I will make it -- Looking forward to taking my life back


Respected Member
These are great thoughts @First_step_thousand_miles and @Ezel.

I completely agree that it can be hard to go about your day and not notice what's going on around you, either the porn-like advertisements, or the insane shit women (girls?) can wear these days walking around the gym etc. I do think it just takes more time and more healing to get a grip on much of this. Of course, some of this will never end because we're red-blooded males who were designed to notice beauty and be proactive in chasing it and reproducing etc. However, finding the fine-line between appreciating and lusting is something we all have to figure out for ourselves, AND figure it out in every different stage of our recovery. One thing that helps me is to not try to fight the urge, or even, to not get too upset about what's allowed these days etc. To me anyways, when I go out thinking about NOT trying to notice scantly clad women, well, that's exactly what I noticed because that's what my thoughts are on! Instead try to do this, go out thinking about what YOU want to be thinking about during your day. Sure you'll still notice everything you just mentioned, however, don't let yourself get stuck in thoughts like: I can't believe this is allowed, our society is going to shit (probably true), I must fight my urges, modern women are sluts etc. None of these thoughts are ever going to help you (much less get you a woman!), because it makes you focus your mind on the very things you don't want.

I can say it does get easier as time marches on and your brain continues to heal. I haven't mentioned this yet on my thread, but I'll say it here, I don't think my relapse has fucked up my brain much, because I feel practically the same way I felt four months ago before my relapse when walking about town or at the gym. I feel very clean mentally and my world is sexual but not sexualized. I hope to God this is true and that he saved me from screwing up my mind too much this last time around. That would mean I was practically healed before my last relapse, and my one and only PMO session (plus a few more sessions just looking and lightly masturbating) didn't get my delicate mind too screwed up. God I hope this is true, and so far it seems to be true. All the more reason to stay on the straight and narrow because I don't think I would be so lucky going down that path even once more. Needless to say, I say that only to show it does get better, and even though society might not be the way it should be, your mind CAN change and it doesn't have to be influenced by it, and what is more, YOU can be the captain of your own ship.

Let's keep aiming high brothers, and never look back. And let's focus on what we want and what we want to think about during our short amount of time here on this earth.

My daily thoughts are...

I want true freedom
I want true accomplishment
I want true intimacy
I want to respect women
And most of all I want to respect myself

Best brothers
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Respected Member
Hang in there brother, don't lose hope. Actually the thing you said about you witnessing the degenerate things going out in the world is a proof that your mind is getting cleaned up, a mind who is so obsessed with porn and sex can't see what you just saw. It reminded me when neo started to see the code of the matrix. You just found a glitch my friend.
You know what you got to do next.
Very true brother. You're right, no use complaining -- need to translate this into action and stay away from anything even resembling porn


Respected Member
These are great thoughts @First_step_thousand_miles and @Ezel.

I completely agree that it can be hard to go about your day and not notice what's going on around you, either the porn-like advertisements, or the insane shit women (girls?) can wear these days walking around the gym etc. I do think it just takes more time and more healing to get a grip on much of this. Of course, some of this will never end because we're red-blooded males who were designed to notice beauty and be proactive in chasing it and reproducing etc. However, finding the fine-line between appreciating and lusting is something we all have to figure out for ourselves, AND figure it out in every different stage of our recovery. One thing that helps me is to not try to fight the urge, or even, to not get too upset about what's allowed these days etc. To me anyways, when I go out thinking about NOT trying to notice scantly clad women, well, that's exactly what I noticed because that's what my thoughts are on! Instead try to do this, go out thinking about what YOU want to be thinking about during your day. Sure you'll still notice everything you just mentioned, however, don't let yourself get stuck in thoughts like: I can't believe this is allowed, our society is going to shit (probably true), I must fight my urges, modern women are sluts etc. None of these thoughts are ever going to help you (much less get you a woman!), because it makes you focus your mind on the very things you don't want.

You're right 10000%. At the end of the day, this thought process does lead you to 'woman are sluts' and ultimately inceldom. Maybe it's true and maybe it isn't, but at the end of the day it isn't a useful thought in making us go where we want to go. There's no point thinking about what we want fixed in others / the world at large, we can only work to fix ourselves and become better men. Thanks for the gentle reminder to steer away from such thoughts and towards more productive things

I can say it does get easier as time marches on and your brain continues to heal. I haven't mentioned this yet on my thread, but I'll say it here, I don't think my relapse has fucked up my brain much, because I feel practically the same way I felt four months ago before my relapse when walking about town or at the gym. I feel very clean mentally and my world is sexual but not sexualized. I hope to God this is true and that he saved me from screwing up my mind too much this last time around. That would mean I was practically healed before my last relapse, and my one and only PMO session (plus a few more sessions just looking and lightly masturbating) didn't get my delicate mind too screwed up. God I hope this is true, and so far it seems to be true. All the more reason to stay on the straight and narrow because I don't think I would be so lucky going down that path even once more. Needless to say, I say that only to show it does get better, and even though society might not be the way it should be, your mind CAN change and it doesn't have to be influenced by it, and what is more, YOU can be the captain of your own ship.
Thank you my friend, I needed to hear this. It does get easier for sure, but I feel like my brain is still somewhat jumbled sometimes...perhaps because of all the peeking I did. That needs to 100% stop to recover the rest of the way I realize now

Let's keep aiming high brothers, and never look back. And let's focus on what we want and what we want to think about during our short amount of time here on this earth.

My daily thoughts are...

I want true freedom
I want true accomplishment
I want true intimacy
I want to respect women
And most of all I want to respect myself

Best brothers

Beautiful thoughts my friend. Onwards and upwards from here


Respected Member
Day 563 no porn
Day 141 cold showers
Day 95 meditation
Day 3 no MO

Good news, had successful sex a few days ago! Didn't need a blowjob to get hard, and was able to perform in doggy & missionary vs. only cowgirl in my other times. Also I only used 25mg Viagra this time (every other time I used 50mg) and it still worked just as well (if not better because of the other positions). This stuff really works! In future, I'm going to stick with 25mg a few times and then just cut down to half that and then nothing as I re-adapt to real women

On a side note, while hookups are fine I'm realizing I really want the intimacy of a relationship. So while I probably wouldn't turn down a one-time thing, I'd really like to find a long term partner next year. On that note, I'm also planning to do 100 days no MO -- this will most likely be the last time I ever do this but I feel like it's an important step that I really want to take. 96 days is the longest I've ever done, I want to make it to triple digits. I'm sure taking a pause will also help my brain as well

Keep the faith my guys!


Respected Member
This makes me so happy @First_step_thousand_miles. Fucking A man! :cool: All your hard work is paying off. The message of this site is true; stay away from the filth and the symptoms will go away as well.

Best brother.

Love you.
Love you bro! I'm so fucking glad to know you brother, seeing you succeed was what gave me the fuel to succeed myself. I'm thrilled to be here and I truly mean it when I say I couldn't have done it without your encouragement all those times when I had doubts and fears. Let's get it my man!!!


Respected Member
Man I need to admit something. I am very, very glad I quit porn. Yet I'm finding I kind of miss it too, which I know is odd. Note this is different from URGES -- I don't have urges for porn at least as of the past few weeks (even when I think about it, the urges are pretty much nonexistent which is great). I just miss the sheer variety and novelty (which is pretty much endless...hence the problem!). And I guess to be perfectly honest, I miss the fantasy aspect of it....while using porn, you could fantasize to being with an absolute 10. When in real life, for 90% of guys that will pretty much be out of reach (esp for a longer term thing) -- and I'm including myself here. The fantasy of porn is really convincing us we can have sex with whatever girl we want (at least subconsciously even if the girl is having sex with someone different on camera).

I guess part of this is boredom as well. The biggest reasons for relapses I feel are feeling shitty (which makes us want to feel good) and just plain boredom. Don't get me wrong folks -- I'm not going to relapse. This is more a reflective piece to get off my chest (which I've been feeling for a little while) than something I need to urgently put on paper to avoid relapsing. And I'm glad my penis is finally working with real women as well.

I suppose part of this is from also feeling stuck. I feel like my career goals are kind of in limbo right now, I'm making progress on lifting but it doesn't feel fast enough, and I don't feel that much closer to finding a LT partner. Talking to a girl right now but I'm just not sure how interested I am to take this further. So I guess it's also the feeling of lack of forward momentum. It's also really darn hard when I look around, and see so many of my peers in LT relationships or even starting to get married. Objectively, maybe half are in LT relationships / married while the other half are single so it's not crazy....but I guess if you'd asked me 5yrs earlier when I was 22 where I thought I'd be at this point I figured I'd have a lot more figured out -- I would've said my career would be pretty set, I'd be in a long-term relationship (maybe engaged), and I'd look fantastic physically.

Times like this remind me how much porn robbed from me, but I also need to take responsibility for myself...the porn was there but I was the one that chose to use it. And I was also the one that chose to quit it, so I suppose that's a point in my corner. I'll take more in a bit on a 2023 goals reflection post, the short answer is I've made progress on almost all of them (and accomplished several), but I figured I'd be much farther along on all of them as well. That's why for 2024 I'm planning on taking no prisoners -- I will finish my 2023 goals and go much farther than ever before on all of it. Let's get it guys


Respected Member
I've always admired your accountability brother, don't be too concerned with your 17 year old life projections; you're still young!
haha thanks man. I just want to put my honest thoughts here -- good or bad -- and it certainly is cathartic to do so. You're right, sometimes I think 'what if I was 17 again, I would do it all right this time' but you only get one shot. That said, 27 (nearly 28) is still pretty young in the grand scheme of things and I'm much better off today than I was a year ago in a lot of ways. My destiny is still mine, it's not too late to capture it and become the man I know I can be. I know the same is true for you man


Man I need to admit something. I am very, very glad I quit porn. Yet I'm finding I kind of miss it too, which I know is odd. Note this is different from URGES -- I don't have urges for porn at least as of the past few weeks (even when I think about it, the urges are pretty much nonexistent which is great). I just miss the sheer variety and novelty (which is pretty much endless...hence the problem!). And I guess to be perfectly honest, I miss the fantasy aspect of it....while using porn, you could fantasize to being with an absolute 10. When in real life, for 90% of guys that will pretty much be out of reach (esp for a longer term thing) -- and I'm including myself here. The fantasy of porn is really convincing us we can have sex with whatever girl we want (at least subconsciously even if the girl is having sex with someone different on camera).

I guess part of this is boredom as well. The biggest reasons for relapses I feel are feeling shitty (which makes us want to feel good) and just plain boredom. Don't get me wrong folks -- I'm not going to relapse. This is more a reflective piece to get off my chest (which I've been feeling for a little while) than something I need to urgently put on paper to avoid relapsing. And I'm glad my penis is finally working with real women as well.

I suppose part of this is from also feeling stuck. I feel like my career goals are kind of in limbo right now, I'm making progress on lifting but it doesn't feel fast enough, and I don't feel that much closer to finding a LT partner. Talking to a girl right now but I'm just not sure how interested I am to take this further. So I guess it's also the feeling of lack of forward momentum. It's also really darn hard when I look around, and see so many of my peers in LT relationships or even starting to get married. Objectively, maybe half are in LT relationships / married while the other half are single so it's not crazy....but I guess if you'd asked me 5yrs earlier when I was 22 where I thought I'd be at this point I figured I'd have a lot more figured out -- I would've said my career would be pretty set, I'd be in a long-term relationship (maybe engaged), and I'd look fantastic physically.

Times like this remind me how much porn robbed from me, but I also need to take responsibility for myself...the porn was there but I was the one that chose to use it. And I was also the one that chose to quit it, so I suppose that's a point in my corner. I'll take more in a bit on a 2023 goals reflection post, the short answer is I've made progress on almost all of them (and accomplished several), but I figured I'd be much farther along on all of them as well. That's why for 2024 I'm planning on taking no prisoners -- I will finish my 2023 goals and go much farther than ever before on all of it. Let's get it guys
I really relate to the bit you mentioned about feeling stuck, and not living up to your 17-year old self's goals. That hit me really hard. I even have posts on r/NoFap from when I was 17-18, talking about how I hoped to be in a committed relationship with a steady career by my early 20s.
As a 23 year old, it's definitely really weird seeing some of my friends marry and even a few of them with kids on the way, while I've never even been in a relationship. I'm also stuck in grad school and career prospects are looking very uncertain.

That said, I think we just have to accept our current lives and selves as they are, and focus on what we can do right now to make progress towards out goals. Not to mention, you have plenty to be proud of and to celebrate. Over 1.5 years without porn is a wild achievement, and I'm sure your younger self would be in awe of you now!