Porn is not an option


Day 629

Thanks gents, @SmokenMirrors and @First_step_thousand_miles, I really appreciate the encouragement. At this point I'm not too scared about this happening (I know it will pass), I think it's more just the curiosity of wondering how the brain works and how those old porn pathways still can give me a little hell that I find interesting. My cycles of flatlines have always gone like this: suddenly having vivid dreams, then sexualized thought patterns, then flatline, usually in that order, and sometimes, no sleep. Well, I had those dreams a few weeks ago, then that crazy bout of pornified thoughts (the worst I've had in half a year), then now a flatline that is also the worst I've had in probably a half a year. Also this week, sleep isn't terrible, but it's not great either. I've never been this far out before, and I think my mind is trying to fight it.

You all have a great porn-free Sunday.
Well, at least you know the pattern. This will pass.


Respected Member
Thanks @Androg, this is true.

Day 630!

202 lbs. and 21.4% body fat.

Well I'm pretty happy about this, I'm real close to an almost normal healthy weight again. I've lost 10 pounds over the last five weeks. We're heading off today for a mini vacation for some well deserved fun, so I'm definitely going to have a goodtime, but I'll get back to this diet when I return. Things are going well on all fronts at the moment and I feel better throughout the day having those extra pounds off, both mentally and physically. I can't wait to get below 20 percent again! Also, I've been working on some summer goals of mine that are necessary for my education, and I'm just killing it with my focus. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we put our whole heart and soul into it. I believe I'm also getting more clarity for my future.

Also, had some of the best sex we've had in a while yesterday. Mr. Downstairs worked wonderfully ;)

Keep killing it everyone.


Well-Known Member
Thanks @Androg, this is true.

Day 630!

202 lbs. and 21.4% body fat.

Well I'm pretty happy about this, I'm real close to an almost normal healthy weight again. I've lost 10 pounds over the last five weeks. We're heading off today for a mini vacation for some well deserved fun, so I'm definitely going to have a goodtime, but I'll get back to this diet when I return. Things are going well on all fronts at the moment and I feel better throughout the day having those extra pounds off, both mentally and physically. I can't wait to get below 20 percent again! Also, I've been working on some summer goals of mine that are necessary for my education, and I'm just killing it with my focus. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we put our whole heart and soul into it. I believe I'm also getting more clarity for my future.

Also, had some of the best sex we've had in a while yesterday. Mr. Downstairs worked wonderfully ;)

Keep killing it everyone.
Hell yeah!!!! That's great progress man, 2lb per week is the 'max' they say you should be doing so I love that you're getting after it like a fucking Spartan! I'm excited for you to dip under 200lb

Definitely take this goal in chunks. Sure the ultimate goal might be 13% body fat but that seems so far away. I like that you're setting 20% as the next goal, and then next after that will be 18% and so forth until you get to a place you're happy with. Proud of you!

Also just curious, how are you measuring BF?


Respected Member
Thanks brother! That's a good question. I'm just using a digital scale that says my BF. It's not perfect, but I know it's pretty close by comparing it to the clipper method I used last fall. Plus, just looking at pictures online it seems pretty close. Good enough for me!

Yes, I don't think I would go any faster with the weight loss, but until I get to 20% I figured I go with a sprint.

Best brother


Well-Known Member
Day 632

I've been trying to find the balance this week between having fun and kicking back, but not over indulging to the extreme.

We'll see how that goes.
Hey brother -- just remember, 0 cheat meals are just not possible. Give yourself room for 1 big cheat meal a week or 2 medium sized ones -- don't be a complete glutton during it (i.e. get two entrees and two desserts) but get some good stuff to keep you going (1 entree and 1 dessert). Goal is long term sustainability! You got this


Respected Member
Day 633

You're welcome legend. Keep it up. God bless.
God bless you too @Ezel.
Hey brother -- just remember, 0 cheat meals are just not possible. Give yourself room for 1 big cheat meal a week or 2 medium sized ones -- don't be a complete glutton during it (i.e. get two entrees and two desserts) but get some good stuff to keep you going (1 entree and 1 dessert). Goal is long term sustainability! You got this
Thanks @First_step_thousand_miles! Yeah you're right about that.

I was mostly referring to being on vacation and having "fun", and thus, having cheat meals, however, just not going to the extreme on the other end. I think I was mostly successful in this regard. I guess I won't really know until tomorrow when I get on that scale! :cool:

Best brother.

You all have a great porn-free Friday.


Respected Member
Day 634

Well, last night I accidently saw some porn. I looked up an old address by typing it in, and it just sent me directly to a porn page, maybe Pornhub or something similar. I got the fuck out of there as fast as possible, but saw some dicks and balls before I clicked out. What insanity my life use to be looking at that shit. I was NOT tempted in the least, nor did I feel I screwed up or anything. It was a complete accident, but unfortunately that accident could happen to anyone, including children. That half second glimpse of that nonsense reminded me of all the reasons I hate it.

Fuck porn everyone.

You all have a great porn-free weekend!


Well-Known Member
Day 634

Well, last night I accidently saw some porn. I looked up an old address by typing it in, and it just sent me directly to a porn page, maybe Pornhub or something similar. I got the fuck out of there as fast as possible, but saw some dicks and balls before I clicked out. What insanity my life use to be looking at that shit. I was NOT tempted in the least, nor did I feel I screwed up or anything. It was a complete accident, but unfortunately that accident could happen to anyone, including children. That half second glimpse of that nonsense reminded me of all the reasons I hate it.

Fuck porn everyone.

You all have a great porn-free weekend!
Great job man! Very, very proud of you for what you did. I expect no less from The King!


Well-Known Member
Day 634

Well, last night I accidently saw some porn. I looked up an old address by typing it in, and it just sent me directly to a porn page, maybe Pornhub or something similar. I got the fuck out of there as fast as possible, but saw some dicks and balls before I clicked out. What insanity my life use to be looking at that shit. I was NOT tempted in the least, nor did I feel I screwed up or anything. It was a complete accident, but unfortunately that accident could happen to anyone, including children. That half second glimpse of that nonsense reminded me of all the reasons I hate it.

Fuck porn everyone.

You all have a great porn-free weekend!
Thats a sign of healing!


Respected Member
Day 636
Weight 202.9lbs.
Body fat 21.7

My body weight has been all over the place these last few days since I've been back. Saturday morning it read 209 pounds and 23% body fat! I couldn't believe it and had to take it again just to double check. I thought I'd lost almost all my progress, it was disheartening to say the least. Yesterday it was back to 205, and now it's back to what it mostly was a week ago. I think my method of staying away from carbs throughout most of the day, then going crazy in the night with booze and snacking seems to have paid off, although my body didn't know what to think about it and was just bloated when I got back, thus my crazy weight fluctuations. Either way I'm happy about it and it's nice to be back on track! But I tell you what though, getting back on track these last couple of days feels like trying to get back after a relapse of porn, it's hard to get back to normal and life feels not as "fun" as life was just a few days ago. How quickly we get use to "bad habits". :cool:

I know you’ve stopped counting months, but you’re two days off a year and three quarters. It’s a great start 😉
Thanks @GBS! Maybe I should start counting backwards from starting tomorrow. I've thought about doing that just to keep my head in the game. There's no turning back now.

Best Sir.


Well-Known Member
Day 636
Weight 202.9lbs.
Body fat 21.7

My body weight has been all over the place these last few days since I've been back. Saturday morning it read 209 pounds and 23% body fat! I couldn't believe it and had to take it again just to double check. I thought I'd lost almost all my progress, it was disheartening to say the least. Yesterday it was back to 205, and now it's back to what it mostly was a week ago. I think my method of staying away from carbs throughout most of the day, then going crazy in the night with booze and snacking seems to have paid off, although my body didn't know what to think about it and was just bloated when I got back, thus my crazy weight fluctuations. Either way I'm happy about it and it's nice to be back on track! But I tell you what though, getting back on track these last couple of days feels like trying to get back after a relapse of porn, it's hard to get back to normal and life feels not as "fun" as life was just a few days ago. How quickly we get use to "bad habits". :cool:

Thanks @GBS! Maybe I should start counting backwards from starting tomorrow. I've thought about doing that just to keep my head in the game. There's no turning back now.

Best Sir.
Hey man -- just remember, the BF calculator done by the weight scales can be waaaaay off. The best test is water displacement but we don't have access to that without paying for it (not worth it IMO). Measure progress not just by weight (esp. if you're lifting and simultaneously putting on mass), but also by 1) looking at yourself in the mirror and 2) belt sizes (these do not lie)

I feel you, I've actually put on a few pounds (now around 162 vs 159) but my belt size is the same and I've put on some mass. So while I still want to get to 150lb if I'm putting on some muscle then that's still progress