Respected Member
Hey @Simon2, I know its hard to get rid of the shame and it's sometimes easier to look backwards than forwards. But ten months is a hell of an achievement, and whatever you might of done over this last while, doesn't change that fact. We all know first hand where this shit can take us, I had a scare myself that forced me out of my complacency and into this current streak I have. Shame can lead us down two very different roads. The first one being the one we're all too familiar with, letting our shame give us an excuse to go back to it, because it's "too late" or "I'm not worth it" etc. The other way, is to use that shame for good, seeing where it leads in the end, and deciding to head off in another new direction. It's true, it doesn't change what you've done in the past, but it WILL change your future, which is all that matters in the end.In doing my best to be in the "porn is not an option" frame of mind again. Don't do anything whatsoever related to searching for it - not even contemplating if I should or should not. It's sort of like resisting by just being passive... So far so good - but I am still motivated by how shitty I feel about my recent actions...
You got this.