A lot to journal about today and a bit of a slip up to unpack. This morning I redownloaded some dating apps. Yesterday a friend of mine spoke about his current girlfriend who he met from a dating app. I left the interaction a little frustrated with my dating situation.
@cookiemonster, I hear you about all of this. I can be real frustrating when others have a girlfriend and we do not. It's very easy to fall into the feel sorry for me trap.
This morning I downloaded the apps and it completely fucked my day. I didn't go to the gym as I normally do and really I haven't done anything productive, just sort of compulsively floated in and out of the apps distracted and triggered.
There's no question that the apps are a porn substitute because I immediately started using them compulsively.
Yes, this is a real problem with those apps, and it's something I would definitely be watchful of, but you alreadly seem mindful of that fact. In many ways, dating apps have commodified relationships and hookups, like porn has commodified women's bodies and us men's natural inclination to fall in love with our eyes. There's nothing wrong with them per se but there is a real gap between reality and just strolling and looking for that "perfect match" which is very similar to porn in that regard. And of course as you realized, your normal habits went right out the window which is a clear sign that something is off.
I'm healed: my ED is gone (I'm assuming) because I have morning wood like every morning and get spontaneous erections basically anytime a woman touches me.

Fuck yeah!
I really want to be intimate with a woman at this point and the fact that nothing is happening is becoming increasingly frustrating for me. It's not really like I'm taking the initiative to make anything happen either when I'm honest about it. I'm an attractive guy with my life together so I've got no reason to mope about.
I hear you. Having a relationship or just a few positive experiences could really do you good right now. It is time to act, but dating apps could be the wrong choice.
Furthermore, another thing to me mindful of with those apps, is that unless you're in the top 80% of men when it comes to the looks department, you'll be practically passed over without even a moment's thought. Of course, I'm not saying you're not good looking (I don't know you!) but only you can figure that out by being honest with yourself and by the comments you've received (or have not received) from the opposite sex over the years. I'm all about being positive and having confidence, but when it comes to attraction (especially on apps), it's what the opposite sex thinks about us is all that matters in the end. And unfortunately, with dating apps, that is literally all you have to offer is your looks, all other factors that make us men attractive like body language, facial expressions, the way we talk and engage with a woman across from us, our charm or sense of humor, our passions and goals, have no bearing in just a picture, even IF we're really good looking! Thus, like
@DmdsDmt said, I wouldn't let an app affect you.
I think I still have porn which is affecting my thinking because I really don't want to settle down with one person. Before I'm even in the game it's like the objective is breadth rather than depth. Although to be fair on myself, I haven't dated anyone in YEARRRS so it's not necessarily that strange for me to be uncomfortable with the idea of committing to a long-term, exclusive thing as soon as I'm getting back into dating.
This is probably true to some extent, but as you said, you haven't found anyone yet that really blows your mind, which I don't think is necessarily porn related. And if it's been years, then yes, "settling" down with the first girl you meet would not be wise. However, you do need to get out there and have some experiences, and that doesn't have to be all sexual experiences, but yes, just meeting people and seeing which ones really get you going. I think it's very easy to think black and white when it comes to this question, that is,
is porn affecting me or not? I don't know if you've read my journal, but I've had the same "problem" but from the other side, where I question,
is my current lady the right one for me, and is porn affecting these thoughts? I don't think in the end it's that simple, especially as you get further and further away from porn.
There's this one girl I've been hanging out with who is super keen on me but the problem is she's more into me than I'm into her. I've basically refrained from letting the relationship develop because anything we do will probably be more significant for her than for me.
Yes, If you don't feel anything for that girl, I think it would be wise to move on. No reason wasting her time or yours! Nothing to feel bad about either.
If I think back on what has happened today: I skipped the gym, did nothing all day, feel triggered and fog-brained and I don't know if there's anything tangible that you could say I got back in return. A pretty strong argument for getting rid of the apps and getting back on track.
Yes. I think you answered your question. Which is good!