You know Joe, I don’t weigh in much these days, not for any particular reason, maybe I’m bored, maybe I’m tired of my life revolving around porn and addiction and just want to start thinking of other things…maybe I’m just in a place where I feel content being quiet, but what you said does resonate with me. Early on in my recovery I thought why am I saddled with this addiction, surely alcohol would be easier to break, all I have to do is not put it in my body or go to places that were ritualistic like the bar with friends, after all porn addiction can persist in your mind even when you take the screen away….truly I think this addiction may be harder, but I have no basis for comparison so it remains a theory. But what I dislike is how dirty this addiction is. How much people’s perception of you can change. It matters not how much good you’ve done in your life, let them know you masturbate to porn and you might as well have a highly transmissible terminal disease. People just look at you different. You’re icky, you’re gross, you have no morals. Drugs, alcohol, food….these addictions are normal, they’re mainstream, people don’t really bat an eye to those. It would just be nice if people had the same understanding attitude towards porn or sex addiction like some of the others. Now I don’t mean to lump everyone into this category, without question there are those that understand and are concerned…..but this one just contains the ick factor which I think only drives us further into shame.
gosh, I sound bitter in the above paragraph, I’m not really, I brought this on myself, no one made me take up the art of surfing for skin….but it doesn’t help the addict when they really feel alone. It will be a welcome day and I’m confident there will be a day with all the shit going on with todays youth when this addiction becomes a spot light. I know I’ll be there to help anyone I know who may struggle with this as i so wished I had someone in my early days to confide in rather than bump around in the dark and do my own research.
I agree that we aren’t in fear of ending someone’s life physically with our addiction, but we can sure inflict enough damage to change our partners forever and in some ways we are ending someone’s life in a metaphorical way. They aren’t the same person after they’ve been hurt and trust is gone. It’s the burdens we bear. We must own it, grow from it, and lead life’s that others wouldn’t be afraid to follow. I never want to go back to having to worry about secrets being unearthed. A constant state of anxiety when I’m not home worried I didn’t clear the history or close the browser.
I feel happy, lighter, and more optimistic these days that those feelings are further and further behind me. Thanks for the post.