my journey, 25, male, PMO since ~11, 100% ED, done with this shit forever, it did enough harm


Active Member
Day 245

What i noticed is that porn literally completely kills out the "love" in sexuality. Sexuality is so much better when you love the person you are interacting with. porn is a waste of everything.


Active Member
Day 247

The feeling you have the next day after winning the fight over an urge is always more satisfying and better than the 1-2 seconds we get from an orgasm to PM. always. its like the rules of physics
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Active Member
Day 253

Had sex without a condom with my gf and it felt amazing. I was even slightly aroused and was able to hold my erection somewhat while penetrating. This is HUGE for me. There is light ar tje end of the tunnel. This feels so much more right, good and natural than any hardcore porn session ever. This is the path