Stay strong
But I'm just like dry tinder next to a raging fire when it comes to young women.
I know for me I would have to agree with you, and most men would too if they were being honest. However, I would caution to make sure you don't feel shame about this natural desire, but only that letting it run free could lead you back to porn. For me personally, over the years I've had to learn how to be okay with my natural desires, but more importantly, learn to differentiate between them AND what porn has done TO them, an important distinction! Obviously this is easier said than done, but I think it's necessary to do. Porn is alreadly shameful enough, thus we don't need to carry any more unnecessary shame about our desires and hide them in the dark as well.
Shame for me, was, and to some extant, is a big motivator for my past porn use. Thus, I think it's okay to name the desire, even though we would admit that acting on it would be wrong, especially if we're married or in a relationship. Let's face it, us men, from 20 to 80 years old, love younger women, and it's been this way ever since the beginning of time, and no social programing could ever stop this fact. But why is this so? I don't believe it's because us men are "naturally" misogynistic and women are absolutely perfect, no that can't be it. Black and white answers like that are the worst and get us nowhere in modern discussions. The fact is, it's simply a part of our biology, and not even our advanced civilization can overcome this instinct. Us men like younger women because they're fertile and are able to have babies, it's as simple as that. Yes, their bodies are sexy and young, but if you think about it from a more biological sense, some of the sexiness factor goes away, and it helps to understand why we are the way we are.
This is why porn is literally a Trojan horse for us men, because it takes our natural desires and wreaks havoc on them! And, unlike Leonardo Dicaprio lol, most men don't have the looks, status or game to get young women when they are older (hell even when they're the same age!), thus, porn is their only option to "fulfill" that biological need. Variety plays a gigantic part as well.
This is why porn is the devil, and it really needs to be extricated plank by plank from our lives and burned in the Aegean sea, as the Trojans should of done to that damned horse!
Addendum: I don't mean to say that older women aren't beautiful or don't have any worth to us men, absolutely not! I'm just explaining the biology of us men and why we do the things we do. Women have their own biological imperatives, and by looking at the divorce rates,
Tinder and modern hookup statistics, women love the top 20% of men. I call this the Mr. Darcy phenomenon.
It seems the gods had the last laugh when they made both sexes' biological imperatives different!
@SimonM, I didn't mean to word vomit on your thread.