My Journey



So....early this morning...I had sex with my wife.

I was rock hard, felt so excited inside, and at first I had a fleeting thought, "what if I am unable to do this?" But then, I just, I'm a man, and I'm her husband, and I'm going.

It was almost like it was the first time I had sex. It was incredible...and I think I ejaculated within about 2 minutes or less. It for sure was no longer than 2 minutes. It was incredible.

The funny thing was...I thought she had nudged me to see if I was awake, and when I was fully conscious, I had a raging hard erection, and I was feeling like I wanted her. So, I moved in, and then realized that she wasn't even really awake. When she woke up...she was all in.

It was an incredible way to start the morning...but it was 5:30 in the I went back to sleep for a bit after.

All this day since then I have felt so horny...and want her again. It feels good.

so, after 16 days....I was able to actually have sex with my wife....and this is Valentine's day. Pretty cool gift today.

I will write more later. Just wanted to tell what happened today. Thanks.


Respected Member
Terrific news brother! As Robert Ludlum wrote in the Bourne trilogy: "Opportunities will present themselves." You've seen how life is without porn...and it only gets better.


Today has been good.

PM is not an option in my life.

Glad I'm here, and so glad you men are here, too.



Active Member
Wow....  that is so awesome!  I am proud of you man. 

You are committed to making not just your life better, but hers too...  It takes a toll on the girls when we can't or won't.  They blame themselves....  that we don't find them attractive enough....  or good enough.  It tears families apart.

You my friend have begun the journey to fix this.  And this is only the beginning. 




Poker, thank you for writing. Thank you for the encouraging words.

It has been a good day. I am just thankful that I actually was able to do it today. It's been years. This was actually an incredibly great thing. I'm really, really thankful. I feel good.

I am now having to continue to re-direct my sexual feelings to the right place. Just having sex with her today has opened up this thing inside me...and it's like my brain is saying..great, everything is fixed and okay, let's go see what we can see online now.



It's been 2 freaking weeks. TWO. So, while I'm thankful that my body is responding and that I was able to actually ejaculate with my wife today....I am having to continue to re-commit and reaffirm my resolution to NOT look at the pixel garbage.

Porn is not an option. M is not an option.

The way I feel right now, I may try to have sex with her every day from here on out...what would be so bad about that? I'd like to.

But....I will take it a day at a time and I will continue to say NO to pm.

pm is NOT an option.

Thank you, men, for being here and reading and sharing your journey with me.

I'm so glad you all are here.



Glad to see you've joined in this fight.  17 days is a great beginning.  Take it one day at a time.  I'm moved by how many Christians have struggled with and are struggling with porn.  The fight will be worth it.

Be blessed,


Scott, one thing I noticed and admire in this journal is that you seem to have such an awesome marriage, and a wonderful wife.

That is such a blessing to have, and you already value that enough, and value yourself enough to say, "No" to porn and that 'm-word'.

Stay strong, and keep 'changing that channel', whenever the thought to look, or memories come to mind- just set your thoughts on something else- no big fight, no white-knuckling it, just divert your attention.

Congratulations on your recent and future victories.


ianmac and leon...thank you.

Since stopping the pm, and getting more clear-headed, I have seen the devastation in my being the last soldier standing in the middle of the battlefield of my life and watching fog slowly dissipate. Day by day, I see more casualties that happened as a direct result of me running to pm for so many years. It is a heavy weight on my chest.

But I am so thankful that I found this place, and that I have a new determination to put a stop to it in my life. It's precisely because of these casualties in my life that I am determined to continue to say no to pm and even the shadowy memories that try to catch my attention.

I wrote that I had sex with my wife on Saturday for the first time in years.

Sunday we did it again. This time....she had the big O, and then I did just after. It was pretty awesome.

I'm thankful that this is moving back in the right direction.

Funny thing is...last night...Sunday night, I majorly depressed and anxious.
I'm not sure if it has been part of the withdrawal from what I used to do....dang, it's been only like 20 days since I last used P&M. So, I guess I shouldn't be all that surprised.

I also have found some temporary fogginess that comes and goes. Last week, I was supposed to take care of some things....and I found my self just yesterday, on the day I was supposed to have completed a project for someone...just then remembering, when I had all week to do it.

I was like...."and what else have I totally forgotten about?" Feels I'm losing my mind.

I am trying to keep pushing forward.

The most important thins in my life today, and each day are these:

1. the Bible...listen for God's whisper in my life.
2. Say no to PM and the thoughts/memories of it.

I can do these. I must do these. I will do these.

I'm thankful for my job...glad that I was able to get up today and come to work...glad for the structure.

I have been contemplating saying no to TV completely as well. Seems like it is a waste...well, I know it is a waste. My family and I usually watch a couple of the same programs on Sunday evenings...and this is okay. But, I need to get rid of it at other times. It's like sucking life out of my family at times. We are not heavy TV watchers....but it's sucking life out of us anyway. They will follow my I'm going to get rid of it, except for Sunday nights.

I actually feel a lot better with that decision.

Okay...that's all for now.

PM is NOT an option.


Respected Member
Hey brother. I just got caught up on your posts. I'm so happy that you and your wife are reconnecting, both in and out of the bedroom. Seeing the return of healthy sexuality is one of the many rewards of living without pornography. Porn kills both love and intimacy so once you stop PMO, both love and intimacy return. You mentioned feeling depressed and a bit forgetful of late. As my brain chemistry rebalanced, I went from the highest of highs (singing in my car) to the lowest of lows (crying at the gym). So what you are experiencing is quite normal. You may have already learned this from 'Your Brain on Porn' but here goes. Our addiction is to dopamine, which represents arousal/expectation in the brain. And a chemical called DeltaFosB signals to the brain to repeat habits (like porn) that stimulate more dopamine. Once you orgasm, however, other chemicals are released to counteract the dopamine (as we are no longer aroused) and then feel a strong bond with our sexual partner. But when we fap to porn, we're left with a hollow feeling because we're alone and have just killed our dopamine high. Our brains are genetically wired for arousal from and sex with a real live partner. But the porn addict's brain gets addicted not to the sexual act but to the novelty only high-speed internet porn can provide. So your brain is a bit confused by real sex which often results in the post-orgasm 'chaser' effect you've described. For some it can be excessive horniness, for others it can be forgetfulness or mild depression. Regardless, you're healing my friend. And I also applaud your decision to kill TV. I gave it up when I started reboot and couldn't be happier. It's just soft-core porn anyway. Be well my friend, keep going, and keep repeating: PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.



Just got home from a long but good day. I had a 2nd job today that kept me from home until after everyone else has gone to bed.

I called home today and talked with my wife and my kids...just to check in with them and see how they are doing today. I don't like it when I am not able to see them in a day. But, it was good to talk with them.

Tomorrow will be a similar day, but I'll see them all when we get up in the will be an early day...everyone out the door by 6:30 a.m. Then, I'll have another 2nd job tomorrow evening, and I'll get to see them all tomorrow evening.

A night like tonight...not too late, and everyone in bed is exactly the kind of night when I used to get online and look at crap and do video chats. I'm glad I am not doing it now. So glad.

It has been really good to see some posts of other men who are new here, and who have gotten fed up and said enough is enough...and started their journal here. It's really good to see.

There are a lot more that I want to read. I want to connect here even more. This is a great place, and I'm so glad I am here.

Will post more tomorrow.

Porn and M are NOT an option.



19 days and 21 hours. Wow. It feels good to see this, and to know that for this long, I have not looked at p and have not tried to m. This is so good.

This morning, when we were all getting ready to get out the door, my wife needed a card that I had. She had her hands full, and I didn't want to forget to give it to her...but I took out my wallet, got the card and slipped it into her back jeans pocket.

I was hit pretty hard with how good it felt to just touch her there...and I guess I responded...not sure now what I said or did...but just before she walked away to get to something else, she leaned up in my ear and said, "you can get in my pocket any time you want."

Not only did that send huge warm feelings through my chest, but it sent a surge down south. If we had been the only ones in the house this morning, we would have been a little late getting out the door....I'm like....feeling it all even now, and can't wait to be with her tonight when we all get home.


This is good news. This is great news...all that I am feeling in my body. I'm so glad.

I didn't have high speed internet until I was about 34 years I'm seeing my brain respond pretty quickly.

I do remember worrying that I was entering into early onset dementia at one point before I stopped doing the PMO, and feeling like my body was falling apart....but I'm so glad to see things turning around.

So glad to be here.

Porn & M are not an option.


Active Member
Awesome reboot Scott.  Keep it going man!  We're here backing you up every step, though it sounds like you have pretty darned good backup right there at home.  :)


Thank you Lyon and is really good to know that someone is continuing to read and connect here with my journey.

Today I am feeling a bit pelted with journey has involved walking away from the attraction to the same sex. Today, I feel like someone has been throwing darts at me....not enough to leave any gaping wounds, but enough to be really, really annoying and cause discomfort and bleeding.

My day started with a sexual arousal that I have not been able to act upon....and I'm feeling a lot today. Every time I turn around there is something trying to pull my brain into the path of the thoughts that I always allowed before...memories of stuff.

I made LOTS of bad choices when it came to video chat...I degenerated into lots of activity that used video chat with other men....and it even happened at my work place. My mobile device was connected and I was in a bunch of crap.

So, I have lots of memories, and today I'm feeling pretty distracted with it all. It's turning out to be a difficult day.

Even with the video chat was like mixing the pixels with a "real" person who was still just a very interactive "pixel person"...who actually was more of just a face and a voice that matched my fantasies. I didn't know the people...and never had real human interaction on a normal level.

But today it's all pressing in really, really hard on me...and the longer this day goes, the more I am feeling it.

I'm just trying to breathe and keep my mind away from it all.

I'll be back.


I'm still reading your posts NGU. It's a great story and I know there are some rough spots, but the fact that you and your wife are healing together is awesome, even supernatural. I had a "vision" of you sharing your marital restoration stories to other men/couples who will need the inspiration to overcome the same stuff. I also think it will be important for struggling husbands to hear about everything you lost due to PMO. It's so easy to feel horrible after the deed and then be deceive later and think it's no big deal. Your story will be a sledgehammer to denial and give real hope to those who need it. I'm sure that even the precious things you've lost will continue to be restored. Peace!


Active Member
Scott, I'm going to go out on a limb here and try not to be triggering in any way.  Men can have attractions to both sexes and there is nothing wrong with that.  Walking away from that attraction may be impossible if you are wired to men naturally.  That said, having a monagomous relationship with your wife precludes sex with anyone else, of any sex.  So keeping true to your commitment is not the same as walking away from men (or women), but just that, keeping your commitment.  You don't need to deny your attraction but the joy of filling your place as a father and husband and a monogamous man may offer an easier perspective.  I could be wrong.



Thank you for staying connected and for being part of my journey.

I'm not going to leave you out on that limb alone...I will come out there with you.

Here is what I have learned...I grew up in a family with a mother who was sick 90% of the time and my father was consumed with trying to keep her out of trouble and trying to keep our family together and cared for.

So, I entered into a family system where there was little guidance from a man in my life. Actually, he was usually tired and angry. There was no bonding with him. I did not want to be like him. He hurt me, and scared me.

I'm not going to try to dispute psychological theories...but I'll tell you what happened with me. I grew up afraid of my father...and I was molested by a man when I was around 9 years old - a stranger who was walking down the same road I was walking one summer day alone.

I desperately wanted to be with men and be accepted as a man and thought of as a man, and yet I was terrified of men. I had no guidance from my father in the things of being a man...there was no individual time with him...he did not offer me anything in the way of what it meant to be a man. What I got from him was his anger, and silence.

I was naturally somewhat observer...and so the rift only grew between me and other boys my age. I was a lower/middle class kid among the upper middle class, and the differences between me and other boys whose mothers made sure they were dressed decently and hair combed, and whatever... it all became obvious. My mother was sick in bed. I did what I had to do to get out the door and catch the bus for school every day.

I never felt part of the group of guys...always different.

I had a hunger to be considered part of the group of guys, and then later in life, part of the group called "Men."

Yet, I could not see myself as a man, and did not feel like a man, and could not even refer to myself as a man. I had all the parts, was strong, and even athletic...but was never part of athletic teams, and was never "one of the guys."

I withdrew into myself...and when I discovered masturbation at 13, it just became another way I could separate. I made good grades, and liked music. I also loved running and swimming...but there was little my father and mother could do to get me involved with any kinds of sports teams. There was no money for it, and there was no time for it...and my parents certainly didn't have the energy for it.

The attraction I felt toward men was a hunger...a hunger to be a man.

When I was a senior in high school, I was studying Spanish and needed a good Spanish/English dictionary. I knew I could find one at the Family Book Store in the mall (that was not the name of it, but that was the image they tried to convey). I still remember standing in the reference section looking for a good dictionary....when right immediately in front of me on the shelf there in the back of the store was a magazine. Someone had stashed it there behind the reference books.

This magazine was (I learned later) a very well-known gay magazine....just FULL of guys that looked like gods....oh, and all naked and usually erect. It was like I had been dipped in acid. I saw it, and it completely pulled me in. It was my FIRST contact with real pornography of any type. I felt like I had just been blasted by the heat of a furnace when I saw it, and I picked it up and quickly leafed through it.

My first instinct was to just roll it up and tuck it into my coat (it was winter, and I was wearing a heavy coat). Sweating, and heart pounding, I walked up to the counter with the dictionary I needed, and bought it. I went straight out to the car and sat there and gulped in the pages of the magazine. I masturbated right there in the parking lot in the car.

There were phone numbers in the back of the magazine that I could call and hear gay recordings....and it pulled me further in.

It was a confusing time in my life....I ended up in a few encounters in rest areas, and a couple that I met on phone lines and met in person...but it was always stuff that left me feeling ashamed and empty inside.

When I was almost 30 years old...I decided to investigate further into what was happening in my life.

I'm skipping years of turmoil here...and won't go into all the details...but what I came to understand was that there was a big part of nurturing that I never received as a boy and a young man.

I had to stretch myself and actually cross over into some of the previously "forbidden" areas of men that I felt I could not go into before....and I made myself enter into the world of men. I volunteered to be an assistant coach for one of my son's athletic teams. This of itself was a terrifying thing for me...but it was one of those "forbidden" areas that I thought I could never really enter. The funny thing is, there was a mix up in the administration of coach assignments. I found out the day before going to the first team meeting that I was THE head coach. To make things even more gut wrenching...I found out that my assistant coach was this big manly dude named, REX. Really.

I'm telling you, I felt like I was going to vomit as I drove to the first practice. But, I had done my homework, I knew the game and I came prepared with drills and the stuff we would need for practice. I'll never forget, though, a turning point when at one time while I was talking, the boys were excited and getting noisy, and Rex said, "Ok boys, listen to Coach Scott." I heard him say that...but NEVER in my life had I even DREAMED of hearing the words "Coach" and "Scott" paired together.

It slammed a good way. I was like..."See? this is YOU he is talking about. You. You were robbed of this an a lot more...but now it's becoming YOU....because you stepped out and took a risk."

I found out that Rex knew every sport there was under the sun EXCEPT the one were tackling together. So, I had a chance to really lead. It was a huge turning point in my life.

What I found out was that I am a man among men. I can stand shoulder to shoulder with other men and be who I was created to be.

The mystique that surrounded men began to dissipate and I no longer felt separate from men, but felt a part of the group called Men.

I have an identity as a man that I never used to have.

It has been a journey for me to grow into this identity...and I really love it. I am completely turned on by women, and especially my wife. I admire other men for different traits that they have, but it has been a journey for me.

The more I identify with men and who I am as a man, the less I feel any sexual attraction to men. I no longer feel like I have to gain my own masculinity through another man's masculinity. That's what it used to be like, however. It was as if I had no real authentic masculinity of my own, and I was always hungering for it from another man.

I have learned about working out...and feeling my own body and seeing my own body as that of a man...and feeling how good it feels to work out. To become comfortable around other men, in the gym, on the court, in competition, in talking...whatever. It's something that I never dreamed I would have, but I have experienced it and continue to experience it.

I was not meant to hunger after other men sexually...but there was a lot in my life that set me up for it, and it was a path to destruction for me. It was destroying me.

So, that is why I say I am walking away from it.

I know it is all very complicated...and there were days when I felt terrified of walking out on the ball field, terrified to step out...but I did, and I'm glad I did.

There is more...but this is all I will share now.

But, I want to say that I am glad to be here...among men who are making the choice to stop running to port and m. The reward is in freedom from p&m.

Ready....I'm really really glad you are here. Thank you for going out on a limb. I don't mind talking about all this, and I'm glad for your words and your presence here.

P&M is not an option.


Respected Member
Thanks for sharing Scott. As Luke said to Vader: "I feel conflict in you." You have very openly and honestly described your attraction to both women and men. Unlike 99.9% of the population, I don't think sexuality is defined by just the gay/straight or nature/nurture paradigms. Sexuality is a complex spectrum in my opinion. There are men like me who were simply born gay (nature), but could still have sex with women. There are men like Ready who are married to women, but still enjoy sex with men. And there are men like you, whose attraction to men is more about an attraction to hyper-masculinity (nurture). Everyone is different. Regardless, we have to find, accept, and embrace our own truth. I know you are a man of faith and faith above all teaches us about truth and honesty. Dogma has no place in defining who you are my friend. You are no less masculine for having been with other men. My feeling is the inner conflict, guilt, and shame when we deny our true selves feeds addiction. I look forward to following your journey to your true self. Because therein lies true happiness. 


Almost 21 days on my counter today.

I am experiencing great freedom and strength as I continue to make the choices to leave P&M.

I am thankful for this forum, and glad I found it.

This is just a quick check glad to be here and on this journey.

P&M are not an option.