Firstly well done on the 4 days, especially if that’s new territory for you. There’s a wealth of intelligence on the subject of no MO ranging from what I would call the standard view, which means it’s fine generally. It’s natural, men need release, don’t feel guilty. That’s the advice. The metaphorical small print says beware it becoming a pastime and compulsive and doing it to pornography. You know all that of course. At the other end of the scale are the real hard line semen retention crowd who say you’re destroying something within yourself every time you masturbate. So much good is within and you will improve as a human if you just completely stop. Not stop for 90 days, stop forever. And one source went as far as to say that you should have sex with your wife but not ejaculate very often.
So no one can tell you what’s best. I just found that by not MO’ing I learned a great deal about myself and it was the best way to avoid the pull of porn. Then after a few months of only MO’ing sort of once a month, I felt vastly different. So much more awake and alert and like a man. So I connected the dots and knew that not MO’ing was improving me so I just kept going and then it was just a case of how long I could last.
Therefore, and obviously, it’s up to you. See if you change and see if the changes make you want to carry on. Thing is I reckon you need to see if you can do 30 days before I think there’s a significant change you will notice. Good luck.