I think whatever you do brother, don't be too hard on yourself. Before I met my lady I did the bar scene for a year or so with the boys, however, my "success" was very very limited. Needless to say, I was very hard on myself because of this, and that sure as hell didn't help my situation. I wasn't like many of the other guys, that is, extremely extraverted bros, thus, I was trying to be something that I wasn't, which is never a good idea, besides, women can see right through that. Bars are loud, the music is loud, and many people there are very annoying etc., and to be honest, bars are a place I would never hang out in by myself except for one reason, to get women, thus, that was my first mistake. Eventually I learned that it's totally okay that I'm not that way and I should do something different, something more in line with my personality etc. Then I started "looking for girls" in places I alreadly hung out in: bookstores, coffee shops etc. and I had considerably more success because of this. Those places are quiet, and I didn't have to compete with some "alpha male" at the bar for a girl's attention, and I could be my normal charming cowboy self, while still being manly enough to approach and strike up a conversation etc. And most importantly, I wasn't pretending to be something I wasn't.