Finally moving towards recovery!

achilles heel

Well-Known Member
PeaceOfMind062012 said:
Hey guys,

Does anybody have some kind, encouraging words to help bring me up? I just had a relapse last night after 3 months of not PMO-ing :(

I was/am doing really well, and I want to see this as a tiny little bump on the road to recovery, but right now (the morning after) I'm feeling a bit sad/depressed/confused/dissappointed in myself, all that stuff. I'm trying to be really big on forgiving myself cuz I know that's the best way to move through after having an accidental relapse.

Ok, I'm gonna move out into the day.

Hope to hear from you!


Hey Peace!

The same happened to me after almost three months. And then it hit me again several times. Prepare yourself the best you can for the chaser effect, go outside, stay busy, connect with people. I wish I would have kept it a little bump on the road, but instead I got thrown off and it feels even worse afterwards - don't do the same. It's totally worth it to suffer and resist the urges and I know you can do it! Set yourself a low goal and be proud if you reach the first 2-3 days without relapsing again. Resisting the days after a relapse is harder than a really long streak, so get up and keep walking immediately!


Active Member
Thank you so much for that Achilles! Very helpful. I'm feeling really mopey right now, but that's good to hear from you that I gotta get up and keep moving :)


Active Member
Ok, so I had a relapse last night. I kinda know how it happened: I was having some drinks with a friend, and then we shared a cigarette, and then there was some weed in the cigarette, and then we smoked a few, and I was a little high. And for some reason, I've built up an association in my head between smoking weed and PMO-ing, and I basically know this already, and I know that I basically cannot smoke weed, because if I do, there's like an 80% chance that I'll PMO, but sometimes I slip up because time passes and I forget, or I'm just feeling really good in the moment, and I feel that I can reward myself and celebrate. But now I'm even more sure that I can't smoke weed- just another bit of experience to prove to me that this is true.

So now I'm experiencing the day after a relapse and I feel kinda shitty (as we all know). I feel restless, I feel anxious, I feel like I don't want to be where I am right now, and I have to rush off to the next thing very quickly. I feel dazed and confused. I'm noticing now that this is the worst part about after a relapse, and some of the things that could potentially push me back into more relapsing/ more PMO: this feeling of unease inside myself, that keeps me grasping after SOMETHING ? ANYTHING!!!! But in reality is probably just a combination of depleted dopamine mixed with disappointment and shame. And I know that all I have to do is keep on trucking, and stay away from P, and keep moving forward in my recovery.

Although I do feel that this is a setback, and that I messed up, I also want to not sweat it too much, and realize that we all make mistakes, and that I just did three solid months of not PMO-ing, and that that's amazing, and that I'm still moving forward in my recovery from porn!



Active Member
Hey friends!

So I had relapse on the night of the 27th :( it's ok- I know that this could possibly be just a bump in the road to recovery, or if I'm not careful it could be a huge string of relapses which would put me back a few months in my efforts. I know that I have try very hard and stay on the path :)

Another thing I'm re-realizing is that there is a very big/strong/influential part of my brain that DOESN'T WANT TO QUIT!! It must be that ancient limbic system. It just gets so so turned on and fired up by watching two people have sex!! And porn is so so so well designed in every way to turn us on, get us off, and then keep us coming back and wanting more!! Such a difficult thing to resist!! But I'm resisting it :)

I've said this before, but this move away from porn addiction means really becoming a new person- because there are parts of my brain that have old sets of values which re-enforce the addiction (mostly values that get turned on by objectifying women, or dominating women in some way). And if I'm going to truly move away from this addiction I need to reform these old values and attitudes, and I need to start acting differently towards women in my everyday life. This means taking my time in courting a woman, as opposed to just going straight for sex? which is often what my first instinct is to do :(

Hope to hear from you all soon! 



Active Member
Dude! I AM doing well, and that's what I'm so happy about. I'm not trying to boast, but to perhaps provide some inspiration to those who might find themselves in darker days.

I had a relapse on the 28th (27th?) of July (strangely exactly 3 months after I had last PMO-ed). I've been MO-ing since then, but luckily no porn relapse. Honestly, what was my achilles heel (no pun intended Achilles), was smoking Marijuana. That's what made me weak and let that little bastard of porn addiction back in.

Anyway, I got back up on my feet as soon as possible (thanks to the advice of you kind folks) and although my day afterwards was kind shitty, I stayed the course, even though I TOTALLY felt the chaser effect to want to watch more porn in the days afterwards. I haven't touched the stuff since my relapse on July 28th, and I'm super happy about that!!!

In the rest of my life I feel blessed that I have a lovely job that I enjoy, where I get to be very social, and also I recently moved into a house where my roomates are really awesome, wholesome people, which helps build up my faith and confidence in myself and also in humanity.

Overall I'm doing ok :)

Having said that, life is still life, and there are still challenges, no doubt. But I feel that now that I don't have that goddamned parasite sucking all of my goodness away, I am in a way better (stronger) position to deal with life's challenges.

Please leave comments. I'm happy to give support, but might not answer right away just cuz things are busy in my life these days, and I'm also really enjoying all the beautiful time that not having the porn addiction has freed up for me :)

All the best!!



Active Member
Hey Ya'll!

I'm still here. Still doing ok.

Haven't PMO'ed since my relapse on the 27th of July, and still happy about that.

Even though I'm walking the life of being free of porn, life still does throw it's challenges at me. Lately I'm dealing with a little heart break (I told a girl that I liked her, and she didn't totally reciprocate :( ), which is ..........not easy!! haha. And it's easy to see how I could potentially go back to porn. But I see it, and I'm staying away.

Gonna go get a good night's sleep. I'll talk to you all soon!!



Active Member
Hello Ya'll!

I'm still doing ok. Life's just trucking along. I've been MO-ing fairly regulary, but still no PMO!! There's a lot of attractive ladies around that I want hook up with, haha. I think that could be a really good thing - having real sex with a real woman!!

It's funny; in the past when my sex life was a mixture of PMO, and sometimes real sex, my sex drive was pretty low when I would be with a real woman, and I used to think that that's just the way it was always gonna be! But now that I know more about the brain science, and I've been abstaining from PMO-ing (haven't PMO-ed since April 28th, with only one relapse on July 28th), I find that I'm very much more turned on by real women! And that's super awesome!! I'm trying to direct more of my sexual energy towards real women, and I want to start having real sex so I can help re-wire my brain towards more natural stimulus.

Anyway, I'm also trying to do my exercises on a regular basis (pushups, a few chinups and some other core exercises as well as stretches), and it's amazing how good that makes me feel in my everyday interactions, while at the same time not PMO-ing!!! It makes me feel much more confident!! It also helps that I'm living with a bunch of roomates, and so I always have people around to interact with, which is great for filling the "void" left by porn addiction.

I hope everybody's doing well in their struggle! And I now know that there IS way out of the porn trap! Have faith in your own process and that you can heal!! It CAN be done :)



Hey Peace!

WOOOOW I'm really glad to hear that you're still doing good. I completely can relate to what you're saying about being turned on by real women. I think I'm not still as far as you are in my progress, but reading your experience has given me more motivation and faith in this fight.

Keep the good work! I have an eye on u ;)


Active Member
Beautiful man. Keep up taking care of your mind and body and strengthening them in healthy ways. The beauty of genuine sexual and intimate connection is our birthright! I think perhaps it's one of the most healing experiences of all.


Active Member
Hello fapstronauts!

Just writing an update on life and whatnot.

A big piece of news in my life lately is that I had sex with a woman! It's been awhile since I've had sex, and I was/am super excited because it's basically the first time I've had sex since I began a serious effort at my reboot! Well, as a result of not PMO-Ing for 4.5 months (minus the exception of my relapse in late July), I got hard, and I stayed hard for the whole thing (totally naturally, without pills or anything) I must say I did notice a difference in how aroused I was and how hard I stayed in comparison to the last time I had sex (which was right before I started my reboot back in the spring). The last time, I was pretty limp, I mean I got it hard enough to have intercourse, but it wasn't as reliably hard as it was this last time. So this time, I got hard, was easy to get aroused, and was pretty easy to reach orgasm. I'm hoping that this trend of getting more easily aroused and staying hard during sex will just continue as I continue along the road of rebooting.

In one of Gabe's videos he was talking about how when he started to reboot, and started to be able to get hard again during intercourse, he thinks he probably would have become a 'man whore' (in his words), but he didn't because he had a girlfriend at the time. I DON'T have a girlfriend right now, and I'm almost thinking about possibly becoming a 'man whore', In terms of having possible multiple partners, lol. I dunno, I mean, when he said it in the video, he almost said it derogatorily as if having multiple partners was a bad thing ? I'm not saying that it doesn't have its downsides, but I think that I'm ok to possibly explore having a few different partners if that's what manifests itself. I think what he might have been referring to was how sometimes we can lie to people when we're trying to have sex with them, which I don't agree with. But, I dunno, I think that having multiple partners has gotten a bad rap in our society, for example being called a 'slut'. Like why does it have to be like that? Why do we just have one traditional model (monogamy) that is considered "good"? I'm a little curious to try being with various partners. I dunno, maybe it's just me being horny and being afraid to commit to one person. Or maybe it's that I don't often have a good "soul connection" with many women, but I am often sexually attracted to many different women? so that then takes the form of wanting to hook up with multiple partners ? I dunno! lol. Anybody got any thoughts? I mean I am definitely aware about how watching lots of pornography can make somebody focus only on sex, and how if that's all you do in life, that can become destructive, shallow and lonely, but I also feel that maybe it's possible to celebrate sex with multiple people, and communicate with people so that everyone knows what's happening. Hmmm, again- thoughts anybody?

Hey man!

I'm back! I have alot to catch up on with everyone. This week i'm gonna find some time to make a big post and talk about the whirlwind that the last 2 months have been. Have you heard from... I can't remember his name now... The one who dropped off before I left... Had the guy playing a guitar for an avatar... You know who i'm talking about? Glad to see you're still kicking around.

-The Faptain


Active Member
Mirroring some of your thoughts Peace. Simply put. Monogamy or Polygamy or Celibacy, they can all be sacred expressions of sexuality.. and they can all be abused and perverted. It comes down to if we are rooted in a place of love or fear in our selves. Fear distorts sexuality into all kinds of perverse, destructive behavior. Love empowers and connects. There is nothing inherently wrong with having many sexual partners. It's just that so many of us carry a history of sexual shame and fear, and that fear gets projected outwards on the thought of being free and powerful in our sexuality.

I have some more thoughts to add to the conversation, but I'll have to write them later as it's too late for me now. But I'll try to come by later and keep the talk going. Thanks for sharing.


Active Member
Hey fapstronauts! Just another update of my non-PMO life. Haven't PMO-ed since July 27-28th! :)

Hey Faptain and Sunborn! Thanks for the comments!

Faptain- good to see you again! I'm excited to hear what you've been up to for the last two months! That fella you're talking about was called Siphus, and I haven't heard from him actually since he dropped off around mid June (I think it was around there). Wish he would drop by though! I hope that he's doing ok with his struggle, and I hope that maybe he's still coming on here every now and again to check up on us even if he's not posting :) glad to see you're 'face' again.

Sunborn- thank you for that very beautiful comment! I came onto Reboot Nation last night, about to copy and paste my big post that I'd written up as a word doc, but after reading your comment, I just had to stop and let it sink in! :) it's true: I DO also carry around a history of shame around sex, and that puts me in a place of fear when it comes to expressing myself intimately and sexually. I think it's gonna take some time to reform those attitudes and views around sex, around having possible multiple partners (like you said, it isn't inherently a bad thing), and about either being monogamous, polygamous or celibate. I have to reform where I'm coming from in my heart- like you said:  is it fear based, or love based?     

And on that note, here's my much longer original post :)

Well, like I said last week, I had sex with a lady, and that was awesome. But today I want to talk a little bit about that and how it doesn't necessarily "complete you". I think we fapstronauts (and I guess really I'm speaking about myself, but I think there's a good chance that others might feel the same way) may sometimes view sex as the "be all and end all" of life, and once we get back to normal, and our penises are "fixed" again and can get hard again, then everything in life will be alright. I feel that in my life anyway, I have this illusion that that is the case, but in reality it's more complicated than that. Life is still life. It still has its challenges. We will still get disappointed and let down by other things even months and years after our penis and neural pathways have done a lot of healing from porn addiction. For myself, I find probably the biggest challenge on this path, is my attempt to move away from having sex being almost this compulsive release in my life that I NEED to have. Like, basically still an addiction at its core, even if I'm not PMO-ing anymore. And the second massive challenge for me on this path is to try and redefine my views and relationships towards women, because during my entire "career" as a PMO-er, women have always been portrayed and displayed as sex objects solely for men's pleasure, as "sluts" (e.g. Humans who do not have validity in other avenues of life other than sex), and a bunch of other disrespectful roles. I feel that watching porn has implanted these images and values in my mind, but also the society I live in has reinforced these values. And I guess it makes sense that porn would take its cues from society in the first place, but I guess my point is that even if someone stops watching porn on the regular, you've still got your imprinted mental images to deal with all the time, as well as society's subtle reinforcement of these values, that make it very difficult to stop this habit, and attempt to reform new views and values towards women. Not saying it can't be done, it can just be very challenging, that's all :)

A side note that's sort of on topic: I feel that part of my (our) problem is that we 'put women on a pedestal', e.g. we  have this illusion that women are these perfect, pure creatures that don't have any problems of their own, and that are just waiting for us to come along so that they can "complete us" and take care of all our emotional needs. I think those unconscious thoughts are rubbish, and that they only serve to reinforce those outmoded and ultimately illusory views of women as archetypes instead of as people just like us men, (whether it be the virgin archetype, the nurturer archetype, the slut archetype, the mother archetype, the saint archetype? any of those). It all serves to cloud the issue that women are real people just like us, who have their own set of problems and challenges, just like us, and that just because a person is a woman, doesn't mean that she is automatically perfect and chaste; we're all in the same boat when it comes to dealing with the "smoke and mirrors" of figuring out how to be in the world as a human being.

On another note, I personally find that I'm constantly being led around by my "little head" so to speak, as opposed to logic and rational thought. I see a pretty woman and she smiles at me, and then I'm instantly distracted and thinking about only that. It's a little annoying to be honest. Cuz I'm pretty sure that in those instances I'm pretty much only interested in having sex?? even though the mind might say "no, I don't want to JUST have sex with her! She might be 'the one'." So then me thinking that she's "the one" will allow that to occupy my thoughts aims and ambitions for the next day or two (even though the only thing I have to base that conviction on is a smile, and my own hopelessly romantic mind). I guess I find it very hard to let go of a potential romance once a lady has smiled at me and showed that she might like me. I think I have to become stronger in myself, and not "fall" for every woman  who smiles at me. But it happens all the time!!! lol. I think I have to get better at letting go. I guess my worry in that case is that I might let go too much, and I won't know how to, or be able to open up to someone new if I'm trying to close myself off to every single temptation.

Hmmmm, just some thoughts fapstronauts! Please leave comments :) I hope everyone is doing well in their struggle!



Active Member
Hey Ya'll,

Here's a technical question: I'll be turning thirty this year. Do I somehow transition my journal to the "journals for 30-39 year old's section"? Just curious if anyone else is coming up to that benchmark?

Haven't PMO-ed since July 27th! Still dealing with fantasies and urges, but I'm still going strong. Last night I was super tired, and the little bastard almost crept back in again, but f*** him, the devil! Haha!

All the best Fapstronauts!



Active Member
Hey man. You share some interesting thoughts. I can definitely relate to putting women on a piedestal, and perhaps viewing them one-dimensionally. I can notice how my mind projects these different archetypes on women without know her at all. Truth is, I don't know her, and whatever imaginary archetype I give her, doesn't reflect her truth at all. This is a character flaw in myself I am constantly working with. But as you say, we live in a society that works against us in this! It's a big challenge indeed.

I can also relate to seeing an attractive woman, and pretty must just feel like having sex with her, more than wondering who this lovely girl might be, how we might connect, what her story is, etc. I think this urge to just want to fuck is some destructive pattern developed by years of porn addiction. I often think of how cells that fire together wire together. It's not surprising then that healthy regular attraction has been hijacked by the urge to just fuck. Because that's how our brains have become wired. Then again, I'm sure wanting to have sex with someone we're attracted to is a very basic and natural response in itself. I just believe it has become out of balance.

Also congrats on going no PMO for so long. That's impressive! keep on creating the life you want to live!


Active Member
Hey Fapstronauts!

Haven?t PMO-ed since July 27th 2016.

Sunborn! Thanks for posting man! Means a lot to me :) Yes, we are kind of going against the grain of society's condition by trying to quit to porn. I think we should all pat ourselves on the back for putting in such a good effort, or just from staying away from the bloody stuff, or at least wanting to quit, and to treat women as fellow human beings. I think that that urge to 'just fuck' would still be there even if we hadn't been conditioned through years of watching porn, but I think it would be there to a lesser degree. Many, many, many, of our sexual behaviors are not innate but LEARNED. We learned how to relate to women from the existing society we were born into (which presently is very patriarchal), and women also learned how to relate to us from the society they were born into, so we're both kind of stuck in this trap, you know? Us objectifying them, them looking for 'prince charming' (speaking very generally, but you catch my drift)

On another note....

Well, my erections are pretty much back in full strength; I can pretty easily get an erection with just touch and fantasizing. One thing that hasn't completely returned, and I think this will probably take a lot longer than it has to get my erections back, is being really turned on by natural stimulus. I mean REALLY turned on, ya know? Like as turned on as we get from porn. Well, I shouldn't expect to ever be that turned on, but you catch my drift; like a really robust healthy libido. I mean it's there, but sometimes even though my penis will be hard, my mind is sometimes like "meh..." (this is admittedly mostly experience gleaned from masturbating by myself, not having sex with a real partner, but like the last time I had sex with a woman, (like two weeks ago) I wasn't super into it all the time. I mean it is nice and all, but not always like "oh yeah, I am SOOO turned on).

I think that that side of it (being turned on inside our bodies and minds, as opposed to just having a healthy erection) is based on other things besides just being able to get our penises hard. I think its based on how you actually feel about that person; if they actually turn you on based on personality, not just physicality. I also think that we as porn addicts are going to have to get used the idea of diminishing our sexual involvement a little bit, cuz NOTHING can compete with porn for that level of "action", even if you were with the most sexually active woman, it still wouldn't compare to what porn can deliver. So I feel that we (I) have to get used to just basically having less......and hopefully make the sex/masturbation we DO get, of better/deeper/more fulfilling quality.

Just thoughts :)

Hope you're all well!!!



Active Member
Hey Everybody,

I just wanted to say that I've been feeling low for the past like 4-5 days. I think it's because I had a string of nights where I didn't get very good sleep. I feel for myself that sleep is really really really important to maintaining good health. It's wierd - normally I'm a pretty "get up and go' kinda guy, but now since I've had inadequate sleep for the past several days, I'm looking at everything through a lense of sadness. I'm almost positive that once I start getting regular sleep again, my mental health will pick up. I think part of it is also that summer is coming to an end, and that means a shift in the way everything feels. Less parties, and good times out on the open grass! Lol. I guess maybe a part of me is also mourning that loss. Anyway, just thought I should post it! I'm Not PMO-ing, but as we've all said before, life continues to throw challenges at us whether we are or aren't PMO-ing. I think though that we're better equiped to deal with them if we're not PMO-ing though.  :)



Active Member
Hello fapstronauts!!

I love you all!

Keep up the good work and it will pay off. I can't say that each and  everyday I feel amazing since I've stopped PMO-ing, but I CAN say that overall, my quality of life has improved. My ability to deal with life's challenges has become more solid. My love for myself has become more solid. I can confidently say that discovering reboot nation and watching a couple of Gabe Deem's videos was one of the best things that ever happened to me! I knew for a while on some level that I wanted to quit porn. I knew it was slowly eating away my soul and stopping me from being the person I want to be. But I didn't know how to get to that place where I was living without porn. I just couldn't seem to get past a week or two of no PMO. I can now say that I'm so so so happy that I stumbled upon Gabe's videos. Those videos and reboot nation gave me the tools and the confidence and support I needed to really move forward in my recovery. It's not impossible to do!

The greatest asset (I feel) in moving toward recovery, is finding that deep want and desire in yourself to leave it behind once and for all. Different software tools to limit contact can be useful for sure. But I find that maybe at the end of the day it can kind of complicate the issue. The most powerful thing that will help move someone towards recovery is cutting through all the layers of complexity of the mind. All the layers of victimhood and self judging, and allowing that part of your mind to be into porn, and then the other part of your mind that resists it. Cut through all that stuff, and find deep within,  that part of yourself that is just so TIRED of it all. Tired of giving in to temptation, and then tired of dealing with recovery for the next few days after a relapse. That deep knowing/witnessing soul inside yourself that's so tired of all that, and wants to leave it all behind, and move on with your life. To be who you want to be, doing the things that you want to do!

I'm not saying that I won't ever relapse again- I most likely probably will at some point in the future. I'm just passing on some things that I feel, and some things that have helped me in my (relatively) short time being free from PMO.

All the best!!
