Coming to some difficult conclusions


Active Member

Thanks for the support.  This was too close though, therefore don't really feel like celebrating.

Here's the deal.  In the mornings I get up early (1.5 hrs before anyone else).  I head out for a workout on MWF on T and Th I left weights at home.  I  am weakest just before leaving or lifting.  No one is awake.  So this is my battleground 4:30 - 5:45am.


Active Member
Welcome Tclay:  The fact that you know when the challenging time is for you is a huge realization.  I'm a huge proponent of naming our triggers and vulnerable times, and then claiming control over them.  Name it and claim it!  The big word that was a major part of my treatment program and recovery is "Cycle."  It refers to the pattern of behavior that is the predictable way I PMO.  Becoming mindful of it is crucial to intervening, sometimes as we are heading down the path.  Hopefully we intervene earlier and earlier and ultimately we find "off ramps" such that we don't even get into our Cycle.  That's been my experience.


Active Member
O.K. Jverhoye now you have my undivided attention.  Let me ask you if you feel that finding a vulnerable time in the day for me has helped identify a point in said cycle?  If so, please help me connect the dots from here.  I'm grateful for anything you can add.... Anything at all.


Active Member
I'll do my best.  Keep in mind I'm not a trained professional.  I'm only speaking from my experience and the treatment program I went through.  The basic idea is that it is very common for us to create predictable patterns that we act out when certain triggers are present--that is essentially the Cycle. So, for me when my anxiety reached a certain point my mind/body sought relief.  The relief, albeit temporary and unhealthy, was PMO.  So I developed a routine--anxiety would Trigger the desire for PMO; I would assess my access to P and my availability to Act Out (Am I home alone?  When will my wife be home?, etc.); If the coast was clear I would grab my iPad and start going to my favorite web site; I would Act Out (PMO); I would delete my web history and try to cover my tracks; I would take a shower and then find some house chore to do to try to move on from the shame and/or guilt of acting out.  That is essentially my Cycle.

Understanding this early on in Treatment allowed me to become mindful of my Cycle.  The reality was, and I'm sure lots of guys can relate to this, I felt like I was on Autopilot and completely in a zoned-out state of mind when I acted out.  How many times would I be at the end (O) and say to myself, "How did I get here?  Why did I just act out?"  That was the mindlessness of Cycling.  Raising my awareness brought me out of that state when I would contemplate acting out and beginning a Cycle.

Working backwards came next, and I spent months unpacking the source of my Anxiety.  There were several Problematic Core Beliefs that drove my Anxiety.  Understanding my Cycle was huge, but in the end I needed to understand the Root/Core issues that fed my Anxiety.  I can share those with you too, but I need to close for now.

I hope that all makes sense!


Active Member
One more quick thought:  Your mind/body probably knows that the early morning hours are prime acting out time, so it thinks it's doing you a favor by having you look forward to that "safe time" when the circumstances are "just right."  Now that you are mindful of that you can decide how you want to approach that time proactively.  So, a key question is, now that you know that's a vulnerable time, what will you do to armor yourself against Acting Out?


Active Member
Your best is appreciated!

I believe I understand.  And it resonates with my experience.  I want to dig in a bit and see how to address the proactive interruption of the cycle 1st (triage).  Then, perhaps I to will have to do some " unpacking".

I can say that I have a high stress job as well as what I would call an unhealthy fear of failure that makes for great job-performance but could very well be a driver for my current state.  As far as your root cause(s) go, I am not sure I need to know.

I want to say how very much I appreciate the input.  If you have any relevant published materials I could reference this would be great.


Active Member
Here are 2 links for you to check out:

Of course the ybop web site has lots of good stuff too.


Active Member

Armoring myself.... Right now it's putting on worship music and not logging on in the morning.  This is flimsy at the moment.  I need better armor, I think, but not sure what I can find in the armory at the moment. 


Active Member
Tclay, I celebrate your suiting up!  I personally wouldn't call it flimsy.  I would call it new and not super battle-tested.  Every time you put it on you make it stronger and PMO weaker.  Personally, worship music is one of my favorite pieces of armor! 


Staff member
Tclay said:

Armoring myself.... Right now it's putting on worship music and not logging on in the morning.  This is flimsy at the moment.  I need better armor, I think, but not sure what I can find in the armory at the moment.
I think that a spiritual element certainly helps in recovery and music is a powerful emotional tool.


Active Member
Ok, I'll stick with this for the now.  I'm making one adjustment though; logging into Reboot is productive for me so I will be reading and blogging in the am... Accompanied by worship music.

Finally, I have the great pleasure of ratcheting the counter to 30 days, having entered new territory at 17+ days. 

Cautiously optimistic. 


Active Member
More on the subject of Armor:
My son hooked me up w/ Pandora.  I play worship music in the background as I login in the morning.  It presents such a drastic incongruity to what has been normal for these past ten years (normally I would be trolling for explicit websites before anyone wakes up).  It definitely has a beneficial, I would say powerful, effect on the psyche.


Active Member
I'm leaving on a business trip today for several days.  Traditionally this is a dangerous time for me because these trips tend to be confrontational (stressful) and I'm alone at night.  To arm myself this time I'll use running shoes and swim suit.  I do not want to slip back...


Active Member
One question for you:  Will the hotel room TV have porn channels?  If so, you can call ahead and ask them to block it.  Just a thought...

And one more thought:  These have historically been difficult situations for me too.  One thing I did was make sure to check in with someone at night (usually my wife if she was available), just to stay accountable.

Have a good trip!


Active Member
No adult channels.  Just Wifi. 

I like the idea of checking in.  I'll do that soon.


Active Member
Made it back from the biz-trip.  Was tempted Monday night but I responded by putting on worship music and read through Reboot posts and made it.  The rest of the nights, our host had activities for us that ran later.