I know I can do it. I can feel myself getting closer to success.


Active Member
Addiction is really tricky that way, literally re-wires your brain into thinking this want is a need to the point where even when you don't want to do it it's still thinking it's a need. What things can you do instead for boredom, stress, and tiredness? I've found it helpful to have a list of other things I love doing. We're rooting for you!!


Active Member
I had a few paragraphs written here but somehow I lost them. I haven't been doing too well. The blockers haven't been airtight and I've delighted in finding my ways around them. I need a change of state of mind.

I need to exercise today. I need to be in bed before midnight. I need to change my mindset, have a positive goal, have a vision of myself as a better, stronger man. I need to strive toward the good. Give myself over to God.

PMO/Edging last week: 2?
PMO/Edging this week: 2
Current streak: 0 days


Active Member
I need a change of state of mind.

I need to exercise today. I need to be in bed before midnight. I need to change my mindset, have a positive goal, have a vision of myself as a better, stronger man. I need to strive toward the good. Give myself over to God.

PMO/Edging last week: 2?
PMO/Edging this week: 2
Current streak: 0 days
What are your reasons for quitting P? What kind of a man do you envision yourself being? It helped me to be very specific, maybe it would help you too!


Active Member
What are your reasons for quitting P? What kind of a man do you envision yourself being? It helped me to be very specific, maybe it would help you too!
Hi Jinx, I’ll try to answer your questions:

My reasons for quitting:
When I think about it with a clear head, I see porn as evil. Even if the porn industry weren’t a haven of sex trafficking, and destroys the lives of many of its performers to substance addictions, or even if it weren’t engineered to hook people and strengthen our addiction to it over time and destroy many porn addicts lives through escalating and morally reprehensible behavior, that is, even if it were merely what the mainstream pretends it is, just a harmless way to “deal with” our lustful thoughts by engaging in mental simulated sex activities with some external stimuli, even that alone is evil. It’s the act of viewing a human being as nothing but a vessel for our lust and sexual gratification. I’m very familiar with my lustful thoughts, and they’re not good. At best, they’re casually dehumanizing. You look at a woman and instead of wishing the best for her, you degrade her in your mind, you wish her to be dirty and slutty for your pleasure. You wish to fornicate with her, to have her abandon her higher purpose to serve your fantasy. It’s a bad headspace. I’ve been dipping my toe into Christianity lately, and as it’s well known, Christ says that merely looking at a woman with lust in your heart is an equal sin to carrying out that act of lust. In a civic sense, that seems crazy. I didn’t do anything wrong, I only thought a dirty thought. But that’s what a sin is. It’s letting evil into your heart. And that’s what I believe I’m doing every time I look at porn.

So to be honest, that’s my main reason. I can’t deny that I am willfully sinning when I do it. Let alone fear of hell. I don’t like thinking evil thoughts like that. It makes me feel dirty and like I’m too close to losing my soul. I purposely turn away from The Good, toward filth and trash.

I’m also very concerned about what it’s doing to my sexual health, my general mental ability to concentrate, to have goals, to develop myself. I’m also deeply concerned that one day I could take it just a little too far and destroy my marriage, my career, my reputation amongst everyone I know. It has happened to people before and they were just like me, following this addiction down one step at a time. But to be honest, all those things are gifts from God, and I can never be fully in control of what happens to them even if I do try. Those things could be taken from me despite my best efforts, due to any sort of random occurrence. I do fear losing them very much, and I need to fully understand that I am jeopardizing them in a very serious way every time I go back to this stuff. But I fear losing my soul more.

The kind of man I envision myself being? It’s hard to say. I guess I feel like I’ve compromised that vision so often throughout my life already, but still ended up in a somewhat comfortable, even blessed existence. I used to play violin at a semi-serious level. Maybe I had the talent to do it for a living, but I didn’t have the motivation to practice enough. I went to college, and excelled in some areas, but couldn’t get myself to do all the schoolwork and studying to really set myself apart and see how far I could take myself with that. Now, I have a decent enough office job and wife who really loves me and I love her too. In spite of never seriously hustling, I’ve never completely fallen apart either and I’ve ended up very lucky in many ways. But trying to figure out my real goals at this stage is confusing. The worst thing is that I feel acutely aware of my limitations. I was looking into taking the LSAT a few years ago (that’s the exam to get into law school in the US). I tried a practice test, and I didn’t do too bad. But eventually I kind of dropped the idea and looking back I think, “ah, I would’ve never made it through law school, I despised doing the reading and work even in college!” I found a higher paying job and decided that was good enough. So I guess the thing I must wish to see in myself is drive. You hear about guys who had one goal in mind, and put their all into it, for years, sacrificing a lot of easy pleasures and even relationships along the way, and then they achieved something amazing. I want to believe in myself. I’m overweight and not in great shape. I want to be one of those guys who really did turn it around and got in good shape, through self discipline and self denial. I don’t need an big cushy office job. The exciting thing about law school was the idea that I could prove myself capable of the complex thought and dedication it requires. I want to develop myself intellectually throughout my life. I want to have formidable intellect, to understand systems, and history, and philosophy and literature and the arts at a high level. And I want to be a good man. I want to be honorable and dependable, and honest. I want to be a faithful husband and a present, loving father who is a good role model to his family, by being strong, honest, and a leader. And I want to honor God in every thing I do, be full-throated and steadfast in my faith, and to compromise it for nothing, least of all some degrading images of naked ladies on the internet (just to tie it all back together).

I relapsed again today, only about an hour ago. All that I just wrote was the so called “post nut clarity” coursing through my veins. But will it stick? My goal for the very short term is to not let this get me off my overall goals. I need to get back on my grind immediately and reclaim my focus. I need to get back into the habit of posting here daily (they don’t all have to be novels like this) for daily accountability. And I need to exercise still today. And be present and loving for my wife.

PMO/Edging last week: 2?
PMO/Edging this week: 3
Current streak: 0 days


Active Member
I’ve been awful irritable with my wife the past few days. I’ve gotta try and be better about that.

Some light “edging behavior” throughout the day, no actual physical edging but still looking into things I shouldn’t be. Trying to completely not bullshit myself if I’m going to take this seriously. Staying away from the “yellow light” behaviors is crucial. I know when I’m doing good and when I’m doing bad, even if I don’t take the behavior too far.

I’m going to rethink my counter situation. It can get too much in your head sometimes, I think. But I would like to be able to celebrate milestones. In any case, I haven’t PMO since Friday.


Active Member
Relapse again. I am very, very stubborn to learn anything about myself, to change anything about myself, to go out on a limb and try anything new. I love being stuck in my ways. I talk a good game and then don’t practice what I preach at all. Man. I need a serious change. Fuck it all. I’m going to really have to fight being mopey for the rest of the day now. I may have to talk with my wife again about how I’ve been doing lately.

PMO last week: 3
PMO this week: 1
Current streak: 0 days


Respected Member
Hey @jonazo91, I would definitely suggest talking to your lady, it has always helped me. Tell her what you've done, and what you do (minus the gory details), and that you need help. Just opening up feels so good, and cleanses my soul. If I remember right, you said she knows about it, so go ahead tell her. To me anyways, it's not a relationship if shit is being hidden from one another. That's why I had to say something, I just couldn't handle it anymore. I would rather have a real relationship or even a broken relationship, than something where truth does not exist, or even partial truths.

Just me two cents.


Active Member
Hey @jonazo91,
I feel moved by your sharing and can definitely relate to what you're going through. I loved the vision that you have for yourself:
And I want to be a good man. I want to be honorable and dependable, and honest. I want to be a faithful husband and a present, loving father who is a good role model to his family, by being strong, honest, and a leader. And I want to honor God in every thing I do, be full-throated and steadfast in my faith, and to compromise it for nothing,
I agree with Blondie that opening up with your wife is key. However, I would not necessarily tell her about your relapse. I have found that while it sometimes feels good to "get something off my chest," I need to consider the capacity of the listener. Is this something she has gone through herself and can relate to? If not, it may fill her with resentment and she may blame herself for your weaknesses, and it could take her many years to get over it. That kind of sharing is sometimes call "dumping" because I am dumping my burden onto someone else who might not be prepared to handle it. For us, we talk about it here in this forum and in a few days or weeks we're over it. Poof! I suggest talking to someone who has been there and done that. I usually talk to my sponsor in the 12-step program that I am in. I tell him exactly what I plan to tell my wife, and he usually asks helpful questions like, "Is this really helpful for her to know this, or are you deep into selfish thinking again?"
Best of luck to you, my brother!


Active Member
I have a new cubicle mate at work who is 22 years old and very pretty. Also very outgoing and talkative. It’s not like I’m an idiot. I have no interest in her in that way, and I’m fairly certain she doesn’t either. But either way, I did more talking to a girl (other than my wife) over the past few days than I have in years, and I can see my “funny, easygoing coworker” side coming out. It’s what charmed my wife (we met at a a different job 6 years ago). I’m not trying to be flirty. But I see how my personality opens up around women. And she is pretty. So yeah, I’m feeling desire even if I don’t want to.

This doesn’t have to be bad. I’m old enough and smart enough to keep up boundaries with a coworker. And me being more social at work might be an okay thing over all, I tend to hermit in my cubicle at work and often that leads to porn. So if I socialize more with my coworkers that might be a healthy thing. But, the thing is, man. I have porn brain. I have to contend with the part of me that’s going to sexualize every woman I come across just by instinct. I’m not worried I’m going to cross any lines. But what happens in my head is a different story, and that matters just as much. Staying true to my wife is more about “not cheating on her.”

Anyhow, I don’t need to stress this hard just yet. There’s nothing there. But I will be sitting next to her every day at work for the foreseeable future. It’s important that I respect her, and not run fantasies with her in my head.

PMO last week: 3
PMO this week: 1
Current streak: 2 days


Active Member
Why have I been avoiding posting here? I know it hasn’t been that long but I said I was gonna post every day. I’ve been irritable. And feeling a little just, touchy, like it’s hard for me to get excited about things. Like I can’t decide what music to listen to and don’t really “feel” the music I’m listening to. Anyhow, I just stopped myself from following an urge down. I guess I feel good about that. I realized it pretty early on in it and turned down the first step before searching it. Damn. If I can just do that consistently.

PMO last week: 3
PMO this week: 1
Current streak: 4 days


Active Member
Last night, I relapsed pretty bad. I stretched it out over hours, peeking here and there. I had gone 6 days, and in my head I was stretching it to a week, and it seems I have some sort of ready excuse in my head that if I go a week, I deserve a little break or something. Earlier in the day (before I actually relapsed), I could already feel my resolve faltering. I was thinking to myself, "so this is it? I just never indulge in any dirty, naughty, exciting thoughts? I just think pure and wholesome things all the time?" what an insane thing to consider to be a problem. But the thought was there. I couldn't deny it. Well anyway I got my wish, I thought dirty, naughty, exciting thoughts again.

For some reason, it's always so hard for me to declare, definitively, that "I'm done." But let's think about this completely rationally. Everyone who has actually walked away from this started by declaring to themselves that they are Done With Porn. Maybe (even likely), it wasn't their first time ever making the declaration. But it must start with a declaration. It's a leap of faith, a commitment. I did this when I got married. In fact, the true spirit of getting married is saying "I will devote myself fully to you and no other women for the rest of my life," which if we're being honest, should include porn. That's a leap of faith we make not knowing what will get in the way of us staying true to it, but we make the leap anyway.

So, for all the reasons I stated in my post a few weeks ago: I am Done With Porn. I have seen everything it has to show me, and it is nothing. I long to be far away from it. I want to walk the good walk, and not stray from it. I will do this because it is hard, and sometimes it won't be clear to me that it's worth it, but I will stay on the path. I don't want this stuff in my life anymore. I want to be FREE. So, I will be.

PMO last week: 1
PMO this week: 1
Current streak: 0 days
Day 1.


Active Member
For some reason, it's always so hard for me to declare, definitively, that "I'm done."
Thanks for writing so honestly, @jonazo91 ! This type of honesty means that you're on the path to recovery. Hundreds (maybe thousands!) of times in the past I tried declaring that I'm done with porn forever, but it never stuck. I would end up telling myself that I'm going to use porn just this one last time, and then tomorrow I'll stop forever. But that tomorrow never came. Some time ago, I flipped that around. Now, when I find myself in the midst of the struggle against the imperious urge, I tell myself that I will definitely use PMO tomorrow. But just for today, I am going to make a true connection with the people in my life, people who I truly love and who love me, however imperfectly. Today, I'm going to treat that young coworker like she is my daughter. Just for today, I'm going to give reality a try and see how that goes. And if it turns out that I am deeply unhappy with whatever my Higher Power has in store for me, the I can certainly go back to porn tomorrow.


Active Member
Thanks for writing so honestly, @jonazo91 ! This type of honesty means that you're on the path to recovery. Hundreds (maybe thousands!) of times in the past I tried declaring that I'm done with porn forever, but it never stuck. I would end up telling myself that I'm going to use porn just this one last time, and then tomorrow I'll stop forever. But that tomorrow never came. Some time ago, I flipped that around. Now, when I find myself in the midst of the struggle against the imperious urge, I tell myself that I will definitely use PMO tomorrow. But just for today, I am going to make a true connection with the people in my life, people who I truly love and who love me, however imperfectly. Today, I'm going to treat that young coworker like she is my daughter. Just for today, I'm going to give reality a try and see how that goes. And if it turns out that I am deeply unhappy with whatever my Higher Power has in store for me, the I can certainly go back to porn tomorrow.
That is a very cool way of looking at it! I will keep that in mind.


Active Member
So far I’m doing okay, except I really need to get back to a daily check in on here without exceptions or excuses.

I am Done With Porn. I must speak it into action and will it into action. I believe. Time to head into this weekend with a greater purpose in mind. Praise God.

PMO last week: 1
PMO this week: 1
Current streak: 3 days
Day 4.


Active Member
Got in a fairly big argument with my wife that stretched all the way into this morning. It was over something barely worth mentioning, a series of misunderstandings. A few weeks ago I got pissy at her about something and then afterward I promised I would try and be more upfront about when I was upset. So this time I tried that and it resulted in a more prolonged thing with more hurt feelings. In the end of the day, though, it might still be better. I have a tendency to go through a a cycle where I use porn, feel guilty and disgusted with myself, and then kind of hide my emotions under a shell to try to make it seem like everything is okay, until I’ve gone a little while without porn, then my emotions feel more raw again and I get irritated with my wife quicker, until I get so stressed that I decide to use porn again. So in a way, I need to understand the rawness of emotion I’m feeling as a good thing, to embrace it as it won’t go away but only get more intense. I want to feel these things. Not anger and resentment, of course, but strong feelings about my relationship. We’d gotten into a comfortable rut where we watch TV and movies and avoid really talking to each other for days. Well boy, we talked to each other this weekend. We didn’t scream at each other, but we had to voice how we were feeling and admit how we felt hurt by each other. In a strange way, it feels like a sign that our relationship is alive.

Last night, while my emotions were still raw, I had dreams of looking at porn while around her and trying to hide it from her. That’s a thing I actually do sometimes, and I was hardly surprised to get that sort of dream under the circumstances. But with me thinking and agonizing over the hurt we were experiencing, the idea of looking at porn in real life seemed abhorrent. I felt anger toward her, yes, but the idea of betraying her by looking at porn while we still had this open wound in our relationship to attend to seemed absolutely abhorrent, in a way it didn’t when we were more going through the motions and not “fighting.”

It’s only been 6 days porn free and that’s not any sort of record for me, although it’s better than my sometime habit of once every 2-3 days. But this time I’m Done With Porn and making a conscious effort to live my life as such. So I can’t help but be somewhat glad to be feeling feelings right now. I have to learn not to take them out on my wife in unproductive ways. But feeling them is good.

PMO last week: 1
PMO this week: 0
Current streak: 6 days
Day 7.


Active Member
I had this forum open and was logged in, ready to log my day, but I turned to porn instead. I noticed myself ogling women a lot more throughout the day. I’d been getting lazy, not sticking to my goals, getting restless and turning to my phone often to entertain myself in moments of boredom. And then boom, I just decided to go back to porn again. God help me.

I think the biggest question to ask is, how do I feel now that I made a big declaration of being “Done With Porn” and then went back to it again after not a very long time? Well I feel conflicted. Certainly there is a part of me that’s disgusted with myself, part of me that believes I will never prevail and will always turn back. But I’ve had a million of these failures and I know enough at least to know there’s no use in dwelling on the negative. I need to find what I can act on and act on it fast. I need to get back on the horse and I need to do it right this time. Can I take any lessons from this? I will say, what has worked for me is denying the first urge right off the bat. Once I’ve given into myself just a little bit, I fall very fast. So, err on the side of denying. If I’m telling myself I can spare an innocent peek at something “not too bad” or enjoy looking at a woman a little longer, don’t, because that’s where it starts. But also, I need to train myself that it’s never too late to stop and regain control over myself.

Will I declare myself Done With Porn once again? You bet. It’s a necessary step to quitting. No one quits without declaring themselves done, so I will declare it over and over again no matter what. A million self doubts creep in. Oh, I said it before and I broke my promise, what’s to say I won’t do the same thing again? That thought may be valid, but it’s useless to my recovery. It’s a leap of faith, and I have to make it again and again.

Still (or once again) Done With Porn.

PMO last week: 1
PMO this week: 1
Current streak: 0 days
Day 0.


Active Member
The message you just typed was, for me, the most difficult one to get out. I don't know whether it was shame, or remorse, or just plain anger that always prevented me from jumping right back in. So congratulations on getting right back on the wagon without delay.


Active Member
Yeah well, don’t be too proud of me. I re-relapsed late last night (after midnight so actually this morning) again. I can point to some triggers, like stress, tiredness etc. the big one I think was just lingering shame and feeling negative self-worth after the first relapse and wanting to numb or dull the feeling. I am so sick of this stuff. The cycle is a killer of self worth and motivation. I will pull free of this or die trying.

Today even still I have been struggling again with temptation. Not all of my internet surfing has been fully kosher. And anyway, why am I surfing the internet anyway? I kept myself up late last night and I’m fighting sleep deprivation and stress now, along with the continuing thoughts of self-disgust. In a few weak moments I made this week already twice as bad as last week. I worry I’m on a downward shift again. But there’s no one else to look to. I want to be free of this stuff, it’s me that has to make the decision to be free of it.

@jberg I’m going to try and keep your method in mind: just put it off. I know that crazy, dumb urges will come. But I don’t have to act on them NOW. If I still want to look at porn tomorrow then I’ll do it tomorrow. Right now, I have enough in me to keep up the fight, for now. All I need to worry about is, am I slipping now? If I am, I can stop and turn it around.

Okay, so for the zillion and one-th time, I am done with porn. Yesterday and this morning, the old me, the porn addicted me, got another shot in the driver’s seat, and to no one’s surprise, drove us straight into a ditch again. Fine. But if I’m sticking with this metaphor, the car is still running, and I have one goal, to stay on the good road. I am done with planning to fail. Part of me wants to anticipate the next time I relapse. I choose to believe it won’t come. I have a million reasons to think I’ll fail. But my future isn’t written. I write it. I have to unfailingly envision my future the way I CAN be, if I believe in myself.

God, this sounds corny. But what’s really corny is tempering my expectations so I won’t be disappointed when I fail again. I SHOULD be disappointed. It’s corny and pathetic to plan for failure. To not hope for the best. The best, the only acceptable outcome for me, is to be done with porn, right now, forever. Duh, it’s not easy. Can I make it happen? If not what the hell am I doing here?

I was reading Beowulf recently, and near the beginning there is a section about some men who, being continually attacked by the monster Grendel, sook out help from pagan gods or demons instead of turning to God. The modern English translation varies, but the version I read says something along the lines of “woe unto these men,” for turning to demons and fiery hell, but also… to “not expect change.” My head is spinning with lots of thoughts on this line and not being an expert on Old English epic poetry I’m hesitant to read too much into it, but the relevant part is that it struck me that the sin of turning away from God is that of “not expecting change.” The point is, staying faithful isn’t just a matter of adhering to some strict, rigid traditional moral code, but of expecting (not just hoping for, but EXPECTING!) transformation, transcendence. Expecting, impatiently, to shed my earthly, carnal shackles and be transformed. It’s a sin and an offense not to expect it, no matter how many times, or how recently I’ve fallen.

I’m Done With Porn because it’s the only acceptable way to be. Let me be transformed.

PMO last week: 1
PMO this week: 2
Current streak: 0 days
Day 0.
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