Phineas 808 said:Last night was very interesting...
My wife and I had sex, and it was good. Physiologically, everything worked well. But I do, time to time, use memories (vanilla) to help me stay focused without going into performance anxiety, which is the only thing that's caused ED in the past. I know that's not ideal, but for me it's like using snake venom to counter a snake bite... for lack of a better analogy.
Anyways, we both felt that total love and acceptance, the peaceful and good neural chemicals a married couple feels after they've made love, the contentment, the belonging, etc...
Afterwards, my dreams were very sexual, like, what part of my brain did I activate?? I don't know if there was a chaser effect activated or not, but I had several dreams that were pornographic or highly sexual. Not all, one dream was of making love to my wife, so that's good... But another had the type of situation or fetish that I've been habituated toward in typical episodes.
These are certainly internal cues, but any urges have been so far minimal. For the sake of accountability (first to myself, and to you all as well), I'm writing this now, just in case the [former] habits resurface with any force.
Be well, All.
Great work, Phin. You're doing everything right, but that doesn't make this thing easy. Connect with our loved ones, with the goal of being completely out of our heads. the longer are sobriety goes, the more natural it becomes. Let's just stay on the path!