I’ve been less frequent about posting here lately. I want to get back to a daily habit of it if I can. At the same time, I’m going to try and change my approach for a while. I’m getting rid of my streak counters for a while. I want to try to stop making porn the big bogeyman in my life. Certainly it is a problem, I have an unhealthy relationship with it, I continue to think it’s evil. But broadly speaking, porn isn’t my problem, it’s an attempted solution. One of the major patterns that causes me distress these days is the pattern of “oh God I’m afraid I’m gonna do it again” leading to “I did it again, I’m so pathetic, I’m hopeless, etc.”
So this journal is obviously my tool to record my thoughts and thought patterns while I work on leaving porn in the past. But it hasn’t been serving me to obsess over my counters and all the fear and shame of repeating this pattern. But on the other hand it would be irresponsible for me to stop recording my observations as it regards my porn use.
So last night was good in a lot of ways, my wife and I had sex and it was good, I cooked up some nice dinner and then went off to see a movie with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while. Because of all this I didn’t have a lot of “downtime” to myself through the night, so I made up for it by staring at my phone for a few hours late into the night when I should’ve been asleep already, finally getting to bed after 2. Unsurprisingly my phone activity ventured into very porn-adjacent material on YouTube and for a while I just sat there escalating it and looking for more and more. I didn’t masturbate but I was certainly close. Maybe I was just too tired or something. Eventually I finally went to bed.
Now what I’m going to try not to do is worry about it. Certainly I fell short of my best self last night, I can’t exactly congratulate myself or excuse myself. But, it happened. It’s in the past. I’m documenting it here because I think it’s important to write down these things and kind of acknowledge them and reexamine the thought process that led to them if I can. But what I don’t need to do is construct a whole narrative out of it, or fret over what I’m going to do next. It is what it is, it happened. I’m in the present now.
On a semi related note, I was thinking this morning, as I started my internal debate over whether or not I should continue peeking (the answer is no), that one of the dumb thoughts I get in my head is something like “if I don’t keep looking at porn right now, I’ll never get sexual gratification again!” or something. Or at least that’s how I act. I know people have talked about this before on here, but stopping in your tracks, noticing bad behavior or mental patterns and then dropping them, doesn’t have to be this whole dramatic endeavor. Just chill, just wait for a bit. It’ll all still be there later. Or maybe just maybe I’ll be less interested later, or hell maybe I’ll find a better outlet for all that pent up energy. Just chill.
Hope everyone’s having a fine day.