students in a few days without some specter of phoniness overcoming me because I would feel weird because of my addiction. Though at the same time, I'm bracing for impact since I know that the working world can be very stressful. Hoping that my improved emotional regulation won't make me into an ineffective, unproductive worrywart ever again. This is probably my highest priority in my upcoming career search, to be honest.
    • The other day in one of my last posts I plumbed deeply into my emotional life. I'd like to keep on doing this, as I think it's really positive. That post, and just writing it all out in great detail, was a huge breakthrough for me. Journaling has been a massive help for motivation and introspection.
    • I overcame the needy phase where my brain picked one girl in my life and placed her on a pedestal and I started fantasizing about her and then got sad - surprisingly, this took only about 4 days or so. I think I was right about the "falling in love" being an illusion my brain synthesized out of withdrawal symptoms and a need to feel some type of love in my life. Just in the past ten days or so, I can name about 5-6 girls I hadn't contacted in years or had never spoken to at all whom I now have become acquainted with/reacquainted with...Granted that I'm pretty quiet and unassuming/standoffish in a lot of social interaction. Widening your net is helpful. Use what you have already and work from there. It will snowball along with your confidence.

    • Slightly increased sensitivity, slightly increased erection quality (it improved, then it leveled off. Would still like to see improvement in this area, and I wonder if it's related to sensitivity from tugging)
    • Procrastination still is a grow area. Psychological tricks need to be added to help me improve this.
    • My routines are struggling. I partly realize it's because I need to make things simpler and easier to follow. Working on tinkering things until they work for me
    • Fantasizing, etc., and being really strict on eliminating all traces of addictive cognitive behaviors.
    • Focusing on the positive - adding more into life rather than depriving so much. I think the routine tightening will help this. eBay was a good move, as it's a little project that simplifies too!

    Unexplored Areas/Struggling Areas
    • Insomnia still waxes and wanes. This will take time for a full rewiring, though re-establishing a new bedtime ritual would be helpful.
    • YouTube content has greatly fallen/suffered because of my absence. I'm still deliberating the whole thing and how I could completely realize my vision for this source of influence, or even what my vision IS! I run a gaming let's play channel, and I wanted it to be something inspiring and exciting for other people to watch. After two years, I reached 10k subs, and it feels very hollow. What is my purpose in the world? I think getting all of these values and strategies in greater alignment will help answer what to do with this very large white elephant.
    • While I've overcome some basic levels on the surface of social awkwardness and confidence even (which came as a surprise), I still think that I lack a deeper sense of underlying purpose in my social interactions. I still feel like I'm trying to "get" something from other people when it comes to social and professional life. If I could replace this with a more altruistic vision, I think I would feel less nervousness, more positivity, and generally speaking be a better person (and I'd also perform better as a result! It would be a win-win!)
    • More areas where I've developed basic short-term improvement, but then I plateau and realize that there was something I was running away from by turning to porn and masturbation so much: self-image, physical fitness, sense of life purpose, etc. Really digging deep and staying committed to these things is a major goal of mine in the long term.
    • Silly insecurities like my virginity still trouble me. I feel like it's not really a true concern since as long as my values are good, it won't really matter, but I'm still struggling with old thought patterns, hesitation, etc. These deeper neuroses might start to become more evident if I get involved in more committed, deep, or meaningful relationships, as most of my interactions with others lately have been largely on the surface/small talk.

    In the back of my mind, I also have this fear that the benefits will entirely disappear. There's probably a lot I've adjusted to already, though, that I'm just not noticing as keenly as I was a few days ago. This forum is so useful for your guys' greater challenges by the day for a sense of renewal and reinvention, and for looking back over past journal entries. I might read them now, as I think my ability to write and articulate my thoughts has grown considerably as well. Thank you everybody for your help! Stay strong!


Well-Known Member
I would definitely stay away from fantasizing as it has lead many many people to pmo.  The one thing you've mentioned that's interesting is the "tugging".  Is this you trying to forcefully shape your genitalia?  That doesn't sound super healthy to me.  Just my two cents.

Everything else sounds very positive, keep it up.  I wouldn't worry about making high quality posts, just be consistent and try to get some details in there, which you've been doing very well.  The journal is more for the writer than anyone else.  In the future you can look back and see how far you've grown and inspire others at the same time!

I also tend to have a ton of goals at once but on my experience that's not very effective, it's best to focus on one or two at a time.  What's you high priority goal that you are working on at the moment?


Active Member
Warning: May contain triggers. Read at your own risk.

Thanks squid - the tugging is related to foreskin restoration, though I'm also experimenting with stretches for penis size. There's honestly a whole set of mechanical problems that crop up with circumcision which tend to exacerbate over time - insufficient shaft skin to accommodate healthy and comfortable erections, penis curvature, keratinization, turkey neck from scrotal webbing because of the lack of skin... I do my best to differentiate between what is exaggerated by people who are so incredibly ballistic in their anger about restoration and what's rational. I'm still dealing with a lot of complex feelings related to this whole circumcision thing from years ago. I've been reading a lot about it lately. I've noticed that the only area of my penis that's really erogenous is the inner skin which is supposed to be in a totally different environment - not exposed to air all the time. I don't think my circumcision was so tight as a baby that it will be as difficult a road as it potentially could have been, but more on the different environment: For circumcised men, this means that throughout your life, your sensations are not only hampered because of the initial loss of severed nerve endings, but also that your skin keratinizes, which is essentially a callous over your most sensitive parts. It's like if you lost your lips and your cheeks and had to stick your tongue out in the open air all the time. The lighter skin nearest the glans isn't actually skin, but tissue called mucosa, which is incredibly sensitive. The whole process is essentially tissue expansion, inducing increased mitosis in the skin cells of your shaft skin and mucosa until you ultimately regrow enough skin to recreate the mucosal environment. In theory, you could do this with any skin for a long time, and they use it to help burn victims through balloons placed under the skin. My only main long term concerns are stretch marks and numbness from overdoing it, and greater long term health risks related to inducing so much extra cell division. I've done so much research on it I honestly feel like I could write a book on it at this point. While some people would say I would need to undergo psychiatric evaluation because I'm so fixated on it, I can't help but feel this way since it's a part of me that was severed. Either way, I'm incredibly fixated on it, but it makes me happy to feel like I'm making progress.

Though it definitely makes me question a lot of my values as I do it. I often wonder what I would feel like if I thought about it once and gave the matter no extra thought. And I feel less and less like I want to live around people and have friends because of it. I think it's the reason I've decided so many times to quit with patience, earning money, staying in touch with friends, and other characteristics of what's prescribed as a healthy lifestyle, in favor of pursuing things like art and music out of misery with my body image and the contempt for our society that goes along with it. I just don't feel happy when I'm with women. I feel ashamed and embarrassed because of my porn problem and what I see as my own disgusting, mutilated, sad-looking genitalia. Though it's helped me forgive myself for bad relationships in the past. Still, I hate to be trapped in this picture of myself as a victim, so I find other ways to stay motivated:

As long as I don't think about it too much and keep this segment of myself separate, I feel like I'm able to make friends and go about a fairly healthy lifestyle, though there's, I'm convinced, a side of me that will always consider me as some sort of machine or experiment. It asks things like - How many miles can I run a week? How fast can I run a mile? Since I feel dehumanized from circumcision and just bad about my social life up until this point in my life, I get greater fulfillment from imagining I'm some kind of science experiment and just seeing what's possible. I think it's when I start to get overwhelmed by emotions that I start to question it all again, as it's an unavoidable part of being human.

I don't even really want to get into relationships much of the time, much of which I detailed in the last long post, because I feel like this whole image would rear its ugly head again. So often I don't reach very high on the totem pole in the quality of women I chase after, or I chase ones too far beyond me and I get crushed because I feel like I'm born to fail, or that there's something wrong with me or my brain, or that I'm horribly ugly or there's something drastically wrong with my personality or something. It's these times that make me focus less on relationships because I feel like they disappoint when you're expecting too much from another person. I started to realize this as a junior in college, and so I went all out in reaching my physical goals - things like working out, and I still had a lot of friends and I was good at making friends, though I often felt like a zombie, and I couldn't connect with people on a different level, because there are so few people I've ever felt like I could share this pain with and still relate to them.

I nearly relapsed after some edging related to the above matters. Everything I look up online related to restoration kind of applies to P subs if I get carried away. I didn't get to the point of no return, though I got pretty close. I think I did it out of anger though. I was pleased to see that I can decently well maintain a higher quality erection than I'm used to, which is a good sign that sensitivity is returning, but I need to be more careful. This was very not pure, but my self-control was pretty good to be fair.

I think I'm starting to hit the point where I'm about to make the same mistake as I did in previous reboots, where boredom and the loss of initial steam leads to me confronting this massive wall that is the fact that I'm underconfident and I ruminate a lot and I feel permanently mutilated deep down underneath it all, and it's grounded in physical reality I can't change to a great extent, and I feel like I want some kind of revenge through self-improvement, but it's all on the wrong grounds. It leads me to question the nature of justice. Can anyone relate to this who has been in a similar situation? If so, how did you get out of it? I feel like I can't accept the idea that I'm just selfish. It's like I'm facing true unfairness and I just have to deal with it. Even though it's forcefully shaping my genitalia, who's to say it's not justified? Or even righteous? In the back of my mind, I feel like the answer is to just stop caring so much about my own ego, but I feel like I'm objectively looked down on, which makes me feel incredibly small when I talk to other people - like I'm some kind of beta among alphas, physically altered to be a lesser human being. It's a great struggle I'm wrestling with, and I honestly feel like the solution is to either (1) Completely see my "self-improvement revenge quest" to its fullest, whether that involves proving my own importance through some great accomplishment or (2) Completely let go of my ego. Or maybe a combination thereof. I can live in this world peacefully, and even be a good person to others, if I reject it by being selfish through these actions and grooming some kernel of ego. What are your thoughts?

Sorry this was so drawn out, I just feel a little upset because I feel like I need to think on a whole other level to resolve this for myself and maintain self-control and regulate my emotions. This may have nearly been a relapse, though I feel like I just broke new ground by really digging deep in this post.

"The mind is its own place in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven" -John Milton


Well-Known Member
rob24 said:
Warning: May contain triggers. Read at your own risk.

Thanks squid - the tugging is related to foreskin restoration, though I'm also experimenting with stretches for penis size. There's honestly a whole set of mechanical problems that crop up with circumcision which tend to exacerbate over time - insufficient shaft skin to accommodate healthy and comfortable erections, penis curvature, keratinization, turkey neck from scrotal webbing because of the lack of skin... I do my best to differentiate between what is exaggerated by people who are so incredibly ballistic in their anger about restoration and what's rational. I'm still dealing with a lot of complex feelings related to this whole circumcision thing from years ago. I've been reading a lot about it lately. I've noticed that the only area of my penis that's really erogenous is the inner skin which is supposed to be in a totally different environment - not exposed to air all the time. I don't think my circumcision was so tight as a baby that it will be as difficult a road as it potentially could have been, but more on the different environment: For circumcised men, this means that throughout your life, your sensations are not only hampered because of the initial loss of severed nerve endings, but also that your skin keratinizes, which is essentially a callous over your most sensitive parts. It's like if you lost your lips and your cheeks and had to stick your tongue out in the open air all the time. The lighter skin nearest the glans isn't actually skin, but tissue called mucosa, which is incredibly sensitive. The whole process is essentially tissue expansion, inducing increased mitosis in the skin cells of your shaft skin and mucosa until you ultimately regrow enough skin to recreate the mucosal environment. In theory, you could do this with any skin for a long time, and they use it to help burn victims through balloons placed under the skin. My only main long term concerns are stretch marks and numbness from overdoing it, and greater long term health risks related to inducing so much extra cell division. I've done so much research on it I honestly feel like I could write a book on it at this point. While some people would say I would need to undergo psychiatric evaluation because I'm so fixated on it, I can't help but feel this way since it's a part of me that was severed. Either way, I'm incredibly fixated on it, but it makes me happy to feel like I'm making progress.

Though it definitely makes me question a lot of my values as I do it. I often wonder what I would feel like if I thought about it once and gave the matter no extra thought. And I feel less and less like I want to live around people and have friends because of it. I think it's the reason I've decided so many times to quit with patience, earning money, staying in touch with friends, and other characteristics of what's prescribed as a healthy lifestyle, in favor of pursuing things like art and music out of misery with my body image and the contempt for our society that goes along with it. I just don't feel happy when I'm with women. I feel ashamed and embarrassed because of my porn problem and what I see as my own disgusting, mutilated, sad-looking genitalia. Though it's helped me forgive myself for bad relationships in the past. Still, I hate to be trapped in this picture of myself as a victim, so I find other ways to stay motivated:

As long as I don't think about it too much and keep this segment of myself separate, I feel like I'm able to make friends and go about a fairly healthy lifestyle, though there's, I'm convinced, a side of me that will always consider me as some sort of machine or experiment. It asks things like - How many miles can I run a week? How fast can I run a mile? Since I feel dehumanized from circumcision and just bad about my social life up until this point in my life, I get greater fulfillment from imagining I'm some kind of science experiment and just seeing what's possible. I think it's when I start to get overwhelmed by emotions that I start to question it all again, as it's an unavoidable part of being human.

I don't even really want to get into relationships much of the time, much of which I detailed in the last long post, because I feel like this whole image would rear its ugly head again. So often I don't reach very high on the totem pole in the quality of women I chase after, or I chase ones too far beyond me and I get crushed because I feel like I'm born to fail, or that there's something wrong with me or my brain, or that I'm horribly ugly or there's something drastically wrong with my personality or something. It's these times that make me focus less on relationships because I feel like they disappoint when you're expecting too much from another person. I started to realize this as a junior in college, and so I went all out in reaching my physical goals - things like working out, and I still had a lot of friends and I was good at making friends, though I often felt like a zombie, and I couldn't connect with people on a different level, because there are so few people I've ever felt like I could share this pain with and still relate to them.

I nearly relapsed after some edging related to the above matters. Everything I look up online related to restoration kind of applies to P subs if I get carried away. I didn't get to the point of no return, though I got pretty close. I think I did it out of anger though. I was pleased to see that I can decently well maintain a higher quality erection than I'm used to, which is a good sign that sensitivity is returning, but I need to be more careful. This was very not pure, but my self-control was pretty good to be fair.

I think I'm starting to hit the point where I'm about to make the same mistake as I did in previous reboots, where boredom and the loss of initial steam leads to me confronting this massive wall that is the fact that I'm underconfident and I ruminate a lot and I feel permanently mutilated deep down underneath it all, and it's grounded in physical reality I can't change to a great extent, and I feel like I want some kind of revenge through self-improvement, but it's all on the wrong grounds. It leads me to question the nature of justice. Can anyone relate to this who has been in a similar situation? If so, how did you get out of it? I feel like I can't accept the idea that I'm just selfish. It's like I'm facing true unfairness and I just have to deal with it. Even though it's forcefully shaping my genitalia, who's to say it's not justified? Or even righteous? In the back of my mind, I feel like the answer is to just stop caring so much about my own ego, but I feel like I'm objectively looked down on, which makes me feel incredibly small when I talk to other people - like I'm some kind of beta among alphas, physically altered to be a lesser human being. It's a great struggle I'm wrestling with, and I honestly feel like the solution is to either (1) Completely see my "self-improvement revenge quest" to its fullest, whether that involves proving my own importance through some great accomplishment or (2) Completely let go of my ego. Or maybe a combination thereof. I can live in this world peacefully, and even be a good person to others, if I reject it by being selfish through these actions and grooming some kernel of ego. What are your thoughts?

Sorry this was so drawn out, I just feel a little upset because I feel like I need to think on a whole other level to resolve this for myself and maintain self-control and regulate my emotions. This may have nearly been a relapse, though I feel like I just broke new ground by really digging deep in this post.

"The mind is its own place in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven" -John Milton

For me, when I think about my circumcision.  I think about how it was the norm at the time of my birth and how it is rooted in the culture of my upbringing.  I have accepted it.  It is a surgery that took place a long time ago that most men have and it's nothing odd or adnormal about it.  It was done by people who cared about me who were doing the best they knew.  Maybe they weren't right all the time but they did their best.  Becoming pmo free is a great time to reflect and become at peace with the past.  I had to come to peace with the 1000s of hours I played video games, with the dozens of relationships I denied because of my pmo use, with many things.  But I'm still here and so are you.  And we are moving forward and doing the best we can.

Keep on going, don't settle for p, it's fake.  Get the real things and be brave my friend.  You can do it.

achilles heel

Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your latest success, you should focus on the positive aspects you achieved and keep achieving. The whole virginity/circumcision/alpha-beta reflections are completely irrelevant to others. Those thought patterns are influenced by porn and over-sexualized media and won't bring you no positive results ever. You are not looked down on by people, your virginity isn't relevant for any girl you might have a relationship with and neither is your genitalia.

To overcome those insecurities (I suffered from heavy insecurities too, this will pass with time and abstaining from porn helps a lot to accelerate the process) it helps a lot to get perspective from the opposite sex. The amount of girls I met who are obsessed about their weight, the size of their tits or other aspects of their bodies is incredible (none of them actually had to change anything - in my opinion) and a good female friend of mine suffered from heavy self-doubts because a guy she was dating suffered from (probably porn induced) ED. Her thought wasn't "What a beta, he can't get it up!" but "Am I really that ugly he won't get aroused by me?".

Porn and porn influenced media (music videos, "reality" shows, celebrity gossip) offer an image of humanity that will always cause an inferiority complex in those who watch constantly. Abstaining from both helps discovering beauty in others and one self instead of focusing on negative aspects.


Active Member
squid said:
rob24 said:
Warning: May contain triggers. Read at your own risk.

Thanks squid - the tugging is related to foreskin restoration, though I'm also experimenting with stretches for penis size. There's honestly a whole set of mechanical problems that crop up with circumcision which tend to exacerbate over time - insufficient shaft skin to accommodate healthy and comfortable erections, penis curvature, keratinization, turkey neck from scrotal webbing because of the lack of skin... I do my best to differentiate between what is exaggerated by people who are so incredibly ballistic in their anger about restoration and what's rational. I'm still dealing with a lot of complex feelings related to this whole circumcision thing from years ago. I've been reading a lot about it lately. I've noticed that the only area of my penis that's really erogenous is the inner skin which is supposed to be in a totally different environment - not exposed to air all the time. I don't think my circumcision was so tight as a baby that it will be as difficult a road as it potentially could have been, but more on the different environment: For circumcised men, this means that throughout your life, your sensations are not only hampered because of the initial loss of severed nerve endings, but also that your skin keratinizes, which is essentially a callous over your most sensitive parts. It's like if you lost your lips and your cheeks and had to stick your tongue out in the open air all the time. The lighter skin nearest the glans isn't actually skin, but tissue called mucosa, which is incredibly sensitive. The whole process is essentially tissue expansion, inducing increased mitosis in the skin cells of your shaft skin and mucosa until you ultimately regrow enough skin to recreate the mucosal environment. In theory, you could do this with any skin for a long time, and they use it to help burn victims through balloons placed under the skin. My only main long term concerns are stretch marks and numbness from overdoing it, and greater long term health risks related to inducing so much extra cell division. I've done so much research on it I honestly feel like I could write a book on it at this point. While some people would say I would need to undergo psychiatric evaluation because I'm so fixated on it, I can't help but feel this way since it's a part of me that was severed. Either way, I'm incredibly fixated on it, but it makes me happy to feel like I'm making progress.

Though it definitely makes me question a lot of my values as I do it. I often wonder what I would feel like if I thought about it once and gave the matter no extra thought. And I feel less and less like I want to live around people and have friends because of it. I think it's the reason I've decided so many times to quit with patience, earning money, staying in touch with friends, and other characteristics of what's prescribed as a healthy lifestyle, in favor of pursuing things like art and music out of misery with my body image and the contempt for our society that goes along with it. I just don't feel happy when I'm with women. I feel ashamed and embarrassed because of my porn problem and what I see as my own disgusting, mutilated, sad-looking genitalia. Though it's helped me forgive myself for bad relationships in the past. Still, I hate to be trapped in this picture of myself as a victim, so I find other ways to stay motivated:

As long as I don't think about it too much and keep this segment of myself separate, I feel like I'm able to make friends and go about a fairly healthy lifestyle, though there's, I'm convinced, a side of me that will always consider me as some sort of machine or experiment. It asks things like - How many miles can I run a week? How fast can I run a mile? Since I feel dehumanized from circumcision and just bad about my social life up until this point in my life, I get greater fulfillment from imagining I'm some kind of science experiment and just seeing what's possible. I think it's when I start to get overwhelmed by emotions that I start to question it all again, as it's an unavoidable part of being human.

I don't even really want to get into relationships much of the time, much of which I detailed in the last long post, because I feel like this whole image would rear its ugly head again. So often I don't reach very high on the totem pole in the quality of women I chase after, or I chase ones too far beyond me and I get crushed because I feel like I'm born to fail, or that there's something wrong with me or my brain, or that I'm horribly ugly or there's something drastically wrong with my personality or something. It's these times that make me focus less on relationships because I feel like they disappoint when you're expecting too much from another person. I started to realize this as a junior in college, and so I went all out in reaching my physical goals - things like working out, and I still had a lot of friends and I was good at making friends, though I often felt like a zombie, and I couldn't connect with people on a different level, because there are so few people I've ever felt like I could share this pain with and still relate to them.

I nearly relapsed after some edging related to the above matters. Everything I look up online related to restoration kind of applies to P subs if I get carried away. I didn't get to the point of no return, though I got pretty close. I think I did it out of anger though. I was pleased to see that I can decently well maintain a higher quality erection than I'm used to, which is a good sign that sensitivity is returning, but I need to be more careful. This was very not pure, but my self-control was pretty good to be fair.

I think I'm starting to hit the point where I'm about to make the same mistake as I did in previous reboots, where boredom and the loss of initial steam leads to me confronting this massive wall that is the fact that I'm underconfident and I ruminate a lot and I feel permanently mutilated deep down underneath it all, and it's grounded in physical reality I can't change to a great extent, and I feel like I want some kind of revenge through self-improvement, but it's all on the wrong grounds. It leads me to question the nature of justice. Can anyone relate to this who has been in a similar situation? If so, how did you get out of it? I feel like I can't accept the idea that I'm just selfish. It's like I'm facing true unfairness and I just have to deal with it. Even though it's forcefully shaping my genitalia, who's to say it's not justified? Or even righteous? In the back of my mind, I feel like the answer is to just stop caring so much about my own ego, but I feel like I'm objectively looked down on, which makes me feel incredibly small when I talk to other people - like I'm some kind of beta among alphas, physically altered to be a lesser human being. It's a great struggle I'm wrestling with, and I honestly feel like the solution is to either (1) Completely see my "self-improvement revenge quest" to its fullest, whether that involves proving my own importance through some great accomplishment or (2) Completely let go of my ego. Or maybe a combination thereof. I can live in this world peacefully, and even be a good person to others, if I reject it by being selfish through these actions and grooming some kernel of ego. What are your thoughts?

Sorry this was so drawn out, I just feel a little upset because I feel like I need to think on a whole other level to resolve this for myself and maintain self-control and regulate my emotions. This may have nearly been a relapse, though I feel like I just broke new ground by really digging deep in this post.

"The mind is its own place in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven" -John Milton

For me, when I think about my circumcision.  I think about how it was the norm at the time of my birth and how it is rooted in the culture of my upbringing.  I have accepted it.  It is a surgery that took place a long time ago that most men have and it's nothing odd or adnormal about it.  It was done by people who cared about me who were doing the best they knew.  Maybe they weren't right all the time but they did their best.  Becoming pmo free is a great time to reflect and become at peace with the past.  I had to come to peace with the 1000s of hours I played video games, with the dozens of relationships I denied because of my pmo use, with many things.  But I'm still here and so are you.  And we are moving forward and doing the best we can.

Keep on going, don't settle for p, it's fake.  Get the real things and be brave my friend.  You can do it.

Thanks for sharing man. It helps me push through all my feelings on it. I definitely want to move out of being held back by them in many ways. Sometimes I feel like I have this weird phallic obsession or something because of it. Sometimes, and I hate this feeling, but I sometimes just feel like I was the victim of an accident in history - like an unfortunate burn victim or something. It feels stupid and tragic and I know my fixation on it holds me back. The only logical and practical answer if you want to soldier on is to do the best you can with what you have, manage your emotions to become more resilient, and wait for the future.

But onto more face-to-face interactions and real-world experiences, which I greatly agree are a great escape from all of this neurotic behavior...When I think about relationships and what makes me/keeps me interested in a girl, I've learned through my own experience that physical things like how attractive someone is only have very little to do with developing a good relationship that is mutually beneficial/persistently stimulating. I think porn made me incredibly fixated on measurable things that in real life, have little to do with relationship satisfaction, like bust-waist-hips ratio. Like for example, I was really shallow in college and I became attracted to my soon-to-be girlfriend at the time partly because she had big boobs. I really don't think I was very good at reading below the surface because I felt like she did so little to challenge me intellectually, and I constantly felt like this sexual deviant maniac trying to prove himself through his insecurities, but I had been doing this really high level thinking, and my girlfriend started to seem disinterested, didn't challenge me intellectually, and I didn't even feel like I could talk about my feelings with her. To a great extent, I was arrogant and insecure, but I was also seeing a therapist at the time. I honestly feel like a therapist would make a great partner, and I'm increasingly interested in learning about the profession to help myself understand these emotions and how to manage them. Ultimately in that relationship, I felt like I was being babysat by a very complacent girl. I don't know if that was the truth completely, but I stopped feeling challenged by her. I started to feel really trapped by my relationship, and so I stopped talking to her, and I just kind of let our relationship die. Either way, it proved to me that all of the things I chase after for my own edification - physical strength, speed, etc. are largely out of place in a relationship, and what matters more than anything is that you can talk to the other person about things that are important to you/emotionally important to you openly and honestly. You challenge the other person and they challenge you (in a good way!). From that point forward in time, I told myself that instead of looking for a girlfriend, I would only look for friends - regardless of gender - maybe out of some good friendship, a relationship would be born. Good friends challenge you, and I can easily think of several good friendships I've had with other men that have challenged me. It's one reason I think that a rival makes for such a good friend. To be honest, that sounds like really good logic when I think about it. When you are intentionally looking for a partner, it seems to me that you are more likely to misread/overfit idealized characteristics upon another person solely because they are of the opposite sex, while you would rarely, if ever do the same thing with people of the same sex, since you are not obliged to enter into a loving relationship with them (unless you're really desperate to make friends of the same sex, in which case, you'll be happy with anyone you meet at first!). But ultimately, we all look for people who challenge us in some way, in my opinion.

Haha, sorry for analyzing everything! I'm just glad when I move past the fixation upon porn and my genitals/body. I'm also grateful for you squid, since you challenge me by posing all of these views that I need to face and think through if I want to move past all of this to greater emotional health. Thank you!

17 Days and 7 hours

I relapsed with regard to M yesterday. I became incredibly fixated upon my circumcision and my anger, and I was frustrated and angry when I thought about how I felt like it had ruined my self-image of my genitals, and I wanted to jerk off because of it. I looked at more genital manipulation posts on reddit because I felt like I needed encouragement and I feel so angry when I get fixated on tugging and I get angry because I feel unbeautiful and maimed. Bleh, I get angry and I feel stupid from the smallest triggers still. Literally, my own father asking me about dinner seems to be a greater concern to him than the decision whether to not to cut off part of my dick as an infant. But maybe that's just it - it's almost like talking to someone about a planet he's never even heard of before. Regardless, it still makes me angry, and I even get upset with myself for being angry, etc. ad infinitum. I need to remember that the internet is full of unrealistic, ridiculous exaggerations. Even pornography makes sex out to be something that, if done in real life, would seem ridiculous. No one has sex like that - it's absurd!

If anything I'm grateful to myself for making it so far and still having the self-control and honesty and not getting cynical to still be able to talk about my emotions. I'm grateful to everyone here who has helped remind me that through this suffering, a tempered, greater self awaits through the door. I'm grateful to my mom who still listens to me, and to whom I can largely speak openly about how I'm feeling without going into specifics. At the same time, there's still a part of me that gets ballistically angry at my parents, despite the fact that I love them and I know that they care deeply and didn't intentionally do anything to hurt me, even though I get angry at the cultural mores that led to this situation, and I sometimes get angry because I feel that they were too weak to understand.

Tomorrow I start teaching again. I'm much better prepared than I thought I would be for the first day, and I'm glad I'll have more face to face interactions to help escape from the world of turmoil I'm in right now. I realize that I'm going to have to keep on fighting these demons no matter my life situation, but I'm confident in my steadiness. Can I handle more rocking of the boat? What if something goes wrong at my job? Will I have enough strength to absorb the blows? While I feel like another full year of teaching would still knock me down at this point, I'm confident in the small stresses I'm exposing myself to grow by - hormesis principles of exposing yourself to little stresses to eventually grow very strong.

Let's look to some more positive goals for now:

  • Further distance myself from PMO. Pay special attention to:
    • P subs, including restoration photos, which I think I need to stop looking at if I want to feel stable for at least awhile
    • Fantasizing
    • M (at all!)
    • Purposeless online searching
  • Excellent teaching. I can come up with goals I set for myself to stay stable and not feel guilty and maintain work life balance, which is important not only for the teacher, but the students as well - teaching is one of those professions where, if you go too hard on yourself, you will always feel like a failure because you always feel like you could do more to help
  • Continue tugging, but never do it in anger. I got carried away the other day because I started to use techniques emotionally and I wasn't thinking rationally. I still think it will help my long term sexual functioning and some of my body image problems to a certain extent, though I need to detach myself if I want success. I'm only retaining today because I realized I don't want to do any long term damage, it's not a race, and I want to prioritize rest and consistency, even if it's at the expense of short-term gains.
  • Ditto the above for the running and swimming and workouts and diet. I've been getting into great shape, but I ran through the heat today and had to forgive myself for not improving my pace. Ironically, it's not a race to get faster, but all about pace.
  • Keep contacting old friends. I've made it a priority to reach out to one person each day I haven't contacted in awhile. This was a great move. Keep using social media to make myself more available socially again. It's a good tool for leverage. I think gaming and social media have lost a lot of their addictive power they used to have over me. It more just these deep-seated neuroses I'm still dealing with.
  • Sell more stuff every day on eBay by making 10 listings a day. Use the funds toward stock market investment. It feels good to save! I swear, even just sorting through all of my old purchases makes me feel sick - I can't believe I bought so much worthless crap when the greatest things in life are free (besides financial security, but that's not something you really "buy" as much as something you work toward, in a way.)
  • Keep tanning a bit every day. A little bit each day in the nice summer air has gotten me out at the beach, swimming in the ocean, and it's good for your skin to get a bit of vitamin D in moderation.
  • Keep these loops open - make sure I'm actually completing everything
  • Above all, every SECOND I have integrity at keeping away from the neural pathways that reinforce PMO addiction makes me a little bit better off. While I had to reset the M timer yesterday to account for the edging and what was nearly a relapse, I'm grateful that I've grown and come further, and that I had enough integrity that I can't say a full PMO relapse timer reset would be in order.

I feel like Kurama sometimes. My Naruto analogies are getting even wackier by the day.

Stay strong my friends! The days seem to pass by exponentially more easily as time goes on. The greatest walls we face in overcoming this are deep within us.


Active Member
achilles heel said:
Congratulations on your latest success, you should focus on the positive aspects you achieved and keep achieving. The whole virginity/circumcision/alpha-beta reflections are completely irrelevant to others. Those thought patterns are influenced by porn and over-sexualized media and won't bring you no positive results ever. You are not looked down on by people, your virginity isn't relevant for any girl you might have a relationship with and neither is your genitalia.

To overcome those insecurities (I suffered from heavy insecurities too, this will pass with time and abstaining from porn helps a lot to accelerate the process) it helps a lot to get perspective from the opposite sex. The amount of girls I met who are obsessed about their weight, the size of their tits or other aspects of their bodies is incredible (none of them actually had to change anything - in my opinion) and a good female friend of mine suffered from heavy self-doubts because a guy she was dating suffered from (probably porn induced) ED. Her thought wasn't "What a beta, he can't get it up!" but "Am I really that ugly he won't get aroused by me?".

Porn and porn influenced media (music videos, "reality" shows, celebrity gossip) offer an image of humanity that will always cause an inferiority complex in those who watch constantly. Abstaining from both helps discovering beauty in others and one self instead of focusing on negative aspects.

Thank you achilles. So often I get so egotistical and wrapped up in my own thoughts that it makes me into this solipsistic maniac, constantly ruminating about these things. I swear, the greatest experience I ever had socially was living with a bunch of new friends in my junior year of college, who were very selfless, and they just had great wisdom about their own emotions because they spent so much time around other people adn they constantly opened themselves up to new people and experiences. I feel like not spending time around people - or spending time engaging with the internet or the media - distances me from humanity. I see so much as a one way street when it's so much more of a conversation, and what I see as being isolating is actually something almost everyone experiences in some way, shape, or form. Thank you so much.


Active Member
Jeez, this was an incredibly useful breakthrough in my understanding. Rebooting must have more to do with changing thought patterns than I realized. I feel like Gary Wilson talking about becoming more altruistic and level-headed as you make your way through porn recovery was pretty accurate, though perhaps understated in its importance. Removing porn, masturbation, and orgasms (outside of real sex, for many) is only one aspect of quitting. A whole other part involves a the complete removal of artificial stimulation and thought patterns whereby you enjoy sexuality onanistically entirely. While I wouldn't judge anyone who wanted to simply remove porn and keep old masturbation habits without artificial stimulation, I couldn't honestly do that myself. Even before porn, I would fantasize during masturbation in pornographic ways (imagining pornographic sexual showmanship with another person). From today on, I now see and understand the need to cut out the following:

  • Porn (obviously)
  • Staring at images of women or even in real life, as it's voyeurism in a way
  • Nude images - even if medical charts, etc. (anything can become a fetish)
  • Fantasizing (not sure if my hunter gatherer ancestors did this one, but I doubt they had the luxury as much, and I'm guessing it was more often just the real thing)
  • Anything related to body transformation/manipulation - I had regarded it as "motivation" before, but now I realize that life was getting dull and unrewarding, so it was a relapse I was only half-aware of, in a sense. Whenever I reboot, I go through a few phases: (1) Falling in love with someone, and then my brain fantasizes about that person, and it's usually not someone I'm even close enough with to honestly say I'm in love with them (2) The body manipulation/improvement stage - I think I'm going through this one right now. I think it's my brain saying "If I can't watch porn, then I have to make myself into a pornstar." I spend time "researching" the topic, which involves pornographic imagery necessarily, or substitutes for it. I think I'll still work on tugging, but to approach the mental attitudes that come along with it as playing with fire. I haven't realized just how much of my preferences and tendencies are still porn-related. I need to learn to trust my eyes a lot less.
  • Edging (entirely)
  • I daresay it might even be good to just block out images on your internet browser altogether. I'm thinking back to the hunter gatherers we're descended from. Any lad with an internet connection nowadays can see enough sexual exploits in an hour to beat out the full lifetime experiences of all of his ancestors combined. It makes me question this whole information overload, and if I can even handle all the imagery that's constantly being thrown at us and broadcasted. Just sitting in a room where my family was watching reality TV the other day started to make me mad. Granted, I need to work on managing my emotions, but maybe there's something to achilles's idea that constantly consuming media and entertainment will make us always feel inferior. I feel so much better taking a break from YouTube despite the fact that I could be making money from making videos right now - I absolutely hate the idea of keeping up with the trend and always constantly having to outdo yourself. It's exhausting and no human can keep up with it. I swear, so often I've found myself Googling celebrity ages when they made their accomplishments since I find myself wondering how much time I have left to make an equal impact on society. Maybe I need an even greater unplugging from technology and internet access and access to constant novelty than I realized. While the internet's explosion of information has made it easier than ever to find any information, it turns out that behavior and habits have a lot more to do with our happiness and sense of fulfillment.

What's crazy to me is that I don't even know if I can trust myself and all those misguided beliefs. I feel so much more peace not having listened to any modern music - or music services at all, for the lack of the constant advertisement bombardments and my increasing dissatisfaction for needing to change songs constantly. Right now I'm trying to get rid of all the useless electronics, gaming systems, and creative equipment I bought in the last year I considered investments in film, art, and production in my YouTube channel because I was completely misguided from stress as I described in previous posts. Sure, I feel silly since I wasted so much, but having to go through all of the incredible amount of red tape and eBay promotion to rid myself of all these worthless possessions is just desserts and a lesson learned for how stupid I've been. I'll still see it in a positive light, though. The understanding and peace I'm beginning to experience now that I'm closer to feeling like my behavior and values are coming closer to full alignment is immense. Maybe that's just the secret - following through on your values despite the fact that something else seems to hold some seductive secret of pleasure. This is definitely true in my experience with working with people. A lot of unhappy people are unable to behave in the way they know it would be wisest to behave.

I think you guys are right about getting out of my comfort zone and just out in building more real world face-to-face relationships. I'm frustrated because my town's recreational sports league is closed to new entrants, though I need to do my best to find low-pressure ways of getting out there more. I'm hesitant to join much or go out so much since it can get expensive or required long travel times to meet people, though perhaps it's worth the investment. I want to buy a pass to my local rec center to use the pool for starters. Maybe I'll follow up on that soon. Hopefully I can manage all this while holding down a job. Either way, I get out a lot already to exercise, though I'm so often alone outdoors. It will take some brainstorming and cold calls on people I haven't seen in awhile, haha.

That's all my thoughts for now. My apologies for the frequent posts, as I hate to overdo it on posting, but it's just the rate at which I feel like my mind needs emptying, and I'm glad to have it all written down in one place to read one day, so that it can be built into a greater narrative of self-understanding and a journey of growth. Stay strong!