First time posting here. Want to get rid of this. I heard support helps.


Well-Known Member
Day 20
Something I read in another person's journal about what is happening to them is also happening to me. Particularly, I have a p video or scene stuck in my head in this one has stuck more so than other ones. I had a little fantasizing before I went to sleep last night, but I just it subside. I was close to MOing last night, but I think now it it is too associated with p. I am not sure if I should continue to have sex because it does give me brain fog and in the past caused a severe chaser.  At the moment, I have had some minor urges throughout the day, but this has more to do with me being enormously lazy right now. I will practice some piano soon.
Reasons I want to quit p. It drains my time. It makes depressed. It led me to edge for 8 hours one day(I am genuinely surprised that didn't lead to PIED). It gives me brain fog. It makes my mood incredibly unstable where I will swing from one extreme to the next. It has destroyed my last relationship and led me to cheat. It has ruined 3 years I could have spent on developing myself more. I am tired of this being the primary  problem destroying my self development I don't want to be in my thirties and this still be a problem. P is not my master. I am regaining control everyday.


Well-Known Member
Relapsed the other day. It was a really bad edging bend that lasted about 7 hours. Reason why it was so long is because my p habit isn't to just watch p. I will search for videos to download. Now I have a very specific p habit which is downloading basically the same set of videos over and over in a very specific genre or fetish. then deleting the stash. I have a massive headache now. I am unhappy about breaking my streak, but I realized that I ended up relapsing because yesterday I was stimulating my brain too much by seeing too many risque ads on this anime website. I feel better over this relapse even though binge was exceptionally terrible because I know what I need to do. Avoiding artificial stimulation is usually enough for me to control my urges or simply not have any. This binge is only really bad when I don't get back on the horse and I don't immediately start again. I might do a dopamine fast next weekend. This is why I always need to be on guard against even minor stimulation and also the boredom I have. I had boredom and my mind was like go to p do it. But it always turns into this weird bingeing is really bad for my health. I don't how much this will set me back, but it doesn't matter because I am gonna get right back on the horse. Current goal is hitting 30 days for my 29th birthday, I will and can do it.  I am confident now that I can conquer this.


Well-Known Member
got 6 days then relapsed again. Nofap november is a failure a day in. I feel depressed now. I think i got urges because i was tired today. I am not sure. Also, anime, today should have been  a warning sign to stay off my computer. My birthday is coming up on the 27th. I don't want to be 29 with this problem still. I hate it.


Active Member
Good shit man. I always found that days 10-21 were the most difficult times when it came to not relapsing. Remember that nothing lasts forever, including urges.

Glad to see you making strides!


Well-Known Member
Day 1
I think I am gonna have to give up watching anime. It has too many triggers. I also notice I spend an absurd amount of time online in general even when I am not relapsing. Maybe that just has to do with boredom. I have a really bad headache from the relapse yesterday. I don't feel good about much of anything right now. I have 29 days left in this month. I want to spend those 29 days not using p. I don't want to spend another birthday with this in the back of my head. Avoidance worked best for me the past 20 days also posting daily. One thing I hate about myself is I always seem to lose sight of why I want to quit when I get further in, does anyone know other strategies to help deal with this? I feel like my direction is totally lost I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what to do. I have some savings now, but it is nowhere needed to live well.
I don't know my last relapse I was asking myself why I wanted to quit and what difference does it make. I guess ultimately it is because it isn't real. It is literally a screen and it drains my time. It made yesterday completely pointless and it wasted the entire day. I want to leave this country and I want to quit this job.  I hate my life in a lot of ways.


Well-Known Member
Hey k-fff,

for me, i sometimes do a visualization exercise, when i feel like i loose a little sight of everything.
I then often times feel like i have more leverage over myself concerning the particular thing i want to change.
I would do the following: record yourself a memo with you reading this text and then play it for yourself and follow along. Maybe its a good idea to do this exercise more than once.
But you can also just try the exercise, without listening to anything, just by following the principal ideas i think.
I have got it from a self help guy called leo gura.
As the "good habit" mentioned in the exercise, i think you dont have to use a particular one. You could also imagine your life playing out just without porn. But you can maybe also try to set you a certain habit you wanna put in place instead of engaging in porn, but thats not how it worked for me.

"Go ahead and sit back. Close your eyes and relax. Keep your back up straight. As you?re doing that, and your eyes are closed, listen along and follow along, and use your imagination.

Your eyes are closed now. Go ahead and take a nice, deep breath in. Then exhale. As you?re exhaling, release all the tension from your body. Get in touch with your body, really feel your body. Notice it, notice every part. Now take another deep breath in, and exhale. Relax your body even more as you?re exhaling.

Feel the rest of your body. Feel all the other parts of your body that you haven?t felt yet. Now let?s take one more deep breath, and as you breathe in and exhale, on the exhale you?re going to release every muscle in your body. You?re going to completely relax it and let it go loose. Ready?

Really get in touch with your body. Get in touch with the soles of your feet. Feel the soles of your feet. Feel the tips of your toes. Feel your legs. Feel your butt on the cushion or the surface you?re sitting on. Feel your back muscles. Feel your shoulder muscles. Feel your hands, and feel all the way into your fingertips. Now feel the muscles in your neck and relax those.

Move that awareness of the muscles in your neck up into the muscles in your face. As you?re feeling all your facial muscles, relax all of those too. Now you should be really relaxed and really in touch with your whole body. Notice how you?re breathing, just at a nice, even, steady pace. Keep your attention on that. Now we?re going to do a little visualisation exercise.

Keep your eyes closed and follow along. What I want you to do is imagine that bad habit that?s really plaguing you, that you would like to drop. Really picture it. Picture how it plays itself out throughout the day. Picture how it plays itself out throughout the week. I want you to imagine that this habit isn?t going anywhere, that this habit is going to stay, and it?s stuck with you forever, for the rest of your life.

I want you to imagine what the next month will look like, of this bad habit continuing to act itself out. Imagine all the pain that?s involved with that. Imagine the disappointment you see in others. Imagine how disappointed you are in yourself ? the guilt, whatever this is costing you. Now let?s project that a year into the future. Imagine a year goes by, and this negative habit is stuck with you.

It?s not changing. You?re not changing it. It?s been acting for a whole year, every single day, three hundred and sixty five days. Imagine what the cost of that is, tallied up for three hundred and sixty five days. All the struggle, all the pain. Now let?s project that five years into the future. Imagine five years goes by, and you change nothing about this habit.

This bad habit is with you, and in fact, it?s getting even stronger, because a negative habit tends to get worse if you don?t work on it. Now imagine five years? worth of all the negative accumulation of the effects and the repercussions of this negative habit. How does it affect your work? How does it affect your family? How does it affect your own psychology? How does it make you feel about yourself, to be so weak?

Now let?s project this ten years into the future. Imagine ten years of this negative habit working on you, working on your life. What does your life look like, ten years from now, from the ravages of this bad habit? What is going to happen if you keep doing what you?ve been doing? Really picture it. That?s the real cost.

Now clear that image out of your mind, maybe think of something else, totally irrelevant. You might think of sucking on a crisp cold lemon wedge, feeling the soreness on your tongue. That?ll be a little bit of a palette cleanser for you. Keep your eyes closed, and we?re going to move on the second part of this visualisation.

What I want you to do is clear your mind and think about the new habit that you?re putting into place, to replace this bad habit. What?s the good habit? What are you going to be doing with all that time? I want you to imagine that new habit operating on you, every single day for the next week. What would it look like, just for the next week, for you to be doing that new habit, and no longer doing the old one? How would it feel? How would you feel about yourself? Would you have more energy? Would you feel more successful? Would you be more caring? Would you be more conscious?

Let?s take that and project it out to a whole month, thirty days. For thirty days you?re doing this good habit. How does it make you feel to do thirty days of it? Thirty straight days of this accumulating positive effect of the good dhabi. How does it make you feel about yourself? What does it do for your life? How does it free up your life from all those negative emotions? What kind of opportunities does it open for you?

Let?s take that and project it a year into the future. Imagine three hundred and sixty five days have passed, and you have been on this good habit for three hundred and sixty five days. Imagine how much you accomplished during that time, the kind of gains you make in that domain where you?re practising this new activity.

What kind of gains do you make? What kind of successes does this lead to? What kind of rewards does it create, both physical and emotional? How proud do you feel of yourself for doing it for that long?

Let?s project it out five years into the future. Imagine you were doing this for five years, this positive habit. How much benefit have you received from it? Can you see all the little gradual accumulations and how big those have grown, how much they?ve expanded and completely transformed your life, how proud you feel of yourself for having done this?

Let?s project this ten years into the future. Imagine ten years from now, you?ve been on this positive habit, for every single day. Picture all the accumulated positive effects. Feel how you would feel. Feel how proud you would feel if you did this for ten years straight. Think of how this would affect every area of your life, from your work, to your relationships, to your family.

Think about how inspirational you would be to everyone around you, if you actually were able to do this. You could share the success of your story with them, and inspire them to also do the same in their lives, to improve their lives in the ways you improved yours.

Go ahead and wrap that up at your own pace. Finish that visualisation. Bask in it a little bit. At your own pace, on the count of three, you are going to come out and come back to me nice and refreshed, and feeling good. Here?s the count ? one, two, three. Welcome back.

Right now, because you are in this state you are receptive and you are engaged. You?re ready. This is the time to commit. I want a hundred percent commitment from you that you are going to drop this bad habit. We know how toxic it is to your life. We also know how much it?s costing you in terms of all the potential you have, all the dreams that are going unfulfilled because of it. It?s weighing you down so much.

Commit right now, one hundred percent ? not ninety nine ? one hundred percent that you?re going to do no matter what to make this work. No matter how many times you have to try, you?re going to do it, and you?re going to give it your best. "


Hey man, sorry to hear about your relapse. But you are learning from it, and will be back stronger!

Take care, you got this! :D


Well-Known Member
Day 0
relapsed bad today. The last three days I was clean before that had two days of edging. I downloaded about 25 videos from this current session. Just deleted them. I am back in a bad habit of relapsing constantly. lately, I have been ill and I really haven't gotten any sleep. My life has been quite miserable lately and porn is worsening the situation. The best thing i can do is get back to posting here to motivate me to stop. Avoidance works the best for me. Any stimulation I just leave the situation that is what i will go back to. My main problem is my phone. I wish I could get away with using a flip phone, but I fucking can't because of work and i have to use this gotdamn app. My relapses have always been starting from my phone lately. I want to quit because this sinking feeling and I don't want to develop pied.


Well-Known Member
day 1
Why I want to quit porn: I am not living my life. I am literally not moving forward or meeting new people. It drains so much time from the actual use and the subsequent withdrawals after use that I can't function because of lack of sleep or a headache.
Things I need to do today
-clean up my room
-hang up my clothes after washing them
-grade all the papers


Well-Known Member
day 2 a reminder why I want to quit. I have urges to watch p, to watch other people have sex, and not participate why would I ever want that. If I keep doing this bad habit, I will never overcome being a dilettante at various things that I have some skill. My posture will further deteriorate. I will likely develop pied and I will accelerate my hair loss. P drains all of my time and energy; it leaves me with nothing but guilt and disgust afterwards. It numbs my emotions and wrecks havoc on my sleep schedule. I am regaining control everyday.


Active Member
You really gotta commit 100%. No thoughts, no movies, no social media, nothing triggering at all. The more in control of your thoughts you are, the stronger you'll be at resisting temptations. Don't be like me and wait until it really starts to wreak havoc on your brain.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I can't allow myself any of those things. Avoiding triggers is the best way to beat this and I let myself slip by giving myself a pass from tv shows or movies.


Well-Known Member

fapstranaut posted this yesterday. This kind of mindset really helped me a lot i feel like. You posted a few days ago that you always feel like you are loosing sight of why you are doing this and that you feel like that you having no direction. I think this link can help with that.


Well-Known Member
Day 3
Things to do today
-practice piano
Reminder of why I want to quit p since i edged for 30 minutes today. That right there is the reason it wastes my time. It is ruining my life. I need to make these posts in the morning to remind myself. I will also post about what I need to do for the day to keep myself working towards my goals.


Active Member
I'm really not trying to be a downer, but edging is just as bad if not worse than having an orgasm. You really gotta watch that. It's all about the dopamine, and edging is just filling your brain with it for extended periods of time. This is knowledge you need to understand, even though it may not be fun to read.

All the best.


Well-Known Member
don't take that as angry, but yea, I know edging is really bad I posted abbout it to keep more accountable I am not happy about it at all.


Well-Known Member
Day 1 restarting because of the edging.
I want to quit p because it takes up too much of my time and it is the thing that is causing my current bouts of depression


Active Member
I hate to be that guy man. I'm sorry if I made you feel worse. I just know all this shit from fucking up so much myself. My bad.