You too, man. Never gonna stop trying. I've had success before. I can have it again.Love you brother. Keep doing your thing.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
You damn right man. You can do this. We're in this together.You too, man. Never gonna stop trying. I've had success before. I can have it again.
Nice!Day 7. It's not much, but it's something.
Thanks bro. I thought about it last night and figured out that I've had my most success with this fight when I don't think about it. I don't count days, I don't let my life revolve around avoiding pmo. I just do it. I don't give it a thought or a place in my existence. I think a few of us, me included spend all of our day thinking about not doing it, that it opens the door to it anyway because it's on our mind. Every task we do involves us thinking about not watching or getting involved with pmo and a small thought takes hold and we are right back where we began. I feel like that is my mistake a lot of the time. Gonna spend time working on it. I appreciate your feedback yesterday and your advice and encouragement.It's alright @FreedomFromTheStruggle_11, get back up and keep on going.
Is there something different you could try this time around? Something you could add to your routine? Or maybe a porn blocker?
That's some good self-reflection @FreedomFromTheStruggle_11. Even though I count days, I don't spend all day long thinking about "not doing it", on the contrary, I'm thinking about what I want in this life, and I'm working on my goals. Of course, it is true, one of my goals is never again, but I try very hard to not be obsessed with it on an hourly basis. What we think about and reflect on daily, is what we find ourselves doing. Do you have anything that you're working on that you can get excited about, besides just quitting porn?Thanks bro. I thought about it last night and figured out that I've had my most success with this fight when I don't think about it. I don't count days, I don't let my life revolve around avoiding pmo. I just do it. I don't give it a thought or a place in my existence. I think a few of us, me included spend all of our day thinking about not doing it, that it opens the door to it anyway because it's on our mind. Every task we do involves us thinking about not watching or getting involved with pmo and a small thought takes hold and we are right back where we began. I feel like that is my mistake a lot of the time. Gonna spend time working on it. I appreciate your feedback yesterday and your advice and encouragement.
Sorry to hear about this champ. Don't let it get into your head, dust yourself off, get back up, and start moving ahead.I had a bad relapse last night. I didn't want to come here today and post about it. But if I hide from here and run from my failures then I will continue to be in a bad place. I was brushing my teeth and getting ready to wind down for the night, when the urge hit me. I'm not proud of it or myself right now. What's so annoying is I'll have great success with this for a while and then I'll have times when I just can't get out of my own way. Back to square 1 and day 1. I'll get back on tonight and check in. Love you all and I hope you have a great day.
I hope this helps.Thanks bro. I thought about it last night and figured out that I've had my most success with this fight when I don't think about it. I don't count days, I don't let my life revolve around avoiding pmo. I just do it. I don't give it a thought or a place in my existence. I think a few of us, me included spend all of our day thinking about not doing it, that it opens the door to it anyway because it's on our mind. Every task we do involves us thinking about not watching or getting involved with pmo and a small thought takes hold and we are right back where we began. I feel like that is my mistake a lot of the time. Gonna spend time working on it. I appreciate your feedback yesterday and your advice and encouragement.
Thank you so much, bro.I hope this helps.