How Shall We Escape?

Phineas 808

Staff member
Thank you for your comments, Orbiter. I feel that you 'get me', lol...! Reading your words as reflecting back to me, articulating what I say above affirms and clarifies what I'm trying to communicate- first to myself, and then to the forum.

I wish there was behind my new approach a feeling of success, though I can't discount the successes I've attained so far. I just know how I'm feeling presently, and it is fraught with danger. I still have to work similar techniques as before, especially in digging deep to find my 'why' and to press ahead into a true abstinence.

Yes, connection is I think the perfect way to sum up my deep emotional/spiritual needs. And yet therein lies the crux, as I have no real friends to speak of, and I don't always connect well with my immediate family. We're alright, but I feel my marital relationship is often 'surface-level' and doesn't go very deep, certainly not in an intimate and satisfying or nurturing way. This isn't always true, but all too often is.

Porn is often the enemy, the poison that kills intimacy, and so I'm not completely innocent in this...

I hope you yourself find that new way of relating to your journals, Orbiter, both external and here on RN- as I sure miss reading your posts, even if they reflected your own struggles.

Also wishing you well.


Well-Known Member
Yes, connection is I think the perfect way to sum up my deep emotional/spiritual needs. And yet therein lies the crux, as I have no real friends to speak of, and I don't always connect well with my immediate family. We're alright, but I feel my marital relationship is often 'surface-level' and doesn't go very deep, certainly not in an intimate and satisfying or nurturing way. This isn't always true, but all too often is.
I feel this way a lot. Especially in my marriage. My wife does want to talk and talk and talk about things that to me make little difference. I try to get myself into a mindset that I should be listening to her if I want her to listen to me. But it doesn't really ever pan out that way. Well, I'm still here and trying but not so sure how long I'll be able to keep this going.

You have been a true warrior through all of this and the fact that you are sticking around here through successes and failures certainly helps someone like me. I've been in and out the last couple of months, but I'm still looking to fight and achieve more. Thanks for your help.

Phineas 808

Staff member
Working with a new format for journaling where I'll be asking myself 5 - 6 core questions, and a final bonus question (in red font). These core questions will be the same, if not modified or swapped out time to time. This format is intended to extract from myself in the spirit of self-accountability, honesty and the truth, and to elicit focus and cutting edge zeal toward real-life change.

Where am I at now?

I'm 7 days without P, PMO, or MO.

Though this is hard to admit given my pride, it is what it is. I didn't do very well in the month of March, having lapsed to P or PMO 4x. When I lapsed on 3/4/22, it ended a 64-65 day streak. This is what I came into the new year with, although I struggled in January with MO 2x. Where I'm at now is at least passed my previous 5 day streak, where I lapsed last time. February saw no lapses, although I did struggle with p-subs and edging on and off during that time.

What was helpful?

Determination to do better, be better, be a better man than I was yesterday.

Also, changing my iphone time at night before bed to reading a book has helped, though I'm maybe compensating this time elsewhere, but I'm working with it.

Where have I made progress or regressed this week?

As above, making progress on my phone habits, seeking to establish a new relation with social media. As previously noted, this sometimes is 2 steps forward and 1 step back, but I'm working with this.

What area needs extra focus this week?

Definitely phone use and social media. To see women, whether in public or on TikTok, IG, as people and not as objects (idols). To not be dependent on a woman's beauty for my deeper spiritual and emotional needs. To turn to God for all such needs as soon as they're sensed within myself or reflected in my actions.

How am I feeling now?

I'm feeling relatively good. I know I'm a little vulnerable, a little sensitized (where I should be desensitized), but not obsessive. I was drawn in a little this morning on TikTok, but minimized this and its impact. I'm feeling hopeful toward a lengthier streak, and of focusing less on this issue in general when I'm stronger again.

Deeper issues or concerns?

Ending the close friendship, which is a secret from the wife, and generally detrimental to my marriage and spiritual goals, is ongoing. There's been no contact since last month (and a month prior to that), and my answers were short and terse. There are times of missing her, and this has affected my resistance or has lent toward depending on former behaviors for comfort. I need to seek out new friends, but I know they could never replace the understanding we had.

Special Question # 3. How do you envision your future self?

As a man who does not use pornography, masturbate or lust after women. I am a man in control of himself. I am not dependent on a woman's beauty to feel affirmed or comforted. I am a source of strength and not neediness, in public and online, as a professional, as a minister, and as a man.
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Phineas 808

Staff member
I can't begin to express how structured and excellent this format is.

Thank you for sharing
I appreciate that, TakeActionNow!

I have a whole list, besides the 6 core questions above: an additional 30 other questions I’ll be randomly selecting from (1x bonus question) during my check-ins.

If any might find this format helpful or a source for ideas, let me know and I can send a copy in message form here on RN.
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Phineas 808

Staff member
Here is my weekly check-in, as to how I'm really doing. Here I strive to be as honest with myself as possible, because if we can't tell ourselves the truth... But really, with this new format I could hardly wait till Sunday came back around, lol...!

Where am I now?

I am currently 14 days without P, PMO or MO. This is 2 weeks since my latest lapse. It will be a couple of days until I'm past my recent 15 day lengthier streak (ended 3/22).

On one night I obsessed on p-subs and edged. This was ended, and I went to sleep. No fault.

What was helpful or hurtful?

What was really helpful is that in addition to changing my nighttime phone use to reading instead, I executed a plan to deepen my answer toward social media:

1. iPhone only as I wake up in the morning, but as I get ready in the morning and get ready for bed at night, it's reading instead. And if I use the lou during the day, it's reading.

2. I only look at social media 1x a week on Saturdays, where I'll catch up on any comments/likes/follows. I'll allow for entertainment via this time also, being mindful of content. Keeping in mind my IMPACT approach.

3. If I have a purpose or post, it's with an in-and-out approach. For example, if I post on TikTok, I face the phone down while it uploads so I don't get the feed.

4. For the times on getting up, except for Saturdays, I'll listen to positive or spiritual podcasts/videos.

This approach is immensely helping me right now.

What was hurtful was being drawn in by a particular user, and dealing with bots luring me to Whatsapp. One user was legitimate, perhaps, though the motives aren't exactly clear (identity theft or sextortion). But we had a spiritual conversation which may have disarmed her... all this for what? An emotional (or sexual) affirmation? But I've navigated and am working with this.

Have I made progress or regressed this week?

I made immense progress regarding my approach to phone/social media, leaving it behind and picking up a book. Also, I'm restricting my interactions on social media to once a week, this is huge for me. I feel more in control, less vulnerable, and very hopeful.

While I don't feel as I did last week, 2 steps forward and 1 step back, I did come into a night of obsession and acting out with p-subs and edging. This regards that particular user on TikTok. But I'm challenging myself to see her as a real human being, and to not be overly restrictive with that blowing up in my face.

It was strange that this new friend, along with my best-friend reaching out, occurring simultaneously with my desire to celebrate this week for its victories. But this has to be seen in perspective. The 'new friend'- is it really that? I deleted our (innocent) conversation, and won't initiate a new one. The old-friend, I've yet to decide on how to handle this, though I did reply in a heartfelt way (wise?).

What area needs extra focus this coming week?

Repetition and vigilance. To establish these new habit changes requires extra vigilance to not slip into old patterns, especially if they're emotionally driven. My need is to repeat last week in the new week, and follow the same schedule as above. The need to be strict with myself regarding this is the extra focus.

Also, to not allow the interaction with the friendship in question (my ex-coworker) to trip me up emotionally, in terms of compromising my marital and spiritual goals, while keeping the friendship (?)... Tis' a precarious situation potentially... (!).

How are you feeling now?

I am feeling very hopeful toward this new format on my RN journal, and also my new schedule toward phone/social media platforms.

I'm not obsessing. I don't feel vulnerable. I feel stronger, and yet cautious. I feel more vigilant. I'm excited to pass the 15-day mark, and go on toward lengthier streaks.

Deeper issues or concerns?

Loneliness is a major issue right now. Perhaps it will always be for me? I hear my wife throughout the day calling her family and friends, and I-? Who do I have to call? And then my 'best-friend' contacts me, and I have to decide how safe it is to call her, to talk to her... This is also reflected in meeting this new 'friend' on TikTok, how we 'seemed' to hit it off, but I'm very well aware as to the probable unreality of this, and plus she's very tailor-made as for her appearance.

My wife and I haven't made love this week, and we've been fighting on and off, and a latest fight brought home poignantly that she doesn't understand or 'get me'. And this can be lonely, very lonely. But, what is the level of care at this point? Is it therefore a loneliness for her? More of a loneliness in general.

(And now the climax, lol..., my bonus question, randomly selected from 30 possibilities!)

Special Question # 7. Who were you when no one was watching?

This question is kind of a two-edged sword. On one hand, I was a man of integrity. For the times that I was 'left alone' I was in prayer or otherwise focused on my goals. On the other hand, the issues related above were of necessity worked out in secret or privately, and could in no wise be shared with my wife, even my feelings toward her, unfortunately. Though this last part can be worked on.

So as to former behaviors, I did not take advantage of privacy to act out, other than issues regarding the p-subs and edging, and questions of conversing with the opposite sex via a messaging platform. But, I'm actively working on the latter as I am on the former.

Be well, All.
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Phineas 808

Staff member
Today's check in, on this Easter Morn.

Where am I now?

I am now currently 21 days from P, PMO, or MO.

I'm passed my recent streak of 15 days (ended 3/22) following a rough month in March where I lapsed 4x. I feel that I'm now gaining traction once again in my recovery.

What was helpful or hurtful?

Internally, it was helpful to have intent and purpose in my efforts. I'm finding once again that one has to be on purpose and intentional in their recovery efforts in order to affect real change.

Externally, maintaining my new 'social media schedule', or my new phone habits has helped tremendously in refocusing on recovery and not on business as usual.

Have I made progress or regressed this week?

I progressed in the sense that I maintained my new habits, reinforced them through repetition.

I did get drawn in last Tuesday by a particular user on TikTok, and this led to some p-subs and edging. But I practiced some of my tested and true techniques to come out of this. For example, in bed I checked my pulse- yes, it was elevated. I did some deep breathing exercises and prayed a little, and the urges passed. No fault.

What area needs extra focus this coming week?

Once again, continuing to maintain my new phone/social media habits will be essential in moving forward and making progress.

Also, I did connect with my friend after they reached out. I'm trying to think holistically about this, mature about this, where I can perhaps keep the friendship- albeit limited due to all things considered. Working with this, and will need to keep it in it's rightful place- whatever that means.

How are you feeling now?

I'm feeling good. There's no obsessing, and no urges or cues I'm dealing with. I'm feeling happy, and hopeful concerning my recovery- and things in general. I'm particularly happy with this new approach to my journal and recovery efforts. Grateful to have focus back.

Busy this morning, as we're going to visit brother-in-law in the hospital. Afterwards to spend time with the family, which will be fun.

Deeper issues or concerns?

The 'catch 22' that is my friendship goes forward. For me, it's always been about self-control, integrity, and a little something extra: an inward ability to discern in the moment, intuitively, what is right or wrong- what is good or 'evil' about each aspect- and how it feels. But, after 2 years of me trying to 'soft-end' our friendship, it survives as if nothing has happened. Do I throw something like that away?

Again, I don't have so many friends to pick-and-choose who to keep or toss. If I go one way, the pain is too great; if I go the other way, my conscience accuses me. So, I have to use inward discernment (the tree of discernment- eaten after the tree of life) in each moment to know what to do or how to approach. One can say, 'follow their heart'.

Special Question # 15. Are you 'in-and-out' concerning social media, unless purposeful?

This is something that has definitely changed for the better, although requiring diligence and vigilance. Even if during the week and I'm not scheduled to be on social media (Saturdays only), I may have a very specific purpose which I'll do and then get right back out. Importantly, it doesn't feel overly restrictive- I'm not white-knuckling when I get on, or when I'm off. I'm literally changing my relationship with these things.

Hope all are doing well- and I wish everyone a Happy Easter (He is Risen!). Be blessed and strengthened in your journey!
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Well-Known Member
Hey Phineas,

I am very impressed with your format! Great job in setting that up. It's almost like a root cause analysis method.
Very, very helpful.

Also; amazing job in breaking through to 21 days and leaving the events of March behind you. Well done. I hope your easter was excellent.

Take care!

Phineas 808

Staff member
It's almost like a root cause analysis method.
Very, very helpful.

Thank you, Shade! Asking oneself questions I've found (and am rediscovering) is a powerful means of 'forcing' yourself to answer- and the more honest or truthful, the more potential these can be a catalyst for change.

Also; amazing job in breaking through to 21 days and leaving the events of March behind you. Well done.

Thank you so much for that- making progress, coming out of March, and even coming out of November-December is so important, as I feel I'm recapturing my 'mojo' in recovery.

Hope your Easter likewise was enjoyable!


Well-Known Member
You do have a very cerebral approach to this problem. Maybe I need to do that and take out some of the emotions.

Keep at it. I like seeing you succeed. It gives me hope.

Phineas 808

Staff member
You do have a very cerebral approach to this problem. Maybe I need to do that and take out some of the emotions.

Keep at it. I like seeing you succeed. It gives me hope.

Thank you, Guitar! I'm an analytical person by nature (Virgo), and this has come to be helpful. But again, emotions can be helpful, too. If we treat them as a kind of 'early-warning-system', we can use how we're feeling to measure if we're close to acting out in order to self-medicate. For example, if I'm angry (particularly at my wife) or if I'm feeling generally negative, I'll use that emotion to ask myself if I'm 'high-risk' toward acting out.

Certainly, if I can do it- you can do it, too!

Phineas 808

Staff member
Thank you @particularly_respecting, grateful for you coming by and reading!

You're welcome, @Blondie- and thank you!

Grateful that you're here, killing it, and moving forward in your own recovery efforts! I relate a lot to you in that I've lapsed after lengthier streaks, too, and it's difficult at times to simply bounce back. But you've shown, and are showing that it can and must be done- that we can make real and lasting change in our behaviors.

I appreciate that, brother.

Phineas 808

Staff member
~Hey Phineas, How are you faring? I see you comment on other threads but no posts here since wednesday.

Thank you, Shade! That little check up means the world to me. My updates here, at this point, are on a weekly basis. This will change even further out as I progress- or may shorten to daily if need be.

You caught me now, before I could give my update- so stay tuned ;) !

Phineas 808

Staff member
Checking in for the week. Hope all are doing well today.

Where am I now?

Today I am 28 days free from P, PMO, or MO. This is 4 weeks, approaching my ideal month of 0x episodes.

What was helpful or hurtful?

It cannot be overstated the importance of changing my surrounding habits as regards my iphone in general and social media in particular:

Phone use: When I get up each day I can use, but when I get ready for the day or for bed at night, it's reading instead. If I need it for a very focused and specific purpose during the day, then that's fine.

Social media: This is by and large 1x a week, on Saturdays, keeping in mind the dangers it poses as well as the content I view. This is a reward day, but without getting lax as to content. I catch up on my likes, comments, and follows. Throughout the week I may post if very purposeful and in-and-out, but I don't concern myself with reactions until Saturday.

What is especially helpful in making these permanent habit changes is to do so consistently and repeatedly. Repetition is what built the chains to our habits and repetition is what will break them.

Have I made progress or regressed this week?

For the previous 3 weeks I was drawn in to p-subs and edged at least once per week (total = 3x). But this last week I did not engage in any p-subs or edging, I did not waver on my new found habits.

Last night, while on my on-day for social media, I did see a TikTok video come up in my feed that was of a woman-user tailor made for me, as it were- at least her appearance fit my 'tastes'. And it was really difficult, a reminder that it would be all too easy to fall if I approach this mindlessly or according to old habits. I clicked away, refreshed the page so I wouldn't be able to so easily find my way back to it. And I could almost hear my beast-brain screaming, "Are you insane!? That was the pefect woman!! You could watch that incessantly, follow the user, have her come up in your feeds...!" And indeed, I checked my pulse and was surprised that it was elevated, that I had been cued (triggered). I did what I know to do, took some deep breaths as I laid on the couch watching non-related T.V. shows. The urges passed.

This was progress in that I didn't obsess, didn't feed the urges- or particularly fight them- although I did deprive myself of the convenient access to it, just in case I became duplicitous- or sought to take advantage of it.

What area needs extra focus this coming week?

A continuing in my new found habits, which are still relatively new, and are not yet ingrained. Repeat, repeat, repeat: consistency is key here. I'm also at the point where, and this may sound contradictory, where I can 'relax into my recovery' but at the same time be careful in terms of vigilance.

Thus, I need to focus on establishing my new habits through repetition, any emotional signals that may indicate a deeper desire to act out, detect any spiritual hunger that may manifest as urges to act out, say like a neediness for a woman's attention, affirmation, or beauty. This I need to answer with prayer or human connection.

How are you feeling now?

I'm feeling well. There is no obsessing, no urges, no thoughts or plans on future use. The cue from last night, its subsequent urges, subsided as a wave of the ocean will always do, invariably. It's only we who might make it seem larger than life, as if it would swallow us whole. It's invariably a bell-curve, and we learn how to wait it out, ignore it, until it subsides. Urge surfing is a thing, and a worthy internet search.

I did wake up last night a couple of times (upset stomach), and it was like my brain was searching for something, as if it wanted to edge- but something was missing in the 'program' ? I suspect that the brain saw a glimpse of what were my regular dopamine habits, but it didn't get enough to take it further...? There were no urges to edge or anything, but that maybe my brain was looking for there to be urges...? I ignored this, certain I hadn't acted out, and went to sleep.

Deeper issues or concerns?

Reconnected with the female friend, but navigating this as this friendship is so important to me. But I'm not willing to endanger my marriage over it- and while I attempted to 'fall on the sword' about this in trying to lose the friend- we survive 2 years later (as we continued to connect on and off during these times- the 'off' was always me). I was never a jerk to this friend, I always explained to her my situation- and she always understood. Neither of us want to hurt the unknowing party (my wife). This sounds horrible to type out, and I'm reluctant to do so, but the pain of losing this friend has always been a factor in my relapses since before March of 2020.

My overall financial situation and carreer (self employed) that I'm fighting to break into, and a wife who doesn't have the same faith or positive outlook I do, and navigating her negativity and lack of confidence in my moves... This is something that on the surface appears dire, life-or-death, but I have to persevere here and overcome. I have to work harder, believe deeper. Almost every night I have 'purpose-related' dreams... So, I know this stuff is affecting me on a deep emotional level...

Special Question # 27. Are you being vigilant or high-risk?

Right now and in these past weeks I've been vigilant, and I feel that this is increasingly so. I don't mean hyper-vigilant or white-knuckling, as I'm relaxed but careful, simply not giving my beast-brain any ammunition to go to war against me, not supplying my enemy with weapons by which he can take me down.

Being high-risk for me would look like going back to my old habits with the phone, social media, and to mindlessly scroll, endlessly be entertained, to enter into any given situation (out in public) without an intent to do the 'right thing' for my recovery. I'm simply being the opposite of this right now.

Be blessed, All.
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Phineas 808

Staff member
Great job on 28 day Phineas! That is a great start.

Thank you, Blondie!

Though I wouldn't classify this as being a start, but rather a continuation of years in recovery trying to change these habits and/or addictions.

I know 28 days appears like a start, but I would trace my start at least to November of 2020 when I rejoined RN, and even many years before that, learning what works for me and what doesn't work.

Truly I am a work in progress, lol...! Thank you for your support.