Hey guys what's up, I'm back to post an update.
These last few months have been kind of rough. Overall life is good, really good actually . . . but there have been some extremely hard things to get thru.
My sister has two very young children and she is struggling with their upbringing. We have all gone above and beyond to help and offer advice and support, but she refuses to do anything to make any improvements in their life. And her boyfriend is a lazy, deadbeat, piece of shit who apparently doesn't care about his own children. My one nephew is about 10 months old, and he has already almost died twice from malnutrition and neglect. DCFS took the children away, and put the parents on a probationary period last year, but they have the children back now. And they are already back to the same shitty parenting, so I doubt that this situation will improve. I feel like it is only a matter of time before they get taken away, this time for good. The foster system in america is lousy at best, I know this from experience. DCFS will most likely remove the children from their current bad situation, and put them in a worse one. There is no happy ending here.
I am angry with my sister -- extremely angry -- but I also love her and hate to see the pain and the poverty she is in. More than that though, I am worried about the children. It is not their fault that their parents are shit, and they don't deserve the life they are being forced into. I feel helpless and depressed and sad. Extremely sad. I spend a lot of time swinging between anger and crying from depression.
I started EMDR therapy about 3 months ago. It is an intense form of "Trauma-Removal" used in psychiatry. It is very painful to go thru, and very triggering, but also very healing. The sessions are difficult to get thru, and sometimes it takes a few days after to feel okay again. We are going back to the scenes from my childhood, so that I can feel all the emotions that needed to be felt then, and discharge them so they aren't poisoning me anymore. This is a good thing, but also a bad thing -- because with EMDR things get worse before they get better. It's kind of like I'm taking heavy doses of the poison in my psyche and trying my best to stay calm until the effects pass. While simultaneously dealing with the normal stresses of work and life in general, so its easy to lose my balance and bearing.
This balance is where I am struggling the most. My addictions have been attacking at me all at the same time. My drug usage has escalated to an alarming rate, and I am finding it harder to stay away from opiates. This part is especially frustrating, because I have been clean from opiates for years now.
When I last posted, I was able to maintain a few porn-free months at a time, with small relapses in between. I don't know if you can really call them relapses, because I seem to have broken the masturbation habit. When I "relapse", I only look at pornographic material but I don't jerk off. Which makes me wonder what I'm even getting out of it, and why I am being pulled back to it. Even without masturbation, I find that the porn still takes over my life and changes my priorities -- so I count a relapse as anytime I willingly look at porn, regardless of masturbation. At any rate, my porn usage has been getting out of control again. My streaks are getting shorter, and my relapses are lasting longer before I get them under control again. When I used to relapse, I would get back on the wagon the next day, or sometimes the same day. Now it takes a few days to get back on my feet, and this last one took me about two weeks. So I can definitely say I am backsliding.
Overall, I am happy with my progress in therapy, and in my personal life. I am more grounded, more confident, less reactionary, and my chronic insomnia seems to be cured, which is a huge improvement. I kind of knew that when I started EMDR I would be heavily triggered, and that urges and relapses would probably come more frequently as a result. Maybe admitting that gave me an excuse to relapse, or maybe it was showing myself compassion, I don't know. All I can say is, EMDR is landing me in a better place in life and healing my pain, so if this is a side-effect, I'll take it. With the trauma removed or reduced, I feel more confident and equipped to live a better life. I think I am in a better position to take on the porn monster now, and I intend to do just that.
Today I am on day 4. It feels good to be back on top again.