Never too late!



NewBee, you didn't let anyone down on this forum. Don't fall into the shame-and-be-lame trap. Shame will drag you down farther than the PM. Look at the situation from a clinical perspective and you'll be able to get back up much faster and easier. Have you read the stuff on Can you get an internet filter for the porn?

I didn`t know that porn substitutes are just as poisonous as the hard core stuff, but now I do. I had to learn by falling the same way you did and I had to learn the same lesson several times, still learning in fact. Almost every guy on this forum has a similar story to tell. Bikinis feed the dopamine receptors the same way that fetish sites do. Don`t feel bad about falling as you learn to ride a bike without any porn for training wheels. Peace!


Hey Chile, thank you for the words of encouragement.  I DID give myself a mental a$$whoopin' for most of the morning.  But, thanks to you and some other reading I've done, I hopefully have my head back on straight.  I am ready to move on, chalk it up to the insideousness of this disease and my mistakes, and start a new PMO-free run.  I saw a quote from YBOP that said, "Porn goes in like a needle, but comes out like a fish hook."  Ain't THAT the truth!

I had K9 installed on my PC on a previous attempt.  But, I found myself bypassing it so much that I eventually uninstalled it.  It DOES make you think about what you are about to do.  I need to reinstall it and hopefully let it do its job this time.

I also think I need to deactivate my Facebook account, at least for now.  I let myself believe that there are filters on there and it's safe.  But, it's not.  It's just another potential un-natural souce of dopamine for my brain that is in serious withdrawal.  Maybe when my brain chemicals have normalized (months from now) I might be able to safely handle FB.  Best to steer clear until then.

Once again, PMO is NOT an option!


Hi all,
I don't know what's going on.  I know the urge to edge has been very strong the last couple of days.  VERY STRONG!  And I'm also getting this real uneasy, sort of panicky feeling.  I thought it was just me beating myself up for the P slip a couple days ago.  But, I'm now pretty sure that's not what is causing these feelings. 

All I know is, I am really nervous and on edge (no pun intended).  I'm not in a good place right now.  I assume this is part of the withdrawal they warn about.  I thought maybe the very slight urges early on were going to be all the withdrawal I had (I suspected I was lucky that way).  This is much stronger and more uncomfortable than I've ever been in my previous attempts.  Maybe it's me just finally feeling the reality of what trying to get off of porn is really like.

All I know is, I hope this passes soon.  The weekend is coming up.  That's my toughest time.  I gotta get my head right in order to fight this.  I swear, it feels like some kind of monster or something. 

I saw a video link a while back and the topic was something like "Getting Through Weekends Without Relapse".  I can't seem to find it now.  If anybody knows where that video is (either here, or on YBOP, most likely), please send the link to me in a Reply.

It's getting tougher.



Hang in there NewBee. There will be some incredibly difficult times because re-wiring our brains isn't easy. Hopefully you'll become more sensitive to negative emotions that trigger PMO like anger, depression, etc. It's important to take a walk, go to the gym, take a cold shower, or whatever your plan is during these times, and to understand why you are reacting to stimuli the way you are. I feel like such a fake "expert" telling you this stuff but I know it's true from my own experience and everyone else's experience in rebooting.


Active Member
WELCOME TO THE CLUB! It sucks we've all felt that, i still fell that sometimes. All I can tell you, newbee, is that is will get better, the more times you give in, the longer it is going to last. Once again I'm not trying  to preach  at you, I'm just trying  to tell you like it is. Gary wilson, is who I listen  to a lot. PUSH UPS, do lots of pushups, do anything  to keep your mind away from that stuff. You can do it. I slip up occasionally.  It feels good to look at that crap, but I step back, and think NO.  This is not what I want for me, or my family, I know you can do it newbee. I know it really,  really  sucks right now


Hey NewBee,

Just read your journal...I'm glad you're here. Just wanted to encourage you to push through this tough time. Do anything to distract yourself and to physically remove yourself from where the fight is the fiercest. Even if that means getting up and just going outside somewhere in public...get away from the heat of the battle.

At some point you have to decide to give up the little "innocent" stuff that is not pmo....but that leads right to it. You know that that is for you...and it's basically your brain begging you to take a little baby step in the direction of pmo with the hope that you'll just go all the way to it.

But we know what that is, and we know what it has done to our lives and to our bodies...and we know there is nothing good from it.

So, push on...don't give up, and don't give in. The rewards will be incredible.

I'm glad you're here.


pmo is NOT an option


Thank you all for the encouragement!  I wish I could stay on this site all day, but alas, there is the minor detail job  :)  Seriously, I'm grateful that I HAVE my job.  Lots of people don't have jobs.  So I'm thankful I'm where I am.

Also thankful for this relatively easy PMO-free stretch.  Very strange how it can be so easy at times to put it out of your mind.  Then, out of nowhere you're hit with these overwhelming urges to edge, binge, just say Fu(k it and throw in the towel.  I'm starting to see a pattern in my PMO-free journey.  I seem to be able to go without up to about 10 days.  Then, around that 10-day timeframe I start to get irritable, melancholy, depressed, but also panicky and just in a bad place.

I'm hoping to be able to push through that 10-day mark this time.  See if I can get through it without making everyone around me miserable.  I have started to do pushups when I get the urge and am in a place where people won't stare.  If I keep that up, I'll definitely improve my upper body strength.  I have also been walking the dog just about every day.  3.6 miles (there's a hiking trail nearby that is marked for various distances).  I think the physical activity has helped, as others have recommended here.  I will try to keep up with the increased activity in the hopes it'll not only take my mind off PMO, but also help keep me in a positive frame of mind.

I noticed a blog where an Irish guy (forget his name, but the blog has the word "rabllement" in the title) has sort of a permissive attitude about quitting.  he recommeneds that if you're struggling with getting a full two weeks PMO-free, say, to try 6 days, and to give yourself a day to just cut loose and PMO to exhaistion (if you wish).  Or even if you can't get even 6 days, to just try and make it every other day, if you were like a 3-5  times per day binger.  His thoughts are that, even if you can't string together 30 PMO-free days in a row, at least you are cutting way back from your norm.  And he recommends not beating yourself up about a relapse.  His theory is that by doing PMO every other day or every 7 days, you have made progress, only doing half the amount or less that you did before attempting to quit.  I guess that's a good way to look at it if you are very new and really struggling to get even one or two days PMO-free.  I guess what he means is, this is a journey.  it's not a sprint.  Yes, we should do the best we can, and use all the support and tools at our disposal here.  But, we should also take some pride in our efforts to better ourselves, even if we're not perfect, yet.

I think it's good advice, especially not beating ourselves up if we relapse.  Some of us have years and years of guilt as a result of this PMO trap.  Part of the trap is the self-loathing feelings that come from failing once again to finally quit.  But, if we look at a relapse as just a blip on the screen, and learn from it and try again immediately, we can avoid the urge to say, "What's the use?  I have messed up, again.  I'm weak!  Why not just dive back in and binge?"  I have felt that way.  Maybe you have too.  But, if we forgive ourselves, try to appreciate the success and progress we had before the slip, realize that all is not lost, and get back to our efforts to better ourselves right away, we can eventually string together more and more PMO-free days.

No matter what happens, no matter what life throws at us, we can improve our lives by our efforts to quit PMO.  PMO will not make anything better in our lives.  It is a trap.  it will only make things worse.  Never better.  I feel better about myself already for having abstained as much as I have.  We all should try to feel that way, appreciate the success we've had, try and help those who are struggling, be encouraged by the sussess stories, share our experience strength and hope, and keep on improving, becoming our better selves.

In a good place right now.  I hope to stay there, one day at a time.  Stay strong!   



I definitely have a cycle to my internet porn use. Once I stop, I can go for @ 7-10 days with no hassles. But, on the second week, I start to get the urge to surf the net. At first I do it with soft stuff. The "I'm just going to check this site for a moment, it won't do me any harm" syndrome. Invariably, I will start on the slippery slope until by the end of the third week I am bingeing full throttle. Then, at one point, I get fed up of the stuff I'm looking at and fed up with myself. I stop. That's when the cycle starts all over again.

Best Regards:


Yes Jay1946, that sounds about right for me too.  So, I'm at the point where it will usually start creeping in urging me to try just a little of the tame, PG-13 rated stuff.  And you're right.  Dabble in a little PG-13, maybe sneak a peek or two at some R-rated selfies somewhere, next thing you know, you're binging and edging to shit you never even thought about before your foray into high speed internet porn.  It's highly predictable.  Yet, this addiction fools you into thinking that a little won't hurt.  It tells you you'll be able to stop before you reach that hardcore point.

But this addiction is a dirty fucking liar!!!!!!


Active Member
You probably were unaware of this, but I invented "just take a peek, it will be ok."  Also, before I realized my occasional ED with wife was pied, and even for a while afterward, I would "just take a peek" to make sure my dick worked on days when I believed we would be having sex (we have young kids so there is little spontaneity).  Anyway those peeks all became PMO sessions and I would end up drained and not pursue the wife regardless.

My advice to you is look at nothing, nothing, nothing that is a substitute for real sexual contact.  If it gives you a sexual charge, avoid it like the plague. Before you click the mouse, ask yourself why are you wanting to look.  Us addicts have trained our brains to get turned on by images & fantasy instead of the real deal.  It doesn't matter if the pics are bikini pics or hardcore, it's not your wife or significant other.

I have probably PMO'd after telling myself I was just going to "take a peek" more than most people MO in a lifetime. This addiction destroys the will power to say no or stop once you get excited.  Inviting a sliver in and expecting to consistently stop before it escalates is like someone expecting a recovering alcoholic to be able to hang out in the bar every night after work and not eventually give in and just doesn't work.

Stay strong and stay away from any and all synthetic sex.


New Member
Hi Newbee. Your not alone here and you've already made good decisions. I find the stories of others a great help and inspiration.  I am also 57 years old and have been addicted to porn my whole life.  Were all here to help each other.

Good luck, keep on keepin on.


Hi Unchained and Rocky (and airbody else reading this),
I agree completely with what Unchained said.  There is no way possible to peek amd walk away.  At least not for long.  If we ARE successful taking a peek and walking away, that just reinforces in our brains that we CAN walk away.......SO WHY NOT TAKE ANOTHER PEEK??!!

I was able to make it through the weekend, my tough spot, without PMO or preeking or anything.  I was very busy (picking a kid up from college far, far away) so there was not a lot of opportunity or much temptation to peeek or cheat or relapse.  I guess keeping busy, even if it's 22 hours in a car, is helpful in keeping our minds off of this monster.  Yesterday, my wife and I walked the dog on a local hiking trail, 5.6 miles.  And I have been dropping down, busting out 15 or 20 pushups whenever anything creeps into my mind.  Staying active helps!

I don't have a laptop or a smart phone, which I think is also actually helping me.  It must be doubly hard to stay away from triggers when you can carry an unlimited porn supply, in the palm of your hand!  I have to physically be at the PC to even access porn.  I have also installed K-9 software on my PC that makes me put in a password in order to access anything dangerous (mostly).  And I didn't even make it block anything this weekend.  Progress!

I am starting to notice how I'm reacting to actual women I come in contact with throughout the day.  I am definitely noticing them and making eye contact.  It seems like they are giving it right back too, sometimes.  Kinda nice!  I think I walked around in my own little, depressed, exhausted, porned-out world until recently starting my reboot attempts.  Now, I'm starting to notice, not just the drop-dead gorgeous women, but even the regular everyday women I see.  And, I can tell my attraction to them is slowly coming back.  Maybe another sign that my brain is rewiring a bit.  It might not seem like a lot, but I am encouraged by this.  To me, this seems like a sign that I can unlearn the attraction to the  porn monster and slowly re-learn to appreciate real live women.

It has been over 2 weeks since I've looked at anything that could be considered remotely erotic, racy or even suggestive.  And I haven't masturbated in that time either.  That has to be a record for me!  I'm grateful for the help and guidance, as well as the comiserating I've gotten from the people on this forum and other similar sites (YBOP).  It's given me strength to keep on fighting.

I wish you all strength in your fight against this horrible addiction.  Keep on fighting!


NewBee, wow brother you are learning a ton of practical street smarts! You know that the game is successfully played by not even peeking. That is huge progress, and so is feeling natural attraction to real women versus pixels. Just don't fall into a new trap with the real thing. You are doing great!


Active Member
Way to go.  Hitting two weeks is an accomplishment!

Just keep putting more distance between yourself and the porn.  At the end of the day that is all it takes.  Eventually you will get so far away that your brain can no longer see it on the horizon?an it will be forgotten.


Well, I have relapsed and have to reset.  Damn!

But, there is more to it than that.  And I feel like I have to air it out here, just to remain honest.

I had been feeling pretty good about myself, 2 weeks PMO-free and all.  I actually felt like I wanted to see how I would respond to the real thing.  But, my wife was not my target.  I actually went to see a professional (one I had seen years ago when there was no hope of getting it at home).

I had noticed on many accounts that older guys like me (us on the 40 and over forum), who had experience with real partners before high-speed internet and the havoc that has caused for so many of us, took less time to reboot because we had burned some dopamine pathways with real partners rather than just the "online harem" as I saw one guy post on abother site.

I figured seeing a pro was a safe way of testing myself, because it wouldn't be a failure with the wife, if I DID fail.  And, I thought the fact that it was someone different would amp up the excitement and give me a better chance of reacting normally.  My wife's body had been ravaged by multiple surgeries from breast cancer and the operation to reconstruct the removed breast with her own tissue (they call it a tram-flap, and the doctors pushed it as the best possible outcome - it has been nothing short of a disaster, with several follow-up surgeries and no an abdominal wound that won't heal, 2 years later).  I thought that if I failed with her (the wife) that it would reinforce the thoughts in her mind that she is no longer attractive (she calls herself Frankenstein sometimes).  And I thought I might blame my failure on not being turned on by her surgery-scarred body.  Again, I am not condoning what I did.  I am only telling my honest mind-set.

I didn't include all that detail to get any kind of sympathy here on the forum.  I am just explaining my thought process, no matter how warped it may seem.  This is the stuff that goes on in my head. 

Anyway, I went to a sex worker, and did not react/respond normally.  I was eventually able to get off, but it took mostly my own hand to do it.  Obviously, that's not the result one would hope for with a real woman after a full reboot.  It obviously wasn't a full reboot.  And the argument could be made that it wasn't a "real" encounter that happened with anything like a real-life meeting/dating/getting to know one another/courtship definition of "real".

It was a premature attempt to get back to responding normally, in a non-normal situation.  And it was pretty much a failure at that.  And, since I didn't respond as I'd hoped, I had to see if "things" worked or if I was just doomed to a life of impotence.  So I PMO's not only Monday, but again Tuesday, as well.

And the PMOing proved once again that "things" work, but only to pixels on a screen!

So I started over again, last PMO being Tuesday night (I'll reset my counter, again).

Things I learned:
-This addiction will make me do some stupid and unhealthy things, things I am definitely not proud of.

-A reboot takes longer than 2 weeks, even for old guys, especially a guy who has been PMOing every day for 40 years.

-Failure to respond normally with a partner will probably send me running back to PMO to test, test, test

-Failure to respond normally will make me wonder if I will EVER be able to reboot and respond normally, or has that "normal" window closed, for me?

-I wouldn't recommend doing what I just did, to anyone.  It was a mistake on many, many levels.

-No matter how bad my actions and relapse might be, I am going to talk about it here and be brutally honest.

One day, I hope to regain the ability to have a loving relationship, with my wife (as odd as that may seem to you guys reading what I just did in this most recent relapse).

I'm back on day 2.  But, I am not giving up.


Live and learn NewBee, and that's what you're doing. Reading your post felt like watching an episode of Jackass with the "don't try this at home" warning. Not judging, mind you. Glad that you're not going to give up.


Yeah Chile, I feel like a jackass (although I take your comments as constructive and not destructive.  I know your heart is in the right place).  And I want to stress to all, PLEASE DON'T TRY THE STUPID STUFF I JUST DID AT HOME!!!
Why would I think that my reboot would be so far advanced in two weeks?  Why did I not foresee the guilt I would feel for going to see the pro?

More importantly moving forward, I need to prepare for the hubris or arrogance I seem to get when I hit that 2-week PMO-free  mark.  I can't seem to get beyond that.  I get to feeling so good and so confident, that I let my guard down.  I think I learned from this latest episode, that I need to keep my guard up, especially around the 2-week mark.  But, probably beyond that, as well.    I have a couple weeks to work on strategies to cope with my dopamine-starved brain after the next two weeks.

And I still feel good about my efforts to get myself PMO-free.  If I hadn't attempted this, I would still be doing it every day and night, whenever I could, with no end in sight and no hope for a way out of this trap.  At least today I can say that in the past 3 months, I have PMO's less than I used to do in one week.  That IS progress.  It ain' been pretty.  But, it's progress for me from where I was.

And I am going to do my best to learn from it and build on it.

Thanks for your support and tough love.


It's very common to jump the gun as far as arrogance or overconfidence goes. I'm dealing with it myself right now. It's always sobering to see guys much farther along who fall after several months of success.


Active Member
It's good to give yourself a kick...just not too hard, and then move on.

You will need to keep your guard up in two weeks, two months, two years.  We are all ADDICTS.  We may heal, feel better, move on, live life, but we will always need to be mindful.

Any full blown alcoholic who has recovered will tell you that they can never become a social drinker.  It just isn't possible.

Look at the definitions for addiction:

Escalation of use
Inability to stop if you try
Using despite of negative consequences
Relationship issues as a result
Loss of hobbies & other interests
Use in secrecy and solitude
Obsession about use / next use
Taking risks to use / engaging in risky activities
Giving up social & recreational activities for its use

See any of these in OUR behavior?  We are full blown addicts or we wouldn't be here needing each other's support.

Stay strong and keep your guard and forever!


All good replies, guys!
No question this is an addiction.  And I have a feeling it could be more cunning and powerful than some of the other addictions I have faced, myself.  I know I am an alcoholic.  I cannot drink like other people.  I'm allergic, for lack of a better term.  When people all around me are drinking and they get curious and ask why I am not drinking, I tell people I'm allergic, that I break out in hand cuffs and hospital beds (both true, from many years of trial and error).  I am sober almost 11 years this time around.  So, I know I can never drink again, or I will end up incarcerated, dead or wishing I WAS dead.  I also quit smoking cigarettes almost 15 years ago.  I tried dozens of times to quit before I actually did it.

And porn may be the worst monster of all, because unlike cigarettes or booze, the sex drive is an instinct, and you never get full, pass out or even get cancer or emphysema.  It's unlimited, which makes it harder to feel the need to quit or that the urge will go away.

But, I am determined to beat this, one day at a time.  And I will not give up.
