My current understanding of the problem of P addiction is that:
Fundamentally P is meeting a need. I think this goes to any addiction. Smoking, Alcohol, Food, etc.
I used to like drinking beer. Now I very rarely drink beer or any alcohol. It just doesn't meet my needs. I don't need it. The need is not there. When I go past the beer section at the store. I just get some fond memories of drinking beer with some buddies from university. But they are not about the beer they are bout the human connection shared, not about the beer. So in short. Beer does not meet any of my current needs.
Looking back. I can see that P meet my needs. Needs to escape, avoid reality. This avoidance of problems, avoidance of feeling strong negative emotions, etc. Avoidance is a big thing in the psyche. Sure there is also shame and guilt and stuff. But fundamentally it is a about fulfilling a need.
So to solve this problem at a fundamental level. First and foremost is about knowing myself. What are my needs, what are my beliefs, what is my understanding? How do I get to know myself better? Who am I? What is this?
With just "working on myself", the need to use P is getting less and less and less. And it is getting easier and easier not to use P.
Going back to beer. The other thing about beer is that, I've not been a regular but an occasional beer drinker. So the patterns of beer drinking are not deeply rooted in my psyche.
So I think right now why I still use P. Comes down more to the decades of regular usage making extremely deep patterns in the psyche.
I find myself on P sites still. And I am like. WTF? I don't need to be here. What is this? Oh, yeah. Decades of P use this is why. Very very very strong patterns still.
So I think self-discipline is the other part. Getting to a point where P does not meet any of the needs. The other part is just consistency and discipline to work on myself.
Onwards and upwards.