My Journey



21 days and 23 hours....that makes me so happy.

I had been at the place where I thought this would be impossible in my life again.

I'm really, really happy to see it, though. Can hardly believe it.

I'm also happy that I reached out to a few guys for accountability. It feels really good to just know that I can connect on a daily or nearly daily basis with a few....knowing there is someone on the other end when I write.

I appreciate all the men here who continue to be such a huge encouragement and help.

Ready, Lyon, Chile,'re awesome. thank you for coming alongside me in this journey.

PORN & M are NOT an option.


22 So happy about that.

I'm doing well....still coming up against the feelings and shadows of the memories of P&M....but Porn IS NOT AN OPTION. It's not an option for me any more.

It's late and I need to get to sleep...but just wanted to say that I have a couple accountability partners in this journey, and I am so glad. Remember in the Indiana Jones movie where the old knight says, "He has chosen....poorly." ? Well...that cannot be said of me here. I asked a couple men, and I am blown away at how cool and quality these guys are.

I can say that, actually, about all the men I have met in here., yes, I'm glad to have the accountability of being able to connect...but again, I'm so happy to be here on this journey with you men who are here.

We are correcting things that were so wrong...and we are on the right path now.

Thanks, men.

So glad you are here.


It's a privilege to fight along your side, a fight that's already been won- by the way.

Blessings to you, Scott. Must turn in, myself. 


Day 24. I am amazed, and thankful.

First of all, this past Friday, I had sex with my wife again. That made the 3rd time in one week. It is something for me to celebrate. I actually ejaculated and was hard all the way through....and it was a great time...just let go of the worry and to be with her. It was awesome.

So, it's been good, and I'm still committed to no Porn, and I am saying no to the little stuff that leads me there.

Life is busy and full, and it is only better because I am saying no to the fake. Saying no to p and m is leading me out of isolation and into life.

This is short today, but things are good. I played in the snow today with my kids...was a great day. Also got a lot of snow shoveled with my son...we took turns. Was a great time.

Thank you, men, for being here and for your support and encouragement.

Porn and M are NOT options.


Great job, Scott! Being in the moment with your wife, that's what helps me to avoid performance anxieties which hindered me in the recent past.

Also, saying 'No' to the small things is so important. Remember in Sos, how it says, "'s the little foxes that destroy the vine."? Yeah, it's good to crush this when it's small and seemingly harmless. It's usually after a little bit of time of abstinence mixed with a little complacency, and the little stuff seems so insignificant- after all- haven't we been doing so good? Some even excuse it as a kind of 'reward' for themselves to give in a little. But, it never stops there, potentially- but usually leads right back to what brought us to this wonderful site to begin with.

Be strong, brother. You are not that addiction.


25 days. Wow. It is hard to believe.

This has been a great thing.

Today has been full, busy...a lot of running around today.

I am doing ok. My wife is sick...she usually never gets sick, and this is the third time in about 3 weeks that she has coming down with something....a little concerning. But she is resting now.

She and I have been connecting more lately than we have in years. Sexually, and emotionally, and verbally. It's been great. She likes it that we have been having sex again...and she tells me. Makes me feel awesome.

I still feel like I'm running to catch up on all the junk that I let slip by me....and now I'm working hard to get things up to speed. Just details of life that have to be taken care of.

I'm still moving, and still determined to keep myself from pm.

It only led to pain and isolation...and was destroying my relationships.

I'm moving forward, and porn and m are NOT options for me.



Respected Member
Hi Scott. It's been an honour following your reboot. It's astounding at how far you've come in 25 days. Now that your reboot has a solid foundation and your relationships are improving (particularly with your wife), I'd start planning for your emotional reboot. You shared some very raw and powerful memories when you first started posting. Now that the porn fog is lifting, these are likely to come to the surface in the next 30-60 days. You've probably already done this, but I'd recommend getting professional help to work through these emotional issues. This was the root cause of my addiction. It took me almost 41 years to admit I couldn't handle my history alone and only when it had pushed me to thoughts of suicide, did I reluctantly reach out. If you're not ready to see an counsellor, I'd recommend reading books to learn the tools to deal with the 9/10ths of what I call 'my addiction iceberg' that remains menacingly below the surface. "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins really helped me. I don't want to alarm you, but just want you to be prepared because I was not at day 30 of my reboot. Be well brother. You're doing great.


Hi Lyon, thank you for the insightful words. I know you are speaking from experience.

So, first of all...was another good morning. Had sex with my wife AGAIN...and it was awesome. am feeling almost overwhelmed with anxiety. Just a general feeling of near panic. There are a lot of things I have to take care of....always a list of stuff I have to do...but the feelings I am dealing with today are not fun at all....just a general cloud of panic feelings.

I am trying to keep a list going of the stuff that I have to do so that it's out on paper in front of me...but this feeling is not easy.

I am still feeling guilt over my life for the past 20 years....basically since I have been married.

My kids are getting old enough that they are able to put together clues and just stuff of my life and our lives as a family...and that is pushing against me as well.
The other day they were like, "Hey, where is Dad's iphone?" My wife and I told them what I did....and I put it more like...that it was just taking too much of my time, etc.

I am going to have to make time to read....and focus on healing. I have been through so many years of counseling...I was there about the time I married my wife...and I have worked through tons of anger and tons of pain, and tons of junk. I already know the cycles, and the crap, and who did what and why...and forgiving, and recycling pain, and then forgiving, and setting boundaries, etc., etc., etc.

I am not trying to make light of any of it, but really, I was in a lot of productive counseling....and yet for the past 15 years I have put myself in periods of guilt and isolation through my use of pmo.

Yes, I celebrate the beginning of my reboot....with 25 days, and renewed sexual relations and emotional connection to my wife and others in my life....but I feel like I am walking out onto a VAST open plain with no walls, no fences, and I am aware that I feel very vulnerable right now. My old standby is not here. While it was the cause of a lot of pain in my life, it was familiar, and was the buffer to my emotions.

I resolve to FEEL what I am feeling, and to name it, and to experience it. I resolve to BE the Man I am....and to remember the pain if it comes to mind, and to FEEL the pain if it comes up. I resolved to DO what I have to do to keep moving forward. I resolve to say NO to the little things that trigger me.

I feel like CRAP today. Anxiety all over me...up in my throat and in my chest....dang, my balls even ache today...and I ejaculated this morning with my wife.

I feel like crap.

But, I am here. If you're reading this...thank you.

I'll check in again later.



My worst day so far was right after I had sex with my wife. Not sure if that means anything...


Hey Chile,

Thanks for the reply. I'm sure it has something to do with it....all the scrambled pathways in the brain are trying to get straightened out again, and the emotions are a bit haywire.

I'm moving through it, though.

Thank you again...means a lot that you read and responded.



Respected Member
I'm all for the intimacy brother and am thrilled you're having fun with your wife again. But if you're like me, don't overindulge so early in reboot. This goes for food, booze, sex, spending, big decisions etc. Addiction is like 'whac-a-mole', it will always try to find some compulsive behaviour. Your brain is rebalancing so be mindful orgasm is one of the most intense neurochemical experiences possible. Add to that a dopamine addiction and you get the post-climax chaser effect. This may be causing your mood swings and anxiety so you might want to moderate the intimacy for the first 90 days. No judging my friend, just caring. You're doing great.



notgivinup said:
I am still feeling guilt over my life for the past 20 years....basically since I have been married.

My kids are getting old enough that they are able to put together clues and just stuff of my life and our lives as a family...and that is pushing against me as well.
The other day they were like, "Hey, where is Dad's iphone?" My wife and I told them what I did....and I put it more like...that it was just taking too much of my time, etc.

I am going to have to make time to read....and focus on healing. I have been through so many years of counseling...I was there about the time I married my wife...and I have worked through tons of anger and tons of pain, and tons of junk. I already know the cycles, and the crap, and who did what and why...and forgiving, and recycling pain, and then forgiving, and setting boundaries, etc., etc., etc.

I am not trying to make light of any of it, but really, I was in a lot of productive counseling....and yet for the past 15 years I have put myself in periods of guild and isolation through my use of pmo.

Yes, I celebrate the beginning of my reboot....with 25 days, and renewed sexual relations and emotional connection to my wife and others in my life....but I feel like I am walking out onto a VAST open plain with no walls, no fences, and I am aware that I feel very vulnerable right now. My old standby is not here. While it was the cause of a lot of pain in my life, it was familiar, and was the buffer to my emotions.

Scott, the guilt and related shame have to be seriously dealt with. You're carrying a burden that's not yours to carry. Not only that, but someone else carried it for you, all of it, no matter how sordid, no matter how blameworthy. Grace and forgiveness are the answers to the problem of guilt and shame.

What I've had to do in my life, Scott, is- after knowing (or at least believing) that God forgave all my sins was to forgive myself. I'd say, "Leon, I forgive you for x and y...", and mean it. Give yourself a chance. No one has not blown it in some way. We've all sinned, we've all acted out of selfishness, we've all hurt those we love. Forgive yourself, man, let it go...

Do what you must, giving up the iphone, computer filters, the whole 9 yards- but at some point we have to live life with unfettered access, to know that we've grown passed this stuff. It kind of disempowers, in my opinion, our recovery. It says, "You can't be trusted with access to the internet because you're a sex-addict"- doesn't that sound disempowering? My reboot has been with access to it all, to everything. If I wanted, I could get online now, and act out. But, to be able to say, No- I don't have reason to bring my iphone into the bathroom with me, I have no purpose, so I'm not going to do it. Or, I don't want to sneak around the house in the middle of the night and get on the computer, and watch something behind my wife's back, that I have to sneak back into bed after the deed, and feel like a creep. The only filter there is me, and my decisions.

That being said, folk need to do what they do, hopefully until they build confidence on their own to say- No.

The family asking questions, the counseling sessions trying to untangle all the junk, on and on it goes, and no recourse to former crutches (the pmo), when I read that- I'm thinking- give yourself a break from constantly thinking about this stuff! Easier said than done? No. We can distract our minds from thinking about anything. Are you thinking about shooting up heroine right now? No- or maybe now you are, but you'll easily dismiss this, because it's not anything you want. What do we want, pmo, or freedom from pmo?

If we don't want heroine, we don't have to want pmo either (and the 2 have been compared often). You're not planning to use heroine, so you'll soon forget we talked about this, treat pmo the same way- just put it all out of your mind, by dwelling on things that are worthwhile to you. Now when I say, put it all out, I mean all the counseling, all the plans and strategies- here's a new one- ...when you think not, the Son of Man comes

Let's go for broke, brother. Let's go all the way, let's go for the gold- and that gold is the divine nature within you- the perfect you envisioned by God when He created you, when He first thought of you untold aeons ago.

You are neither an addict, nor an addiction- you call the shots in your life.


I hear a Lion roaring....

This day a battle has been fought and won.

Leon...thank you for your strong words.

I have spent many years in the cycle of shame...many, many years. I am opening up to a new place and a new reality.

I will consider carefully what you have written. I am walking on.

Thank you for your strength.

Hey lyon3, thank you, too, for your words. The first 90 days is like a roller coaster.

I have new life in me and I am waking up to the reality of newness.

Porn and masturbation are no longer options for me. I am keeping my eyes on the goal.

Thank you, men, for being here and being part of this journey.

p&m are no longer options.


26 days and 22 hours....just happy today that it has been as long as it has.

Woke up this morning with major mw, and it stayed around for a while.

Had another cold shower...they're getting a little easier....shocking to the body, and refreshing actually.

My wife told me last night that she is so glad that she married me...thankful. That was a huge boost.

Today I am centering on the truth of God and his grace in my life...and what he is offering me...or has offered me....forgiveness.

I am processing...and wanting to forgive myself. I am looking at it all...and approaching this reality.

I'm feeling good today. A bit of a roller coaster emotionally.

The funny thing is...yesterday after getting home from work, my wife said to me, "This morning was crazy, huh?"
I asked what she meant...and she said that she didn't really know why, but she was feeling these feelings of near panic....just really stirred up and feeling so anxious.

That was really strange...because in my post yesterday....that is exactly how I was feeling. The crazy thing is...she and I have always tracked like that...and I cannot explain it, really.

But, yesterday did get better....and today is better, too.

Men here who are speaking into my life...I am gaining so much strength and help from your words and your insights. You have no idea. I wish I could meet you all in person some day. I know the probability is low...but I still wish it could be. But, for now I'll just say thank you.

p&m are NOT an option for me.


You're doing awesome, Scott. Keep up the good work, resting in the finished work of Christ.

Yeah, we're truly one with our wife- and they feel what we do, though they don't always know the what or the why. This has been true between my wife and I, as well.

Sounds like you have a great focus for today, the grace of God, and His forgiveness as well as the forgiveness you have for yourself. That means so much healing to get this. Grace was like a golden key handed to me, which flipped the whole shame-driven addiction on it's head. Even now, while I may not always be perfect, I do find that in how I view myself through God's grace, and a little bit of compassionate self-understanding, I undercut that shame which would otherwise just send me into a spiral of using, and compounding the shame and self-hatred.

I appreciate your words. To know that one is actually helped by them is truly exciting. I'm grateful to be a part of your process, along with the other men (and women) in this forum.

Keep on going, you're doing great.

Self-hatred is not an option.


Respected Member
Cherish that woman my friend. You are very lucky to have each other during reboot. 26 days! It feels like the days are just flying by my friend. I'm so happy for both of you. Keep going, keep posting, and be kind to yourself. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


I give a huge Facebook "like" to all your recent comments (Leon, Lyon, Scott). I just got blown away with benefits.


Hi Scott.I have just gone back and read through your journal,wow! What an amazing result so far.The best thing is your situation can only get better and better.Really happy for you.Your really reaping what you have sown.